User:Morra Deovindice/Sandbox/Wormhole Community Home Defense

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  1. Be Ready to Fight: WHC has a home defense doctrine, and all WHC members are eventually expected to train into and own a home defense ship.
  2. Pack Light and Share: The best way to avoid losing something is never to have it in the first place. Only bring what you need and take advantage of communal resources.
  3. Safeguard Your Assets: If the worst case comes to pass, ensure that your belongings don't end up floating in space.

Wormhole Community Home Defense Skill Plans

Defense of our WHC home is a priority for all members. Should the need ever arise - all members have to be ready with the skills and ships necessary to stave off threats such as eviction attempts. To that end, WHC has a dedicated doctrine for use in defending the home hole. The skills below support members' ability to fly that doctrine.

While completion of these plans is not required to apply for and start your journey as a WHC member - completion of the skill plans is expected of all members as soon as possible after joining.

Wormhole Community Home Defense Level I

This foundational skill plan allows a pilot to sit in the Home Defense doctrine ships - and thereby act as a fleet member in defense of the home hole should the need arise. All WHC members are expected to train this plan as soon as possible after joining - EVE University members at large are also encouraged to train this plan to be ready to join in WHC defense!

  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - Wormhole Community - Home Defense Level I
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:472fa26f-cba2-4644-b3c1-639205abf506:917701062>EUni - Wormhole Community - Home Defense Level I</url>

Wormhole Community Home Defense Level I

Foundational Skills for the HD Doctrine
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Spaceship Command 1
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Power Grid Management 3
CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
Power Grid Management 4
Capacitor Systems Operation 1
Capacitor Management 1
Capacitor Systems Operation 2
Capacitor Systems Operation 3
Capacitor Management 2
Capacitor Management 3
Gunnery 1
Small Projectile Turret 1
Small Projectile Turret 2
Small Projectile Turret 3
Gunnery 2
Gunnery 3
Medium Projectile Turret 1
Medium Projectile Turret 2
Medium Projectile Turret 3
Gunnery 4
Gunnery 5
Large Projectile Turret 1
Trajectory Analysis 1
Motion Prediction 1
Motion Prediction 2
Sharpshooter 1
Sharpshooter 2
Surgical Strike 1
Surgical Strike 2
Rapid Firing 1
Rapid Firing 2
Trajectory Analysis 2
Large Projectile Turret 2
Mechanics 1
Hull Upgrades 1
Hull Upgrades 2
Hull Upgrades 3
Long Range Targeting 1
Signature Analysis 1
Target Management 1
Signature Analysis 2
Long Range Targeting 2
Target Management 2
Science 1
Science 2
Science 3
Cybernetics 1
Biology 1
Navigation 1
Navigation 2
Navigation 3
Afterburner 1
Afterburner 2
Afterburner 3
High Speed Maneuvering 1
Evasive Maneuvering 1
Science 4
Thermodynamics 1
Minmatar Frigate 1
Minmatar Frigate 2
Minmatar Frigate 3
Minmatar Destroyer 1
Minmatar Destroyer 2
Minmatar Destroyer 3
Spaceship Command 2
Minmatar Cruiser 1
Minmatar Cruiser 2
Minmatar Cruiser 3
Spaceship Command 3
Minmatar Battlecruiser 1
Minmatar Battlecruiser 2
Minmatar Battlecruiser 3
Spaceship Command 4
Minmatar Battleship 1
Minmatar Battleship 2
Energy Grid Upgrades 1
Energy Grid Upgrades 2
Energy Grid Upgrades 3
Weapon Upgrades 1
Weapon Upgrades 2
Weapon Upgrades 3
Weapon Upgrades 4
Hull Upgrades 4
Explosive Armor Compensation 1
Kinetic Armor Compensation 1
Thermal Armor Compensation 1
EM Armor Compensation 1
Explosive Armor Compensation 2
Kinetic Armor Compensation 2
Thermal Armor Compensation 2
EM Armor Compensation 2
Advanced Weapon Upgrades 1
Advanced Weapon Upgrades 2
Gallente Frigate 1
Shield Upgrades 1

Wormhole Community Home Defense Level II

This plan expands upon the set of skills learned in Level I, to enable a pilot to better utilize the ships of the Home Defense Doctrine. All WHC members are expected to train this plan as soon as possible after joining - EVE University members at large are also encouraged to train this plan to be ready to join in WHC defense!
This plan contains Omega only elements - Alpha pilots readying for Home Defense should train the Alpha plan after level I, in lieu of this plan.

