Dust514: Instant Battle - Academy

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Christmas Eagle Logo.png This page provides information on the history of DUST University.
DUST 514, a game for Playstation 3, was shut down by CCP Games on May 30, 2016.
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Introduced in Uprising 1.1, the Academy is a special playlist for new players to the game. It is the only Instant battle option open to them to begin with.

The playlist is a random collection of the four main game styles populated only by new players. The criteria for being allowed in this playlist is to have less than 2 million Skill Points or less than 10,000 War points. Once the player goes beyond either of them, Academy disappears as a playlist and is replaced by the playlist for the four current game styles.

New players can be invited to a squad and join friends already playing at a higher level in the game if they wish. But a new player can't join Academy matches if they have a member in their squad that exceeds the 2 million SP or 10,000 WP criteria.