User:Cassiel Seraphim/Sandbox2

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Waitlist template

Minimalistic waitlist (limited HTML, intended to be pasted as is in chat or notepad):


  <b>SFWL</b> (<i>forming</i>): -
  <i>(x up with your fit when you're ready in the constellation)</i>

Using the recommended short-hands on the waitlist manager page it would fill up like this:


  SFWL (forming): Romi, Eystur, Tama, Mara (s), Intaki (+l), Deltole and Youl.
  (x up with your fit when you're ready in the constellation)

  Need OGB, scout/hack and 4 more DD.

Fleet message of the day template

Minimalistic fleet MOTD (drag system, capsuleers into the window to create links):

<font color="silver">.<br><br>  Mumble: <font color="lime">Channel Name</font><font color="silver"><br>  System: TBD<br>  Commander: TBD<br><br>  Scout/hacker: TBD<br>  Offgrid booster: TBD<br>  Pickets: TBD<br>  <i>(tip as appropriate)</i><br>.</font>

Would result in this:


Mumble: Channel Name
System: TBD
Commander: TBD

Scout/hacker: TBD
Offgrid booster: TBD
Pickets: TBD
(tip as appropriate)

Long MOTD (drag system, capsuleers into the window to create links):

<font color="silver">.<br><br>  Mumble: <font color="lime">Channel Name</font><font color="silver"><br>  System: TBD<br>  Commander: TBD<br>  Logistics: TBD + TBD<br>  Dronebunny: TBD<br>  Anchor: TBD<br><br>  Scout/hacker: TBD<br>  Offgrid booster: TBD<br>  Pickets: TBD<br>  <i>(tip as appropriate)</i><br>.</font>

Would result in this:


Mumble: Channel Name
System: TBD
Commander: TBD
Logistics: TBD + TBD
Dronebunny: TBD
Anchor: TBD

Scout/hacker: TBD
Offgrid booster: TBD
Pickets: TBD
(tip as appropriate)

Recon mails

The following code (triple-click the line to copy all of it):

<font color="orangered">Don't fly your incursion ship with your <b>EVE University</b> or <b>Ivy League Hall of Residence</b> character while at war. This is an unnecessary risk and a few days worth of training will allow you to safely move it on a <a href="">valet alt</a> instead. If you haven't finished training up an alt and need help moving, just ask in the <font color="yellow">incursions.e-uni</font> chat channel and we'll help you.</font><br><br>New focus is XXX in the YYY region (see <a href="">dotlan</a> for more information).<br><br><font color="lightblue">Scout system:</font> -<br><font color="lightblue">Vanguard systems:</font> -<br><font color="lightblue">Assault system:</font> -<br><font color="lightblue">Headquarter system:</font> -<br><br><font color="lightgreen">Recommended station:</font> -<br><font color="lightgreen">Picket system:</font> - (X jump warning).<br><br>Fly safe and remember to take the nesessary precautions while <a href=">moving between Incursions</a>, assume that war targets are always around. Also make sure you've read the <a href="">Incursions checklist</a> and looked over <a href="">Roles in Incursions</a> to see how you can help out more.

Would result in this:

Don't fly your incursion ship with your EVE University or Ivy League Hall of Residence character while at war. This is an unnecessary risk and a few days worth of training will allow you to safely move it on a valet alt instead. If you haven't finished training up an alt and need help moving, just ask in the incursions.e-uni chat channel and we'll help you.

New focus is XXX in the YYY region (see dotlan for more information).

Scout system: -
Vanguard systems: -
Assault system: -
Headquarter system: -

Recommended station: -
Picket system: - (X jump warning).

Fly safe and remember to take the nesessary precautions while moving between Incursions, assume that war targets are always around. Also make sure you've read the Incursions checklist and looked over Roles in Incursions to see how you can help out more.

Channel message of the day

The following code (triple-click the line to copy all of it):

.<br><br>  <font color="silver"><b>EVE University's Incursion Community!</b><br><br>  We have extensive entries on <a href="">Incursions</a> on the wiki as well as a <a href="">section on the forum</a> for incursion-related discussions.<br><br>  <b>New players:</b><br>  Join the <font color="lime">Incursions.E-UNI</font><font color="silver"> mailing list and read the following pages.<br>  - <a href="">Recommended skills</a><br>  - <a href="">Recommended vanguard fits</a><br>   (see also <a href="">assault</a> and <a href="">HQ</a> fits)<br><br>  <b>Before you run with us:</b><br>  Be sure to familiarize yourself with the following pages.<br>  - <a href="">Incursions checklist</a><br>  - <a href="">Roles in Incursions</a><br>  - <a href="">Moving between Incursions</a><br><br>  <a href="showinfo:16159//937872513">Ivy League</a> is currently at <b><font color="red">war</font></b><font color="silver">.</font><br>  <a href="showinfo:16159//937872513">Ivy League</a> is currently at <b><font color="lime">peace</font></b><font color="silver">.</font>

Would result in this:


EVE University's Incursion Community!