  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - Wormhole Community - Home Defense Level II
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:56f675f5-859e-4a23-8bd7-ebab47180d84:917701062>EUni - Wormhole Community - Home Defense Level II</url>

Wormhole Community Home Defense Level II

Expanded Capability with the Home Defense Doctrine
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Fuel Conservation 1
Fuel Conservation 2
Fuel Conservation 3
Capacitor Systems Operation 4
Afterburner 4
Trajectory Analysis 3
Trajectory Analysis 4
Acceleration Control 1
Acceleration Control 2
Evasive Maneuvering 2
Evasive Maneuvering 3
Motion Prediction 3
Sharpshooter 3
Surgical Strike 3
Large Projectile Turret 3
Rapid Firing 3
CPU Management 3
Weapon Disruption 1
Weapon Disruption 2
Weapon Disruption 3
Weapon Disruption 4
Long Range Targeting 3
Long Range Targeting 4
Target Management 3
Signature Analysis 3
Electronic Warfare 1
Electronic Warfare 2
Electronic Warfare 3
CPU Management 4
Weapon Destabilization 1
Weapon Destabilization 2
Long Distance Jamming 1
Frequency Modulation 1
Long Distance Jamming 2
Frequency Modulation 2
Capacitor Emission Systems 1
Capacitor Emission Systems 2
Capacitor Emission Systems 3
Drones 1
Drones 2
Drones 3
Light Drone Operation 1
Drone Avionics 1
Drone Avionics 2
Light Drone Operation 2
Drone Avionics 3
Motion Prediction 4
Sharpshooter 4
Minmatar Battleship 3

Wormhole Community Home Defense Level III

This plan expands upon the set of skills learned in Level I, to enable a pilot to better utilize the ships of the Home Defense Doctrine. Veteran members of WHC are expected to complete this plan, to help lead efforts in home defense through fully unlocking the capabilities of the doctrine.

  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - Wormhole Community - Home Defense Level III
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:0141338d-a7e9-4943-a368-9615db188be8:917701062>EUni - Wormhole Community - Home Defense Level III</url>

Wormhole Community Home Defense Level III

Mastery of the Home Defense Doctrine
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Surgical Strike 4
Large Projectile Turret 4
Minmatar Battleship 4
Weapon Destabilization 3
Frequency Modulation 3
Long Distance Jamming 3
Ladar Sensor Compensation 1
Ladar Sensor Compensation 2
Ladar Sensor Compensation 3
Hull Upgrades 5
Drones 4
Drone Durability 1
Drone Durability 2
Drones 5
Drone Interfacing 1
Drone Sharpshooting 1
Drone Interfacing 2
Drone Sharpshooting 2
Drone Interfacing 3
Drone Interfacing 4
Drone Sharpshooting 3
Drone Sharpshooting 4
Sentry Drone Interfacing 1
Sentry Drone Interfacing 2
Sentry Drone Interfacing 3
Light Drone Operation 3
Light Drone Operation 4
Light Drone Operation 5
Minmatar Drone Specialization 1
Electronic Warfare 4
Advanced Drone Avionics 1
Advanced Drone Avionics 2
Drone Avionics 4
Advanced Drone Avionics 3
Drone Avionics 5
CPU Management 5
Capacitor Management 4

Wormhole Community Home Defense Alpha Set

Alpha pilots cannot train all elements of Level II and III of the WHC Home Defense skill plans - Alpha pilots looking to expand the capabilities of Level I of the plan should complete this plan in lieu of Level II and III.

  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - Wormhole Community - Home Defense Alpha Set
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:607733a6-c6e9-428a-b260-b1250125082f:917701062>EUni - Wormhole Community - Home Defense Alpha Set</url>

Wormhole Community Home Defense Alpha Set

Level II for Alpha Pilots
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Acceleration Control 1
Acceleration Control 2
Evasive Maneuvering 2
Evasive Maneuvering 3
Trajectory Analysis 3
Motion Prediction 3
Sharpshooter 3
Large Projectile Turret 3
Surgical Strike 3
Rapid Firing 3
Capacitor Emission Systems 1
Capacitor Emission Systems 2
Capacitor Emission Systems 3
Target Management 3
Drones 1
Drones 2
Drones 3
Light Drone Operation 1
Drone Avionics 1
Drone Avionics 2
Light Drone Operation 2
Hull Upgrades 5
Drone Avionics 3
Drones 4
Drone Durability 1
Drone Durability 2
Drones 5
Drone Interfacing 1
Drone Sharpshooting 1
Drone Interfacing 2