Talk:Metaliminal Meteoroid: Minmatar Mining

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What is the correct version for Description and Hostiles

16 June 2023 - Content already in the article has:

  • Description - An asteroid container ore needed for the war effort has appeared in our territory. We need you to harvest it before it returns to Abyssal Deadspace. Rogue Drones are known to swarm on metaliminal meteoroids so watch out for hostiles.
  • Hostiles - Rogue Drones

5 Opportunities offered in Vullat had:

  • Description - An asteroid containing ore needed for the war effort has appeared in our territory. We need you to harvest it before it returns to Abyssal Deadspace. Ashes of Turner have attacked investigations into anything Abyssal, so watch out for hostiles
  • Hostiles - Ashes of Turner

The systems were Vullat, Aeddin, Osaumuni, Inder and Traun. All in Minmatar space.

So, does the original text belongs to another version of Metaliminal Meteoroid or are there actually different versions of Metaliminal Meteoroid - Minmatar Mining

-- Evon R'al (talk) 14:07, 16 June 2023 (UTC)

I believe it’s supposed to be “Ashes of Turnur” and not ‘Turner’ as well. Might be an in game typo--Salartarium (talk) 12:32, 25 December 2023 (UTC)