Archive:LSC Industry Program

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Revision as of 01:13, 25 August 2014 by Mark broadway (talk | contribs) (Just starting off this page, it is very much a work in progress, much like the LSC Industry Program.)
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The Low-Sec Campus is a place where students can explore many aspects of EVE. Many of them violent. However, the LSC's home system, Uphallant, is a fertile system for the budding industrialist. With the release of Crius in July 2014, vtasean (LSC Manager) announced the launch of the LSC Industry Program.

"I am proud to formally announce the LSC Industry Program. With the launch of the Crius expansion, and the continued influx of capsuleers to the LSC, we've decided to start expanding our official campus outreach to as many different play styles as possible, beginning with Industry." -vtasean

The purpose of this wikipage is to expand upon the program and serve as the starting point for any new low-sec industrialist looking to live at the LSC.

Program Goal

To create an educational, profitable, and easily accessible Industry program for the Campus to utilize.

How It Works

This program is designed to allow you to pursue a manufacturing career either through your main character, or through an alt-character. Both have their benefits and drawbacks.

  • The campus will provide a library of unresearched Blueprint Originals (BPOs). The BPO's will be placed in a separate hanger, which will be set to query only. Anyone with a Sophomore title or above will have view access to this hanger and will be able to use the BPO's directly from it. No one other than Directors will have access to remove items from this hanger. FRESHMAN have been granted this ability on a temporary/test basis.
  • Individual members will be responsible for researching the BPO's to a MINIMUM of ME10/TE16. The priorities for research will be the hulls and rigs. Modules will be filler work, as their research means little at the moment, although they should become more valuable in the future.
  • If an individual has access to a research POS, has reasonably high research skills, and general campus trust, we may hand over certain BPO's to speed up research.
  • Research costs are paid for out of the Uni Research Wallet. Individuals will be responsible for adding funds to this wallet as they use them. With Crius, you can now pay for jobs from your own wallet, there is a small dialog box on the right hand side of the industry window.
  • After a BPO is fully researched, it will become available for general campus use. Campus members will be allowed and encouraged to make copies of any BPO's not currently in use. We will be placing the BPC's in a separate container for everyone's use in the Alpha Hanger for use by Freshman and above. If you have a free copying slot, please use it to crank out BPCs.
  • Any campus member may take any BPC from the hangers for their PERSONAL USE ONLY. This includes use by alts. LSC members will be free to use the BPC's to make isk, to assist with campus needs or to practice with. The only restriction is that BPC's provided by the campus may not be resold directly, although T2 BPCs that the member invents may be used in any manner he or she desires.


  • BPO's may be researched for ME/TE or COPIED ONLY. Any jobs not conforming to this requirement will be cancelled. Any job inputs will be lost.
  • DO NOT place anything in the BPO hanger. All donations and additions must go through a campus officer or the donation bin.
  • Members are expected to replace all BPC's they use, and are expected to cover all the costs of their jobs.
  • MAKE SURE YOUR WALLET IS SET TO "IVY LEAGUE RESEARCH DIVISION," otherwise you'll be taking money from the skillbook wallet or otherwise.
  • The concept of Fairness will be liberally applied to this with complete discretion of the management. We expect members to share, and to give back to the campus in equal measure. Basically - if you take a 10 run cruiser BPC, please replace it with a 10 run cruiser BPC at a bare minimum. We expect BPO's to be in use by a single person for no more than a few days at a time (this does NOT include research times).
  • No one is required to give up their trade-secrets. Spreadsheets, manufacturing locations, alt-POS usage, sales tactics, etc are solely the property of their creators.

As the program evolves, more rules and expections will be laid out, although for now it will be rather dynamic as we all get a feel for it.

Get Involved!

How You Can Help

Our first major effort will be researching everything and creating a well stocked and complete library. This will take lots of people, and many weeks/months. All pilots have by default 1 unbonused research slot, so everyone can help with this with a minimum amount of SP investment. If you'd like to help out more, training Science, Research, Metallurgy, and Lab Operations up a few levels will help greatly.

  • Donating BPO's - We will gladly take donations of BPO's (reasearched or not). If you see our library missing an item, and would like to donate it, please do. All BPO donations will be made available to the program. Please place donations in the donations bin or give them to an LSC Officer.
  • Donate Skillbooks - donations of appropriate skillbooks will help encourage more participation.
  • Teach a class on any Industry topic - If you have any significant experience with industry, we'd love for you to share it with everyone.

Blueprint Research Skills

With less than a days worth of training, anyone can help out the LSC Industry Program by researching and/or copying blueprints so that more skilled industrialists can start manufacturing.

The following skills are required to run 4 industry jobs:

  1. Science V - You should have this anyways because you love overheating your modules in 1v1's!
  2. Metallurgy - III
  3. Research - III
  4. Laboratory Operations - III
  5. Industry - III

These skill books are available in the "090 - BPC Library" station container. If there are not any available they can be purchased at the nearby Slays VII - Moon 3 - Center for Advanced Studies School and all are reimbursable through the Skillbook Program.