Archive:Returning to EVE University

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EVE University members leave us for a wide range of reasons: to join other corporations, to take part in apprenticeships or training programmes, to explore EVE alone or because they have left the game for a while. One of the purposes of EVE University is to prepare pilots for EVE Online, so we encourage our members to move on, to join other corporations and try out new things.

If they later decide to return to EVE University, returning members get priority for re-entrance over new members. The process for applying is listed below, together with some information on what happens when you rejoin EVE University.

Applying to return to EVE University

The process for applying to return to EVE University depends on how long you have been away from us, and the reason for leaving.

Fast track re-entrance

If you have been away from EVE University for less than thirty days, or you left to attend an apprenticeship or external training course and are coming straight back to EVE University, you are qualified for fast track re-entrance.

To apply for fast track re-entrance you should go to the EVE University Tools page using the in-game browser and log in at the top right hand corner. The log in information is your character name and the same password used for your forum account. If you cannot remember your password you can request a new one from the login screen on the forum.

Once you are logged in, select the tab Apply to the Uni. This will present you with a questionnaire to complete. You do not need to complete this. Click the option at the top for If you are a former member returning under 30 days.

This will take you to a page where you can join the queue for an interview straight away.

Please wait in the E-UNI channel for your interview call. You will be towards the top of the queue and should get an interview fairly quickly. If you need to log off, or you have to go AFK, please close down the browser window containing the EVE University Queue page. This will temporarily remove you from the interview queue so our Personnel Officers do not call you for an interview. You will not lose your place in the queue. Once you are back and available for an interview, just reopen the browser window to rejoin the queue.

If you have any questions while you are waiting for your interview call, please contact one of our Personnel Officers, or post in our public channel, E-UNI, for help.

Returning members who do not qualify for fast track re-entrance

If you do not qualify for fast track re-entrance there is a slightly different process for you to follow, although you will still get priority for entrance.

Go to the EVE University Tools page using the in-game browser and log in at the top right hand corner. The log in information is your character name and the same password used for your forum account.

Once you are logged in, select the tab Apply to the Uni. This will present you with a questionnaire to complete. Please complete this questionnaire to the best of your ability. It helps if you state that you are a returning member and tell us why you left EVE University. When you have completed the questionnaire, press Submit.

Once you have submitted your questionnaire, unlike new members, you do not have to wait for a mail from a Personnel Officer before you join the queue for an interview. You can immediately join the interview queue and select I am an ex-member.

Please wait in the E-Uni channel for your interview call. You will be towards the top of the queue and should get an interview fairly quickly. If you need to log off, or you have to go AFK, please close down the browser window containing the EVE University Queue page. This will temporarily remove you from the interview queue so our Personnel Officers do not call you for an interview. You will not lose your place in the queue. Once you are back and available for an interview, just reopen the browser window to rejoin the queue.

If you have any questions while you are waiting for your interview call, please contact one of our Personnel Officers, or post in our public channel, E-UNI, for help.

After rejoining EVE University

During your interview the Personnel Officer will help you to update your forum access to Member again and ensure you still have access to the Chat.E-Uni channel.

Hi and Bye forum

Please make a post in our Hi and Bye forum to announce your return to EVE University. This is not a compulsory step, but it is useful to let other members know that you have returned, and perhaps to even give us an idea of what you have been doing with your time in-game since you left EVE University.


You should ensure that you have your Overview set up to EVE University standards. If you have changed your Overview since leaving EVE University please change it back. If you have been away from EVE University for a while, please set up your Overview again, as it is likely that it has changed since you were last a member.

If you have not set up your Overview properly and as a result you break our Rules of Engagement or lose your ship to war targets you may hear from our Student Guidance Department.


Ensure that you have read and understood the current EVE University Rules and WSOP. Again, they may have changed since you were last a member of EVE University.

Ignorance of the current rules is no excuse, and if you break the rules or WSOP because you haven't read them properly, you may hear from our Student Guidance Department.


Your Mumble access is linked to your forum access, but takes a few hours to update. Once you have updated your forum access your mumble access will follow automatically.


In order to regain your titles go to the EVE University Tools page page using the in-game browser and select the Titles tab. The message will show which title you held last time you were a member. In order to regain your titles in-game, click Remove All. This removes the block that prevents someone requesting a title the tool believes they already hold.

Once you have clicked Remove All you can reapply for the highest title you held previously. You do not need to apply for the lower titles and work your way up again. In your application, it helps if you state that you are a returning member who previously held the title you are applying for. Please note that all progression titles require you to have (re)joined the University over a week ago. This also applies to returning members. We would like to ask you to keep this waiting period in mind when filing your (re)application. Early applications will not be considered until after that time.

Your application will be processed by our Titles staff, which is likely to take a few days. If your application is approved, the Titles page in the tool will - again - indicate that you hold the title. However, it still needs to be applied by a Director in-game before it appears on your profile. Due to the number of applications, this can take a little while, so please be patient.

If you have any questions about Titles, please see the Titles wiki page and Titles FAQ page. If your question is still not answered, see the Title Questions Go Here thread in the forum.

Questions about rejoining

If you have any questions about rejoining EVE University that have not been covered, please contact one of our Personnel Officers or ask in our public chat channel, E-UNI.