Events Department

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Event logo.png
See EVE University Management for details of the other Departments & Directorates.

The Events Department is under the Directorate of Community Development. The role of this department is to facilitate events, competitions, and tournaments that allow students to put into practice what they have learned during classes; in essence the fun side of EVE.

Events Manager

Spanky Ikkala.jpg Spanky Ikkala

The Events Manager manages our Events department and providing direction and support to the Events Department team.

What is an event?

Events cover any activity that is not a 'formal' class / lecture, but are are still aimed at educating and developing our members, with a focus on fun.

Events allow Unistas to experience a wide range of what EVE has to offer, often outside the normal day-to-day activities they might undertake.

Events can be typical activities such as PvP, mining, exploration etc, but includes activities such as sightseeing tours, lotteries, or trivia contests etc.

Finding and participating in events

To see what’s on, the best place to look is the Discord events list; most events should be scheduled there at least a few days in advance, but sometimes there will be ad-hoc events appearing. The Discord entry for each event should provide clear instructions on what the event is and how you can take part.

Okay, so you want to run an event. But how to start?

Anyone can run an event and our aim is to always find a way to progress any event idea our members have as long as it does not interfere with the continued running of the Uni, and don't breach EVE University Rules (without special permission). Wherever possible, events will be scheduled to deconflict with any existing activity.

If you want to run an event, please contact a member of the Department (details below) and we'll help you make it happen. If you are looking for inspiration for an event, the Events Page holds many 'recipes' for previously-run events and there's a new Introduction to Events class being developed as well. Please use our wiki pages when planning your own event, and don't hesitate to ask us for help, that's what we are here for.

First decide on the type of event you want to run. There are some questions you should be asking for yourself during this stage:

  • What will the event be about?
  • Who is the targeted audience? Is it open to the public or is it for E-Uni students only?
  • Would there be any requirements, like being able to fly a certain ship / fit?
  • When do you want it to happen? How much time would it take?
  • Is it the typew of event that would benefit from a prize?
  • Can you lead the event yourself, or do you need help to make it happen?

The Events Department is here to help with any element of planning and running an event, please just ask. For more information see the Guide to Running Events.

Can I run an event?

  • Any member of the Uni is free to schedule and run events.
  • Events should be scheduled so that they do not conflict with other activites.
  • It is advised that standing events and tournaments do not monopolize the calendar for longer than 2-3 weeks at a time.
  • During wartime somme events might not be suitbale to run and might need to be rescheduled.
  • Please speak to the Events Manager if you are planning an event involving participants or organizers who are not in EVE Uni.

How can The Events Department help?

The Events Department staff have experience running a range of events throughout the Uni and are more than happy to share their experience. In addition to guidance in the planning stage, the Department can assist with providing prizes, planning logistics, and using their experience to drive interest and participation.

Our job is to make sure your events happen!


What is expected of Events Staff?

  • Events Staff should have the basic knowledge of organizing an event, you do not need to be an expert.
  • They should have a desire to help people create content.
  • They should enjoy creating content themselves and are expected to also run events, around 1 per month.
  • They are expected to act appropriately as a member of the University staff and set a positive example to students.

What are the benefits of being an Events Staff?

  • The biggest benefit is in giving back to the organisation and helping the Uni be more awesome.
  • Event Staff receive an in-game title and have access to additional staff areas of Discord
  • Being a staff member can often lead to other roles of responsibility within the Uni and can have a positive effect on your wider EVE career.
  • Working in a close-knit team, with enthusiastic and supportive people that love creating events.

Applying to become Events Staff

  • To become Event Staff, you must be a current member of EVE University.
  • If you have read all of the above and would like to become an Events Staff, please complete this application form.

Active Events Staff

Our current Events Staff:

Events Staff
Idris Du'Vet
Psychotic Fickity
Turlough Dominian