Karaoke events

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Karaoke events

Public karaoke events are a template popularised by Psychotic Fickity.

Notes for the host

  • ProBot for Discord can be useful resource for running karaoke events.
  • The event host will need to create a private discord and set up a channel for song requests and one for singers to listen to audio
  • Participants can join the private discord and queue up songs for them to sing over Mumble
  • Hosts can create playlists to use while DJing, or allow participants to take over DJing.
  • If the event is a standalone karaoke session, an on-demand Mumble channel is a good idea.
  • You can combine karaoke with less attention demanding events like shared can mining fleets.


(Put Prizes Here)


  • (Day, Date, Month)
  • (Time, Plus Event Duration Estimate)
  • (Form up Location)


Additional information