Strongholds are Guristas Pirates and Blood Raider fleet staging structures in Gallente, Caldari and Amarr High and Low Security systems.
The Stronghold fleets will:
- Launch NPC Mining Operations into asteroid belts which makes mining difficult
- Attack Upwell structures and Player-owned starbases
The Structure
In the Agency window, systems with Strongholds currently show icons with the pirate logo when a player has chosen the Pirate Strongholds filter: it is further sub-filtered by the player's current region, although ones in neighboring regions can be shown as well. Guristas Pirate Strongholds are found in Gurista and Serpentis space: Blood Raider Strongholds are found in Minmatar and Amarr space. Search radius is capped to a 5 jump radius of current system. If a Stronghold was just spawned in system the Encounters tab will only illuminate when you are in the system. For each day the Stronghold exists it can be detected one jump further until it reaches the 5 jump radius. If the jumps are further than that it is due to how your routing settings are set.
The structure itself has close to 3.000.000 hit points of structure. It does not offer any services to players, is in low-power mode, has no resistances in structure, and has no tethering abilities. There are two kinds of models: Gurista Pirates, which is fit with two heavy energy neutralizers, a stasis webifier (modified to reach to 300km), a multispectral ECM jammer, and two signal amplifiers. The Blood Raiders have a similar fit except they use a sensor dampener in place of the ECM jammer. If a player is able to survive on grid, the structure will eventually cap itself out after roughly 10-12 minutes. Advanced users can use [zKillboard] to grab the typeIDs to look up the profile in-game.
New Diamond NPCS (♦ prefixes) respond with player presence on grid.
The NPCs
There are four specific types of diamond (♦) NPCs which are part of PvE content within EVE Online:
- NPC Mining Corporation miners and their response fleets
- Roaming pirate frigate forces which loiter in belts and shoot at player structures
- Pirate NPC mining forces with their response fleets
- Strongholds and their NPC reinforcement fleets (somewhat similar to the ♦ Sotiyo forces)
Specifically, the Pirate NPC mining forces do have a hauler that warps to the Pirate Strongholds to unload cargo. If the hauler warps on grid to the Stronghold while a player force is just showing up, the hauler can call its own reinforcement fleet, separate from the Stronghold's reinforcement fleet (and the fits that both forces use are different in most cases), which can overwhelm the capsuleer fleet. The miners also have this ability if one were to warp into the asteroid belt they happen to be in.
When a player group comes on grid with the Stronghold, The Structure itself has a detection range of about 375km where it is waiting for a capsuleer to pass through before summoning a response based on the class of ship that has warped in as well as how many warped in at the same time. This being said three Battleships warping in as a fleet often times will pull a rather large response compared to warping each one in separately with a little time passed between the warp ins.
When the Pirate Stronghold is destroyed, the pirate siege of the system (which includes the roaming pirate frigate group and the pirate mining fleet) is terminated immediately and they vacate the system.
While the other types of diamond NPCs are interesting topics in themselves, the focus of this article is on the Strongholds themselves. When the Strongholds first came out, the response fleet numbers and composition was roughly equal to what the capsuleers brought: the number of frigates (tackle), cruisers (damage, logistics and electronic warfare) and battleships (damage) varied from spawn to spawn. The first solo attempts used Vexor Navy Issues with a specific fit to tank their exact damage (EM and Thermal for Blood Raiders, Thermal for Guristas) with a second refit to a 500MN battleship sized Microwarpdrive to kite around the structure. In those days there would usually be 4-5 vessels, usually cruisers that would spawn, and once those were destroyed the structure itself was wide open to attack, aside from its EWAR and energy neutralizing capabilities. It was possible in those days to kite around the NPCs, forcing them to continuously "bounce" to attempt to get in operational range, yet because of the 500MN Microwarpdrive's speed made it impossible for the NPCs to catch up. This is no longer possible because the structure can stasis webify a target out to 300km, the edge of the lock range for subcapital vessels.
