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Revision as of 04:28, 30 October 2021 by Draffut (talk | contribs) (A new entry)
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Wiki practice

  • Draffut started Eve 2020.09.10
  • Accepted into Eve University 2021.10.06
  • The name is out of an old Sci-Fi novel by Fred Saberhagen called "Empire of the East" where the character is actually titled Lord Draffut. The full mantle seemed a bit much to live up to though.

Not jumping into the Uni environment yet. Trying to get up to speed on Uni while finishing up a set of missions for standings and then out of town for a long weekend. At home, I work from a desktop but on the road I may take a laptop and mostly just get a daily pirate or 5.

As of 2021.10.13, training up the missing pieces of the Short Skill Plan and contemplating a move to one of the campuses. The Uni just joined a war though so it may not be a good time to haul stuff.

Switched to a clean clone and joined the 2021.10.16 PillageRats Armor Bash. The only T2 Armor Assault Frigate doctrine ship I qualified for was the Federation Navy Comet and the one I got only had T1 turrets but it worked. First Uni fleet op and almost my first fleet ever. I bumbled the instructions a few times, mostly for terms and functions I was unfamiliar with, but I learned lots. My turrets drop off range was less than 3500m and the alternate ship targets rarely got near that so I mostly kept fire focused on the structure while being towed around by our squad leader. I broadcast for logi support when taking fire half a dozen times but they were quick and only once was I starting to warp out before the armor started coming up again. Lots of fun!

I got to be part of the 2021.10.18 PillageRats Hull Bash too. Uneventful, the ship took no damage and I don't think I messed up any instructions this time. Looks good on zKillboard too. :)

2021.10.19 Move to HSC is ongoing. Found a WH to Kador and knew from previous that there was a mostly deserted LoSec trail into Genesis. The route would cut 6 jumps to HSC and bypass the gankers at Uedama, assuming no trouble in LoSec. I ran a Tayra through the route as far as Genesis and back for a second load. Then, returning each time in the pod, a Retriever, Procurer, Miasmos, and 2 Badgers. Started seeing other traffic in LoSec towards the end and I was sweating too hard to continue. :D Starting to think I have too much junk and should be reading Marie Kondo!

2021.10.21 I tried to attend my first Uni class. Of course I didn't realize that I needed both Mumble servers defined and only had one set up. I guess I sort of assumed they both accessed the basic channels and Public just didn't go further. Wrong! I missed most of the class figuring that out but at least now I have it. Seems like, if there's a way to misconstrue the instructions then I will find it. LOL In other news, moving to HSC continues though I might park a barge or two and a clone at AMC.

2021.10.26 The move to HSC is complete. I picked up a Covetor, though it's not fitted yet due to limited ISK, as it looks like a preferred craft for Uni fleet mining. Doing a bit of mining with my other barges to boost the funds. Some Mumble chat got me wondering about bomber ships and it turned out that I only needed the Torpedoes skill to use one. I tried out the Uni skill reimbursement plan for the first time to get that. Now I just have to get and fit a Manticore! So many projects, so little ISK. LOL

2021.10.28 Barge mining continues. Crimson Harvest event makes it a risky time to haul ore to Jita. Looking into the Uni buy back program now.