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Revision as of 05:09, 18 November 2014

Character Bio

I come from a very academic scientific family with my parents mysteriously dying to an attack at our research station deep in wormhole space when I was in my early teens.

Ever since I have seeked answers to the motives of these unknown attackers. So far my investigations have lead to a conclusion that my parents may have discovered evidence of a lost alien race who may not have wish to been rediscovered.

Leaving me lost, angry, confused and completely alone, I escaped from the wormhole just as the high sec connection collapsed and sort refuge with Eve's premier University. True to my bloodline as a Caldari Achura I have a never quenching thirst for knowledge of the secrets of the universe. With the bitterness of losing my parents a dark side also dwells within me.

This has lead me down towards a path of being a student of covert ops. combat as well as science and exploration, in hope of having the skills to once again find my parent's wormhole and research station and finish their research to find out what happened to them and why once and for all!

Uni History

First started playing in March 2014, join the Uni pretty much straight away, as the Uni was currently at War I moved to Solitude campus so I could learn the game in peace and in my own time and Exploration really appealed to me. After only playing casually for a month I had to move house. At my new house I had to wait 7 months for an internet connection to be installed and although I tried my best to login to keep my account active, I was booted from the Uni due to inactivity.

As soon as I come back to the game I thought it wise this time around to get myself a mentor via the mentor program and got myself an awesome mentor

I was influenced to play this game after watching an Episode of Good Game, an Australian gaming tv show and it talk about Eve Online and the Bloodbath of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dm8OtMsaN4g and in that episode Eve University was praised as a very good starting point for new players.

Attended Classes

(Note: Majority of the classes are hard for me to attend as I live in Western Australia +8 GMT, with 90% of the classes currently are between 18:00 - 22:00 which is 2:00am for me.)

Incursions 101 Stealthbombing 101 Missioning (PVP Emphasis) Missioning (PVE Emphasis) Q+A with Seamus Donahue Uniwiki 101 Bookmarking 101

Numerous Lowsec roams advertised on the calendar such as Noobs on Patrol, Shield Cruisers 101 and other Lowsec frigate roams.