Archive:Sisters in EVE - A Refuge for Women in EVE Online

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Christmas Eagle Logo.png This page's intent is to provide information on the the history of EVE University. The information on this page is no longer current.

What is Sisters in EVE?

Sisters in EVE was a community of women who play EVE Online. It was composed of a forum group in the EVE University Forum which was restricted to members of Sisters in EVE only. It was closed on 1st June 2011 due to inactivity. Its stated purpose was:

The purpose of Sisters in EVE is to provide a place where women, in this male dominated game, can connect and communicate with each other. The intent is not to segregate women, but to give them a place where they can get away from the sometimes overwhelming maleness of the rest of the channels and forums, should they feel the need to do so.

By creating a more female-friendly place in EVE we hope to make EVE a more pleasant experience for girls and encourage new female pilots to stay with the game. As such it is important that Sisters in EVE is also a newbie-friendly environment.

Please note, that while we will do our best to ensure that those who are admitted are truly female, we cannot guarantee 100% that no men will infiltrate the forum. Once identified as such, they will be removed. People should still use caution, and common sense in using this forum.

Forum policies

The forum policies were:

  1. This forum is intended for women only, and we ask that men kindly respect our privacy and stay away. Failure to respect this will have consequences.
  2. This forum is not intended to replace or duplicate any of the other EVE University or official EVE forums. Please continue to use those forums to discuss gameplay issues and questions.
  3. All participants in this forum are expected to treat each other with respect. While we may be treated with disrespect at times in the game, let’s not do it to each other here.
  4. Any concerns can be brought to Rain Coehati (E-Uni Recruitment Consultant).

Joining the forum

The method of joining was as follows:

  1. Register to the Ivy League forum
  2. Send a forum PM to all moderators (Rain Coehati, AAYLLAA, Shae Tiann), including the answers to the following questions :
    1. Please tell me a bit about yourself, including how you got into EVE Online.
    2. Why do you want to join Sisters in EVE?
    3. Are you female in real life?
  3. The next step is a short interview on either EVE voice or Teamspeak2 (using the Ivy League server). Instructions on how to log onto the teamspeak server will be provided.
  4. Once accepted, please post an introduction on the forum so we can get to know you.