From EVE University Wiki
Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)
- Description
- This templates allows easy linking to images from the EVE Online Image Service.
- Dependencies
- Uses
- Image service for EVE Online
- Used by
- {{ShipArticle}}
- {{ShipBoxLarge}}
- {{ShipBoxTooltip}}
- Syntax
- {{Imageserver|<category>|<id>|<variant>|<size=>}}
- Parameters
- category
- One of alliances, corporations, characters, or types.
- id
- EVE Online database ID of the thing you want to show. See How to get ID for how to find it.
- variant
- Aspect of the thing you want to show. logo (for category alliances and corps), portrait (for category characters), icon (for category types), render (for category types that are in space such as ships and structures), bp (for category types that are blueprint originals), bpc (for category types that are blueprint copies), relic (for category types that are T3 component blueprints)
- size=
- Optional image size in pixels. Valid sizes are 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, and 1024. Defaults to image native resolution.
See Image Server esi documentation for more details https://developers.eveonline.com/docs/services/image-server/
- Sample output
- gives...
- See also
- {{Charimage}}
- {{Renderimage}}
- Devblog: Upcoming changes to the Image Export Collection (2019-07-10)