We have extensive entries on Incursions on the wiki as well as a section on the forum for incursion-related discussions.

New players:
Join the Incursions.E-UNI mailing list and read the following pages.
- Recommended skills
- Recommended vanguard fits
(see also assault and HQ fits)

Before you run with us:
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the following pages.
- Incursions checklist
- Roles in Incursions
- Moving between Incursions

Ivy League is currently at war.
Ivy League is currently at peace.

Forum welcome post

[size=150]What are Incursions?[/size]

General information about Incursions and their effects can be found under the header [i]"General"[/i] on the wiki:

[url=]Incursions[/url] - Main page, describes what Incursions are.
[url=]How to find Incursions[/url] - Explains how to keep track of Incursions, how long they last and how to move about.
[url=]Incursion sites[/url] - Explains the differences between the type of sites.

[size=150]What do I need to do Incursions?[/size]

Incursions are mainly done in battleships with tech two logistics support. Sadly the tech one logistics cruisers cannot quite fit the combination of tank and repairs needed to run, so you need the actual logistics.

[size=150]Why is the bar set so high for Incursions?[/size]

Incursions are high-end PvE content, so there is a certain threshold you need to pass in terms of ships. The biggest issue is that the fleet size is limited, so you cannot simply throw more ships at the problem to overcome low damage output. As every single member of the fleet is important, that means we will need a reasonable base-level for pilots to join, to ensure that the fleets are safe enough to run.

We've done our best to keep the required skills as low as possible and the fits as cheap as possible, but at the end of the day it's high-end PvE and that's how CCP designed it. Not much we can do about that.

[size=150]Why should I do Incursions?[/size]

Incursions are just one of many ways to make ISK. It is in no way the only way, but the benefit of doing Incursions is that you get to fly with other people (at least 10 other people), you get some basic fleet experience and it gives you a safe environment to practice your flying or flying with logistics support.

So for people who don't like to dive in head first into PvP, Incursions can be a way to slowly ease into the whole fleet mechanics, so it's less daunting when you move into PvP fleets. Plus you'll earn enough ISK to buy and fit out several PvP ships.

[size=150]Alright, I'm interested! Now what?[/size]

We have a very extensive and informative wiki for [url=]Incursions[/url]. The more you read, the better prepared you'll be. You don't have to know everything, simply having read through some of the key pages will be enough to help you soak it all in when you do your first few runs.

[size=150]That's a lot to read, what are the most critical pages to read?[/size]

All the incursion pages have a portal of sorts in the top-right corner, with all the relevant links about Incursions.

Under the header [i]"Preparations"[/i] are the following links:

[url=]Preparing for Incursions[/url] - Covers the skills needed to run.
[url=]Fitting principles[/url] - Explains how we fit and the reason behind it.
[url=]Roles in Incursions[/url] - Explains the various roles within an incursion fleet.
[url=]Incursions checklist[/url] - Explains the pre-flight setups and safeguards (the most important page to read).

[size=150]I'm nowhere near skilled enough, does that mean I can't participate?[/size]

Yes and no. To actually fight the Sansha on grid, you'll need all those skills. But there are some things you could do that are less skill-intensive.

[url=]Hacker/Scout[/url] - This role doesn't require that much in terms of skills, ideal for low skilled pilots who are interested in Incursions but cannot field the ships needed to be on grid. You can find the necessary skills on the [url=]preparation[/url] page and this is the recommended [url=]Heron fit[/url] (very cheap ship, we might even have some lying around for you).

[url=]Picket[/url] - A scout of sorts that keeps an eye out for war targets, to give the fleet advanced warning. See 

Neither of those roles gets paid directly, due to how the game mechanics handles payouts, but we tip the unpaid roles for their effort, so you'd be able to get to know us, get some experience with Incursions and make a little ISK as well. We normally run one hacker/scout and at least one picket, so join us in the channel and check to see if a fleet is running that could use some eyes, if you're interested.

[size=150]Ok, I have the skills, what about the actual ships and fits?[/size]

Once you have all the relevant skills, make sure your ship is properly fit. The fits on the following two pages are based upon the recommended skills, so if you have those skills the fits are perfect for you.

[url=]Vanguard Incursion fits[/url] - Has the recommended fits for vanguard sites.
[url=]Assault Incursion fits[/url] - Has the recommend fits for assault sites.

Remember to go through the [url=]Incursions checklist[/url] before you x up for your first fleet. It explains the pre-flight setups and safeguards we use to keep fleets safe. So please make sure you read it and help keep our fleets safe.

[size=150]Come talk to us![/size]

Finally, we're all on Mumble in one of the on demand channels (usually named [i]"incursions.e-uni"[/i] or something with the name [i]"incursions"[/i] or [i]"Sansha Kuvakei"[/i] in the name). We also operate from the in game channel <strong>incursions.e-uni</strong>, so stop by and say hi.

Mailing list welcome mail
