User:Chris Halsky/Ironman

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Has he lost his mind?

Can he see or is he blind?
Can he walk at all

Or if he moves, will he fall?


Oh, it's a stupid challenge. It's a fun challenge? Who knows, I'll try anyway :D

Project is dead for now - I do not have time to pursue it, and others did it better


Raven Navy Issue. The goal of this challenge is to get a fully fitted Raven Navy, with the best fit possible given the constraints.


  1. Starting conditions:
    1. No ISK, PLEX, LP, EverMarks or other currency
    2. No ships, items, implants, anything
    3. All the skills you have (so I can do it on my main)
  2. Not allowed to trade with Players
  3. No outside help in any way (including daily rewards, AIR program, whatever)
  4. Not allowed to use Upwell Structures
  5. Not allowed to leave HiSec, always Green Safety
  6. Not allowed to engage in PvP, or utilize PvP in any way (i.e. looting to get modules)
  7. No one-time only things allowed (no Career Agents!)
  8. Caldari ships only


It's... never ending grind.

Some thoughts before I actually started:

  • I have to start in Corvette, and earn my way up
  • Getting Meta modules is almost impossible. Getting T1 modules takes ISK and time and Industry in Stations, yuck
  • I need to mine all minerals, and what I can't mine - I need to get from salvage
  • PI will be required. Invention will be required. A lot of Mining and Industry will be required
  • Harsh: Venture is not accessible. Barges are not accessible. Bob knows what else is locked out.

Sounds like fun :)