EVE University Campus Tour

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Scheduling information:

Date: currently not scheduled
Time: 18:00 - 22:00
Meet at: Amygnon
Chat Channel: Fleet Chat
Mumble Classroom: Public Server, Classroom tba


This fleet is all about showing off the UNI and everything cool you can try out and learn in this awesome learning institution.

Fleet will start in HSC and will be moving around all campuses of the Uni.

This event is giving each campus a chance to tell us about what they do, and what you can expect if you join them. We may be inviting people of the Mentor Department to tell us a little of what they can do to help you out.

The current tour plan involves

HSC (High Security Campus)
LSC (Low Security Campus)
NSC (Null Security Campus)
AMC (Amarr Mining Campus)
WHC (Wormhole Campus)
Project: Solitude
Incursion Fleet (maybe)
Uni-Bombers (maybe)

Sometimes we even run into some Titans!


- Please come in a fast frigate. An afterburner is not a must, but highly recommended.

- We will be going into Nullsec, so only fly what you can afford to lose!

- Anyone can join.

- Please arrive at the meeting point 30 minutes in advance, if you have not attended the Fleet 101 class yet. A quick introduction into fleet operations will be given in the 30 minutes before the main event starts. At a minimum, you need to be comfortable with the fleet window, the peoples & places window, and be able to follow commands of your fleet commander precisely.


An afterburner or MWD is recommended, in case you run into a warp bubble while we travel through Nullsec. But it is not a must.


Things to learn! Cool sights! Tons of entertainment and maybe even death!


Mumble is mandatory, since it is used for fleet commands and the campus presentations. It is enough if you can listen.
Overview needs to be set up according to the EVE University standard.

Additional Information:

Some impressions of what may await you during this tour can be found here.