User:Cassiel Seraphim/Sandbox

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New icons

Warp scrambling Warp disrupting Energy neutralizing Target painting Webbing Jamming

Warp scrambling Warp scrambling Warp scrambling

Warp disrupting Warp disrupting Warp disrupting

Energy neutralizing Energy neutralizing Energy neutralizing

Target painting Target painting Target painting

Webbing Webbing Webbing

Jamming Jamming Jamming

Scripts Sensor Boosters -

Tracking Speed Script Optimal Range Script Scan Resolution Script Targeting Range Script

Hull Resists

Shield Armour Structure

Electromagnetic resistance Thermal resistance Kinetic resistance Explosive resistance


Enemy Description
JammingWarp scramblingEnergy neutralizingTarget paintingWebbingShield TransporterRemote ECM BurstWarfare LinksFighter Bombers - Lirsautton ParichayaSmall targetMedium targetLarge target Something Textaboutsomething

Sansha's Manual

Enemy Defensive Data Offensive Data
17924_256.png Eystur Rhomben

JammingWarp scramblingEnergy neutralizingTarget paintingWebbing

Ship Stats Electromagnetic Resistance Thermal Resistance Kinetic Resistance Explosive Resistance
Shield Hit Points 2,500 HP
 60 %
 60 %
 60 %
60 %
Armour Hit Points 1,250 HP
 43 %
 43 %
 43 %
 43 %
Structure Hit Points 625 HP
 0 %
 0 %
 0 %
 0 %

Effective Shield Hit Points XX,XXX Effective Shield Hit Points

Damage / Volley Electromagnetic Damage Thermal Damage Kinetic Damage Explosive Damage
Turret Damage 2,500 HP - - - -
Torpedo Damage 1,250 HP - - - -

Optimal Range Script 10km optimal + 1km falloff range
Tracking Speed Script 0,4 tracking speed
Signature Radius49 meter signature radius
Targeting Range Script 12km attack range

Progression template


For resists:

 60 %
 43 %
 33 %
 90 %


shield electromagnetic resistance shield thermal resistance shield kinetic resistance shield explosive resistance


Ship Stats shield electromagnetic resistance shield thermal resistance shield kinetic resistance shield explosive resistance
Icon shield.png 2,500 HP
 60 %
60 %
60 %
60 %
borderless 1,250 HP
 43 %
 43 %
 43 %
 43 %
Icon hull.png 625 HP
 0 %
 0 %
 0 %
 0 %

Synth boosters

The synth boosters are expensive and only lasts for 30 minutes, but they are legal and has no drawbacks. It's not a common practice to use boosters, but if you're looking for that extra edge and is willing to pay for it, you can.

The first slot offers the following legal boosters:

28670_32.png Synth Blue Pill Booster (+3% shield boost)
28676_32.png Synth Exile Booster (+3% armour repairs)
28680_32.png Synth Mindflood Booster (+3% capacitor capacity)
28682_32.png Synth X-Instinct Booster (-2,25% signature radius)

The second slot offers the following legal boosters:

28674_32.png Synth Drop Booster (+3% turret tracking speed)
28678_32.png Synth Frentix Booster (+3% optimal range)
28684_32.png Synth Sooth Sayer Booster (+3% falloff range)

The third slot offers the following legal booster:

28672_32.png Synth Crash Booster (+5% speed and +5% scan resolution)

Know your flags and timers

NPC flag. NPC – This pilot has used offensive modules against an NPC. If a pilot logs off while this flag is active, their ship will remain in space until the timer expires.
PvP flag. PVP – This pilot has recently attacked or been attacked by another pilot. If a pilot logs off while this flag is active, their ship will remain in space until the timer expires.
Weapon flag. Weapons - A pilot with this flag has recently used offensive modules against another pilot. The pilot will not be able to jump, dock or switch ships while this flag is active.
Suspect flag.
Criminal flag.

Suspect/Criminal - This pilot has recently committed criminal or suspicious acts in Empire space. This flag has two states – Suspect(yellow) and Criminal (red). The state is dependent on the severity of their actions and whether or not the actions were committed in Empire space. CONCORD will take action against pilots flagged as criminals in their space, but anyone with either state flagged is freely attackable by other capsuleers.

While at war

At war When your corporation or alliance is at war, the PvP flag becomes deceptively dangerous because assisting anyone with a PvP flag who is at war will flag you as a suspect. As such, it's important to avoid accidentally shooting corporation members, since that is a legal action in and by itself, but it will give you both PvP flags which in turn will either flag the logistics directly or make them inherit the flag, spreading it around.
If you get _any_ other flag than an NPC flag, let your fleet commander know right away. You'll most likely be forced to dock up for safety.