User:Dominik isu
Class Information
This is a syllabus for a class provided by EVE University. This section contains information about this class and its contents. General Information includes materials to create a proper class listing on the EVE University forum. Additional resources and teaching tips are listed under Notes for the Teacher.
General Information
Post this in the forums (remember to change the date and time)
[size=200][color=#FDD017][b]Dealing With Wars in Eve University[/b][/color][/size] [img][/img] This class introduces players to the idea of a hisec wardec, and how to deal with them. [color=#FFFF00]When:[/color] Date and EVE Time [color=#FFFF00]Where:[/color] Public Mumble and Lecture.E-UNI [color=#FFFF00]Duration:[/color] ~1 hour for lecture and Q&A [color=#FFFF00]Topics Covered:[/color] [list][*]War [*]What is a war, and how does it work? [*]How wars will affect you. [*]How your daily activities may be impacted. [*]How to function during a war. [*]Avoiding and escaping War Targets. [*]Q&A [/list] [color=#FFFF00]Student requirements:[/color] [list][*]Mumble registration and access - make sure you have Mumble sorted out and operational well before the class begins. Use this guide for set-up: [url][/url]. [*]Access to the Lecture.E-UNI in-game chat channel. [*]This class will mostly be a lecture, with some QA at the end. There will be an optional practical at the end.[/list] [color=#FFFF00][b]Questions?[/b][/color] Ask in this thread.
Notes for the Teacher
Required materials:
- Access to Lecture.E-UNI chat channel, to receive questions and post relevant links
- Registration and access to the UNI Public Mumble server
- You should be experienced enough to have some tips of your own/understand how these work.
- Useful links:
- Some thoughts on Hisec PvP:
- The MWD Cloak Trick:
- Escaping a Gate Camp:
- Creating an Alt Hauler:
- Our Wartime Standard Operating Procedure:
- Tips For War:
Class Contents
Welcome to the High Sec War Class. This class is meant to teach you about High Sec wars, and how they will affect your future at Eve University.
This course is designed primarily for players who have just joined Eve University, and do not know what a High Sec war is, and how to deal with one.
Over the next hour, I will explain what a War Dec is, how they work, how your daily activities will be affected, and how to avoid War Targets.
(Instructor should then introduce himself or herself - covering relevant experience level and background.)
We have a few ground rules for this class:
- Please configure your Mumble settings for "Push to Talk" if you have not already done so.
- Feel free to type any questions in the Lecture.E-Uni chat channel as we proceed - I will try to answer your questions as they come during the class. [At the end of my lecture, we'll open Mumble for any further questions or general discussion.]
- There will be an optional practical at the end.
Everyone ready? OK, then - let's begin....
What is a High Sec War?
- A High Sec war is when a Corporation or Alliance pays ISK to CONCORD to become legally engageable to another Corporation or Alliance.
- Being legally engageable means that you will show up as flashy red to a member of the opposing corporation, and vice versa (With default or Uni settings). You can attack them in any space, and take no repercussions, except for the normal aggression timers.
- The Uni will most likely be at war when you join, or will be decced soon.
How do wars affect you?
- The Uni is usually decced by professional Highsec PvP corp, which have members who are very good at hunting you down.
- This means you must take extra precautions during your normal day to day activities, to avoid being blown by WT's.
Basic Rules
- The rules have been loosened a lot during E-Uni's 2 years of continual wardecs. You no longer have to dock up without a fleet, fly a certain type of ship, etc.
- That being said, you should still take precautions when flying certain types of ship.
- Golden Rule: Don't Fly What You Can't Afford To Lose
- A quick review of our WSOP
- Don't talk to War Targets, except for gf's. People will actually do this:
- Don't talk to War Targets, except for gf's. People will actually do this:
Doing your Daily Activities Safely
- For a step-by-step walkthrough of the invention mechanics, see this link:
- First, acquire all the requirements that you need for invention.
- Check the Invention tab on your Tech I blueprint for all the required skills and materials.
- Acquire a blueprint copy (BPC) for your Tech I item - make the number of production runs on this BPC to the maximum possible. (For example, on a Power Diagnostic System I BPC, the maximum number of runs is 300.)
- Train the skills to the recommended levels.
- Buy (or manufacture) the required items: BPC, data interface, datacores.
- Acquire the base item (named meta 1-4 item) and/or decryptor, if you wish to use optional items to boost your chance of success.
- Transport all required items to a station (or POS) that has public research labs.
- For example, Poteque Pharma Biotech Research station at Reset VII-11 provides public research labs.
- Note that the UNI research POS does not provide support for invention jobs as game mechanics do not allow corp inventions to be installed at an alliance PoS.
- Select your Tech I BPC, right click on it, and select "Invention".
- Complete the invention research job dialogue box:
- Installation: select the research lab that will conduct the invention job.
- Blueprint: select the Tech I BPC for this invention job.
- Input/Output: show the location(s) for all required items needed for the job, and where you would like the Tech II BPC to be deposited, if successful.
- Base Item: if you include an optional meta 1-4 item, select it here.
- Decryptor: if you include a decryptor, select it here.
- Output Type: if you can produce one of several types of Tech II BPCs from this invention job, select the desired output here. For example, conducting research on a Gallente Atron frigate can produce either an Ares or Taranis interceptor, depending on what you select.