Nowadays, a single player warping to the structure can expect 2-3 battleships with a few frigates, or a few frigates with the rest in randomly called cruisers, roughly adding up to about 10 vessels in total (such as 7 Omens and 2 Cruors). Responses to fleets warped to the structure are still in the dark as the response composition. (Capitals, at the time of writing, do not trigger NPC capital responses.) NPCs killed do not respawn; curiously however, they can be sent remote assistance (such as shield repairs) from capsuleers. They do have capacitors like conventional player ships however certain elements like afterburners and shield hardeners cannot be turned off: tackle modules, however, can be.
As the diamond NPCs are concerned, they can warp around to arbitrary points around the structure, anywhere on grid, to "bounce" to within a few kilometers of their intended engagement range (which contrasts the miner NPC response fleets, which do not have the warp ability as of this writing). They use capsuleer fits of varying quality. The frigates have Microwarpdrives backed with Warp Disruptors and Stasis Webifiers; the cruisers and battleships use Afterburners.
The new diamond NPC vessels can be combat probed and hunted with the directional scanner. This can be invaluable for operational purposes to position ships in a strategic fashion.
Previous headings explained strategies that worked in former iterations of the Stronghold structure system. This one will aim to be updated, hopefully, for current viable strategies.
Solo operations survive off extremely high resists against the hostile damage type: against Guristas, the aim is 94% Thermal resistances, and against Blood Raider NPCs, the goal is over 90%, ideally at least 92% against both EM and Thermal damage. Fleets of players attempting these structures should also aim for the same levels.
Drone ships are preferred because of ECM on Gurista sites, and energy neutralizing on Blood Raider sites. Armor is also preferred because the Reactive Armor Hardener's resistances are calculated differently (just like the Damage Control module) than other modules on the vessel, though it does stack against the Damage Control and thusly it's easier to get the resistance levels required for this job.
The structure itself has a 500 HP/sec damage requirement to prevent it from repairing itself. Aim for 600 DPS solo to account for damage variations.
The current trend is Remote Rep Dominixes with Micro Jump Drives for escape for a fleet setup of 3 people or more. Remote Rep (often called simply RR) doctrines don't scale very well with numbers and require high levels of pilot skill and skill points to work effectively. They also suffer from range projection problems so a player that drifts out of repair range could easily die. Players must understand cap chains and how to work with people who have been jammed or neuted out entirely. A single Nestor can be fit identically to the Dominixes and allows for combat refitting after the structure has capped itself out and hostile forces have been eradicated.
Solo operations are rather pilot intensive and require competence in combat refitting (and knowing which fits to use at any one time) with experience in higher end PvE content.
- Corvettes are generally not cause the spawn of additional reinforcements, very useful for ammo or other small logistics, but will be shot if on grid for longer then a few sec.
- Mobile hardware such as Mobile Depots, Tractors or Jump Drives are not attacked and do not have the minimum distance limitations to the structure itself.
Every Fleet member on grid (in a ship*) with the Stronghold when destroyed is awarded 27M ISK. Up to 40 Fleet members can claim the reward.
You may also be able to loot:
- Tech 1 Upwell structure modules
- Faction Upwell structure modules
- Blueprint Copy*: Dark Blood Standup Heavy Energy Neutralizer or a Dread Guristas Standup Variable Spectrum ECM
- BPC Loot Appears as a 400,000 m3 strong box, so a freighter will be needed to scoop it up.
- alltough the bpc drops are quite rare (jan 2025)
- All ships are eligible for rewards, except shuttles and corvettes.
Image Gallery
![]() Very first Guristas Stronghold. 1.5b lost (AAR) |
(1) In those days the NPC reinforcement fleet used the same ships and setup as the NPC miner response fleets. Nowadays they use different setups.
Patch History
A long, long time ago... |
Lifeblood 1.0 Expansion - 2017-10-24 (Lifeblood 1.0 expansion)
Arms Race 1.0 - 2017-12-5 (Arms Race 1.0)
Arms Race 1.6 - 2018-02-13 (Arms Race 1.6)
External links
- Gurista FOB Playthrough (Highsec, Dualbox) by JPNS (Youtube, 2023)