Drifter crisis (2025)

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Main article: Drifters

The Drifter crisis of early 2025 marks a significant escalation in Drifter hostilities within New Eden. This event introduces new Crisis Sites, culminating in the Crisis Resolution Operation, offering capsuleers new PvE challenges and rewards.


In January 2025, Drifter-controlled forces launched coordinated attacks across high-security and low-security space, primarily targeting civilian infrastructure. Empire factions responded with military action, but capsuleers are called upon to assist in countering the Drifter threat.

Central to this crisis are structures known as Vigilant Dreamers, believed to be key to Drifter operations in affected systems. The full purpose of these sites remains unknown.

Crisis Sites

Capsuleers can engage in Crisis Sites to weaken Drifter presence. Each site has specific ship restrictions and objectives. Successful completions contribute to unlocking the Crisis Resolution Operation.

Crisis: Field Rescue

  • Objective: Salvage wreckage from an empire assault on a Drifter facility to locate and rescue survivors.
  • Recommended Fleet: At least 3 capsuleers.
  • Ship Restrictions: T1 frigates and destroyers.
  • Notes: Teamwork is essential to manage salvage and enemy reinforcements.

Crisis: Observatory Infiltration

  • Objective: Retrieve valuable relics from the remains of an emergent Jovian Observatory.
  • Recommended Fleet: 3 capsuleers.
  • Ship Restrictions: T1 frigates, destroyers, and standard T1 cruisers.
  • Notes: Scanning skills are crucial; beware of Drifter traps.

Crisis: Deathless Research Outpost

  • Objective: A Deathless research base is under Drifter attack. Capsuleers can defend the structure with remote repair modules or destroy it for Hyperspace Telemetry data.
  • Recommended Fleet: 5 capsuleers (for defense).
  • Ship Restrictions: T1 frigates, destroyers, and standard T1 cruisers.
  • Notes: Logistics ships play a key role in defense; destruction provides alternative loot opportunities.

Crisis: Lancer Counter Offensive

  • Objective: A drifter-controlled Destructive Scrutinizer is attacking civilians. Boost an allied Lancer's capacitor within 10 minutes to help take it down in time.
  • Recommended Fleet: 4-5 capsuleers.
  • Ship Restrictions: T1 frigates, destroyers, and standard T1 cruisers.
  • Notes: Logistics ships play a key role in the destruction of the structure by providing remote capacitor to the Lancer Dreadnought. Capacitor transfer is unavailable during the 1-minute siege mode.

Crisis Resolution Operation

Once enough Crisis Sites are completed, the system-wide Crisis Resolution Operation becomes available. This high-difficulty site represents the final phase of the Drifter conflict in affected regions.

  • Location: Unsecured Drifter Facility (escalation site)
  • Objective: Assault a heavily fortified Drifter stronghold, disable defense grids, and secure a core data fragment.
  • Recommended Fleet: 10+ capsuleers (including logistics and EWAR support)
  • Ship Restrictions: T1 and T2 battleships, command ships, and logistics cruisers.
  • Mechanics:
 * Drifter AI adapts to incoming threats, requiring fleet coordination.
 * Disabling core nodes weakens Drifter responses.
 * Final boss: A Drifter battleship with a **doomsday-class weapon** that must be disrupted.

The completion of this operation grants access to exclusive loot, including experimental Drifter components.


Loot from Crisis Sites includes salvage, blueprint copies, and novel Drifter-related materials. Some items appear to be components of a larger, undisclosed Drifter technology.
