User:Piscine Martin Yu/Draft

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Added in the Havoc update, Insurgencies add a third faction to both the Gallente-Caldari and Minmatar-Amarr Faction Warfare zones by including the Guristas Pirates and Angel Cartel as active participants.

Insurgent Factions

Pirate Faction Warfare Corporations
Faction FW Corporation At War With
Guristas Pirates Commando Guri Gallente Federation, Caldari State
Angel Cartel Malakim Zealots Minmatar Republic, Amarr Empire

Both the Guristas Pirates and Angel Cartel are participants in Faction Warfare alongside the 4 Empires of New Eden. Like the Empire factions, both pirate factions have an NPC Faction Warfare corporation that players can pledge themselves to. The Guristas fight under Commando Guri and is at war with the Gallente Federation and the Caldari State. The Angel Cartel fights under Malakim Zealots and is at war with the Minmatar Republic and the Amarr Empire.

Joining an Insurgent Faction

Players may pledge themselves to a Faction Warfare pirate faction by going to any station controlled by said faction in addition to The Fulcrum in the Zarzakh system. Guristas Pirate stations can be found in the region of Venal. Angel Cartel stations can be found in the region of Curse.

Insurgency Mechanics

Insurgencies are centered around a pirate FOB that spawns near a frontline system in the Faction Warfare zone.

Insurgency Activities

Insurgency Activities
Activity Description Group Size
Corporate Outpost Raid Players attack or defend corporate structures defended by Mordus Legion NPCs 1-5 players
Mining Op Ambush Players attack or defend an ORE Rorqual that pirate forces have tackled 1-10 players
Ice Refinery Heist Players must escort fuel tankers to either a pirate loading scaffold or an ORE fuel loading dock 5-30 players
Pirate Laundering Facilities Pirate-aligned players can submit special loot items for reward crates 1 or more players
Counter-Insurgency Outposts Empire-aligned players can submit special loot items for reward crates 1 or more players

Insurgencies generate Insurgency Sites that influence a system's Corruption or Suppression. These sites are equivalent to the Advanced sites of Faction Warfare and allow appropriately sized Pirate and T2 hulls to participate.

Completing activities for the Insurgency or the Empires adds to a system's Corruption or Suppression level respectively. Some activities may only spawn at later corruption stages, in pirate FOB systems or in systems with an Empire Interstellar Shipcaster.

Corporate Outpost Raid

The Corporate Outpost Raid is the most conventional activity of an Insurgency as it is another form of the Faction Warfare Complex. Instead of being defended by an Empire ship, this complex is defended by Mordus Legion ships.

Mining Op Ambush

The Mining Op Ambush sees players attacking or defending an ORE Rorqual for a timer duration. During this activity NPC Insurgent and Mordus Legion ships will warp in to tackle the Rorqual or attack the tackling ships.

Ice Refinery Heist

The Ice Refinery Heist has players escort automated Fuel tankers to their score zone while preventing the opposing team from doing the same.

Pirate Laundering Facilities and Counter Insurgency Outposts

External Links