- Start the job and wait for the outcome. You can monitor the status of your invention jobs by clicking the Science & Industry button on your NeoCom, and select the 'Jobs' tab, then pressing the "Get Jobs" button. If you click on your job listing, the dialog will show useful things, including how long the job has to complete. This updates in real time, so you can leave the dialog up if you want a second-by-second countdown timer. Wait times for invention jobs range from about an hour for simple modules, up to several days for large ships.
- When you select a completed job (from the Science & Industry listing on your NeoCom), there will be a Deliver button at the bottom of the dialog. Click that to have the product of your job delivered to you.
- When delivered, you'll get either a "You were successful!" or a "You failed." message.
- Items are consumed by the invention process, whether successful or not.
- If successful, you'll get a Tech II item BPC.
- Tech II module BPCs have runs of 10 items, unless modified by a decryptor.
- Tech II ship BPCs have runs of 1 item, unless modified.
- ME and PE on these Tech II BPCs are awful, so you'll have higher than normal requirements for manufacturing, including some specialty items. These items can be manufactured through Planetary Interaction, or in POS in null sec or low-sec space that conduct moon mining. But most starting inventors simply acquire them using buy orders in trade hubs.
Avoiding War Targets when on the Move
- Ultra-useful invention chance calculator:
- The chance for a succesful invention is calculated by this formula: Invention_Chance = Base_Chance * (1 + (0.01 * Encryption_Skill_Level)) * (1 + ((Datacore_1_Skill_Level + Datacore_2_Skill_Level) * (0.1 / (5 - Meta_Level)))) * Decryptor_Modifier
- Base Chance
- Modules and Ammo have a base probability of 40%
- Frigates, Destroyers, Freighters and Skiff have a base probability of 30%
- Cruisers, Industrials and Mackinaw have a base probability of 25%
- Battlecruisers, Battleships and Hulk have a base probability of 20%
- In summary, it's not difficult to get a good chance of success for modules, but progressively more difficult for ships as their size increases. This is why investing in some decryptors is a good idea for Tech II ship invention jobs.
- (Racial) Encryption Skill Level
- 0.01 x Encryption Skill Level (so something between 0.01 and 0.05)
- Science Skills (one for each of the required datacores)
- 0.02 x Combined Level of Advanced Science Skills (so something between 0.04 and 0.2)
- Tech I Meta Level Item (optional)
- Metalevel 0 item does not improve invention probability
- Decryptor (optional)
- See table above for probability multiplier
- Base Chance
- For example, using the invention chance calculator, enter these values:
- Let's say we are inventing Power Diagnostic System II module blueprint copies, so select a Base chance value of 40%
- Enter 3 for the level of your encryption skill - a moderate level of proficiency
- Enter 4 for each of the two science skill levels - for a PDS, that would be High Energy Physics and Quantum Physics
- Enter Metalevel 4 for our base item - for a PDS, this would be a "Beta Reactor Control: Diagnostic System I"
- Enter None for decryptor
- Press the "Recalculate" button. The probability of success is... 74.16%
- Now enter Metalevel 0 for the base item and recalculate. The probability of success is now... 47.79% - this illustrates the value of using higher meta level base items in invention jobs.
- You can experiment with different skill levels and items to see how the probability changes. Use this to determine the levels of skills you wish to train, and whether you want to invest in meta level items or decryptors.
- Note that the following factors have no impact on the probability of invention success:
- Using meta level 0 base items (as previously described)
- Material Level of the input BPC
- Productivity Level of the input BPC
- Licensed runs of the input BPC (though it can affect output BPC runs)
- How attractive, charming or brilliant you are :-)
- A few helpful guidelines:
- Encryption skill affects the chance of success moderately - training up to level 3 is useful - beyond that, it produces only very slight improvement
- Science skills affect success most significantly - train up to at least level 4, and eventually to level 5 if you are going to be producing significant amounts of certain items
- Higher meta-level Tech I items can also affect success significantly - while optional, use meta 3 or 4 items (when affordable) if you can. You can place buy orders in the market to get some of these at very low prices from mission-runners who want to dump their loot.
- Decryptors can virtually guarantee success, but can also be very expensive - in general, use these only for big items like Tech II ships.
- To maximize profits from invention, you need to minimize your investment costs. This means using buy orders to purchase invention items in the market: datacores, meta items, decryptors. You'll also want to shop around to different stations to find the most affordable blueprint copying and invention research labs - they all charge fees for their services, and some more than others.
- A very good invention profitability calculator:
- An easy to use tool for analyzing the profitability of T2 invention and manufacturing:
- Another helpful tool for analyzing the potential value of invention jobs is Eve-MEEP:
- As you gain more experience in invention, you can experiment with different investments in your mix of skills, meta level items, and decryptors. Many inventors tire quickly of depending on public resources for blueprint copying, which are always in short supply. If you are going to be a serious producer of Tech II items, you will eventually want to establish a research POS, so that you always have lab slots available for copying and invention jobs. But that is the subject of another entire class....
Class Wrap-up
- Thanks for attending!
- If you liked the class, please send me a tip of 1 ISK, and include a comment when you send it.
- I would appreciate any feedback from people on how to improve the class, positive or negative - send me an EVE mail with your ideas or critique.
- Good luck, and may you have a rich career in Eve-Uni!
- Questions?
- Optional: Thank Lynn Breau and SwiftSyTz Ahishatsu for inspiring me to make this, and any editors who helped make this class.