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{{Work in progress| Updating refernces to Pavilion, Echo, and Bravo - Lord Finnbar|2024-01-04}}
{{Wormhole Links}}
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Revision as of 16:46, 4 January 2024

Crimson Harvest Spooky Eagle Logo.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.

We don't bookmark everything that we find in wormhole space or connected K-space. This is a quick guide explaining what you should bookmark and what you can leave alone.

  • The system naming scheme explains how we NAME SYSTEMS in wormhole space
  • The bookmark naming scheme explains how we NAME BOOKMARKS in wormhole space
  • This what to bookmark guide explains WHAT SHOULD BE BOOKMARKED in wormhole space

Important Reminders

  • When you scan a signature down fully enough to know what kind of site it is (gas, relic, data, etc...), that information should go in the mapper by copying the information from your scan window and pasting it into the mapper. (Ask someone who's been around longer if you don't know how to do this!)
  • Add systems to the mapper and bookmark the "away" or "dot" wormhole as soon as you find and name it. Without jumping through a wormhole, you can figure out whether the hole is high/low/null/wormhole, whether it's frig, whether it's eol, whether it's shrink or crit. Make sure that information makes it into the system name, the mapper, and the bookmark.
  • Choosing what to bookmark involves a certain amount of judgment as you get further down the chain. If you find something that you think will be of interest to the community, it's OK to bookmark it even if the guidelines below suggest to ignore it.

Adding Scanning to the Lootsheet

Signatures that are scanned down and bookmarked within 3 jumps of Pavilion can be added to the WHC lootsheet. Only bookmarks that follow the guidelines on this page are eligible to be added to the lootsheet.

Quick guide

I am in Pavilion, Bravo, Echo, or another one jump system

  • Bookmark ALL WORMHOLES (warp to the sig, bookmark the hole and NOT the sig)!
  • Scan it all the way down!
  • Warp to the sig, Check what's on the other side (high/low/null/unknown), check shrink/eol status, check whether it's a frig hole ("only the smallest ships").
  • Figure out the new Name (ex: 2 B9N), Update the mapper.
  • Bookmark the exit wormhole (NOT THE SIG! ex: ".2 B9N [ABC] EOL FRIG").
  • Bookmark EVERYTHING ELSE (bookmark the sigs)

I am more than two jumps away from Pavilion

  • Bookmark ALL WORMHOLES (warp to the sig, bookmark the hole and NOT the sig)!
  • Scan it all the way down!
  • Warp to the sig, Check what's on the other side (high/low/null/unknown), check shrink/eol status, check whether it's a frig hole ("only the smallest ships").
  • Figure out the new Name (ex: 2 B9N), Update the mapper.
  • Bookmark the exit wormhole (NOT THE SIG! ex: ".2 B9N [ABC] EOL FRIG").
  • Gas
  • Scan and bookmark level 3 gas sites (Vital and Instrumental)
  • Don't bookmark level 1 and 2 gas sites
  • Relic/Data/Combat sites
  • Don't bookmark.

I am two jumps away from Pavilion

  • Bookmark ALL WORMHOLES (warp to the sig, bookmark the hole and NOT the sig)!
  • Scan it all the way down!
  • Warp to the sig, Check what's on the other side (high/low/null/unknown), check shrink/eol status, check whether it's a frig hole ("only the smallest ships").
  • Figure out the new Name (ex: 2 B9N), Update the mapper.
  • Bookmark the exit wormhole (NOT THE SIG! ex: ".2 B9N [ABC] EOL FRIG").
  • Gas/Relic/Data/Combat
  • Use your judgment. Community members will often travel two jumps for interesting content, and bookmarks can be helpful for hunting. On the other hand, if it seems unlikely that people will be interested in the site, then consider following the guidelines for bookmarks more than two jumps out, i.e., ignoring sites that are unlikely to be useful to the community.

I scanned down/am scanning down a

  • Wormhole
  • Scan it all the way down!
  • Warp to the sig, Check what's on the other side (high/low/null/unknown), check shrink/eol status, check whether it's a frig hole ("only the smallest ships").
  • Figure out the new Name (ex: 2 B9N), Update the mapper.
  • Bookmark the exit wormhole (NOT THE SIG! ex: ".2 B9N [ABC] EOL FRIG").
  • Level 1 or 2 gas site
  • Are you in Pavilion, Bravo, Echo, or another one jump system?
  • Scan it all the way down
  • Bookmark (ex: "G [ABC] Barren").
  • Are you more than two jumps from Pavilion?
  • Don't scan all the way down (make sure to put your scan progress in the mapper), don't bookmark.
  • Are you two jumps from Pavilion?
  • Use your judgment.
  • Level 3+ gas site
  • Scan it all the way down, update the mapper and bookmark with G (ex: "G [ABC] Vital").
  • Relic/Data site
  • Are you in Pavilion, Bravo, Echo, or another one jump system?
  • Scan it all the way down
  • Bookmark it with NR or ND (ex: "NR [ABC] Guristas") (if it is a null site) or with R or D (if it is a sleeper site), omitting the first two words of the name (ex: "R [ABC] Quarantine Outpost").
  • Are you more than two jumps from Pavilion?
  • Don't scan all the way down (make sure to put your scan progress in the mapper), don't bookmark.
  • Are you two jumps from Pavilion?
  • Use your judgment.
  • Combat sig
  • Are you in Echo, or another one jump system?
  • Scan it all the way down
  • Bookmark it with C (ex: "C [ABC] Haunted Yard").
  • Are you more than two jumps from Pavilion?
  • Don't scan all the way down (make sure to put your scan progress in the mapper), don't bookmark.
  • Are you two jumps from Pavilion?
  • Use your judgment.