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{{CMBSite|Sansha Watch}}
__NOTOC__ {{CMBSiteInfo
An [[Combat_sites#Unrated_complexes|Unrated Complex]] that can be scanned down with scanner probes. It is commonly found in highsec systems occupied by the [[Sansha's Nation]] pirate faction.   
|name= Sansha Watch
|type= unrated
|location= High
|ship limit= Battlecruisers
|faction= Sansha's
|signature strength= 5% in High
An [[Unrated Complex]] that can be scanned down with scanner probes. It is commonly found in highsec systems occupied by the [[Sansha's Nation]] pirate faction.   
The site consists of a volume of space with an acceleration gate and contains various structures and their defending pirates. Using the gate allows access to other areas within the site. When attacked, the defenders may send multiple waves of reinforcements. Each group's appearance is triggered by the destruction of members of the previous group. The names and amount of ships listed may vary slightly, but will always be of Cruiser class or smaller. There are two variations of the site.  
The site consists of a volume of space with an acceleration gate and contains various structures and their defending pirates. Using the gate allows access to other areas within the site. When attacked, the defenders may send multiple waves of reinforcements. Each group's appearance is triggered by the destruction of members of the previous group. The names and amount of ships listed may vary slightly, but will always be of Cruiser class or smaller. There are two variations of the site.  
This site's acceleration gate allows only Battlecruiser class ships or lower and their Tech 2 equivalents to enter the site. Flying too close (4 km) to the second gate will trigger a large spawn. Shoot the Sansha Mind Control Tower to get the Centum Militant Supervisor to spawn. He's got the good stuff.
This site's acceleration gate allows only Battlecruiser class ships or lower and their Tech 2 equivalents to enter the site. Flying too close (4 km) to the second gate will trigger a large spawn. Shoot the Sansha Mind Control Tower to get the Centum Militant Supervisor to spawn. He's got the good stuff.
The first pocket can be skipped if you have a Sansha Silver Tag in your cargo hold. This will be consumed when the acceleration gate is activated.
== Walkthrough ==
== Walkthrough ==
|Warpin message:
|Warpin message:
|Previous explorers have commented that one of the gates requires a passkey. Alternatively, it can be bypassed by convincing the commander to unlock it. The overseer guards the Mind Control Tower vigorously.
|Previous explorers have commented that one of the gates requires a passkey. Alternatively, it can be bypassed by convincing the commander to unlock it. The overseer guards the Mind Control Tower vigorously.
|collapsed= yes}}
==== First Room ====
==== First Room ====
Sentries are split into two groups to the left and right, relative to the next acceleration gate. They are out of range of the warp-in point and can be ignored without any damage if one simply burns straight to the next gate.
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|2-4|Centii Facility Patroller|note=Renamed Centii Plague}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|2-4|Centii Facility Patroller|note= Renamed Centii Plague/Enslaver|ewar= TD|trigger=Attacking front group triggers reinforcement wave, attacking back group triggers gate proximity wave}}
{{NPCTableRow|Sentry|8-10|Centus Point Defence Battery}}
{{NPCTableRow|Sentry|12|Centus Point Defense Battery}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|3-4|Centum Beast/Juggernaut}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|3-4|Centum Beast/Juggernaut|ewar= TD}}
|Reinforcement message:
|Reinforcement wave message:
|The Patroller calls on reinforcements from a nearby pocket as he is attacked!
|The Patroller calls on reinforcements from a nearby pocket as he is attacked!
|collapsed= yes}}
|Reinforcement message:
|Gate proximity wave message:
|Someone has entered the vicinity of the acceleration gate, and has awakened the Slave Commander!
|Someone has entered the vicinity of the acceleration gate, and has awakened the Slave Commander!
Prepare for a fight, unless you have the means to bypass the gate's security system.
Prepare for a fight, unless you have the means to bypass the gate's security system.
|collapsed= yes}}
|Reinforcement message:
|Message from Slave Commander:
|Fool, you've overstepped your welcome here. Minions, defend your master!
|Centus Slave Commander: Fool, you've overstepped your welcome here. Minions, defend your master!
|collapsed= yes}}
{{NPCTableHead|Gate Proximity Wave (All Facility Patroller Destroyed Wave, triggered by approaching the gate)}}
The reinforcement wave is timed and will spawn even if the left group of frigates is not attacked.
{{NPCTableHead|Reinforcement Wave (Triggered by attacking Facility Patroller left group, or after ~30 seconds)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|2|Centii Enslaver/Manslayer}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|1|Centum Beast/Juggernaut|ewar=TD}}
{{NPCTableHead|Gate Proximity Wave (Triggered by attacking Facility Patroller right group or approaching the gate)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|4-5|Centii Plague/Enslaver}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|4-5|Centii Plague/Enslaver}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|4|Centum Beast|ewar=TD}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|4|Centum Beast|ewar=TD}}
{{NPCTableRow|Battlecruiser|1|Centus Slave Commander|trigger=unlocks gate|ewar=TD}}
{{NPCTableRow|Battlecruiser|1|Centus Slave Commander|trigger= unlocks gate|ewar= TD}}
{{NPCTableHead|Structures}}Structures on site
{{NPCTableHead|Structures}}Structures on site
{{NPCTableRow|Accl Gate|1|Acceleration Gate|note = Unlocks after Slave commander is dead|trigger=Approach to trigger proximity wave}}
{{NPCTableRow|Accl Gate|1|Acceleration Gate|note = Unlocks after Slave commander is dead|trigger= Approach to trigger proximity wave}}
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|12|Storage Facility}}
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|12|Storage Facility}}
Line 56: Line 73:
==== Second Room ====
==== Second Room ====
Ship will drop out of warp right next to a large group of pirate ships and Missile Towers. Aggression happens very quickly making it difficult to accurately log. Note that the True Sansha frigate commander may not always be present. The second wave might be triggered by killing the last ship.
Most of the spawn is split into several groups about 30-60 km away. 2 destroyers and a cruiser sit at 0 on the warp-in point. All ships autoaggro within a few seconds.
The True Sansha frigate is separate from the rest of the ships, about 100 km away. He will approach you with microwarpdrive.
|Message in Local channel:  
|Message in Local channel:  
|Signals coming from the Mind Control Tower resemble those used by Sansha commanders when they control their troops. The signals are emitting at a furious pace, indicating the residents of the Tower are becoming increasingly desperate.
|Signals coming from the Mind Control Tower resemble those used by Sansha commanders when they control their troops. The signals are emitting at a furious pace, indicating the residents of the Tower are becoming increasingly desperate.
|collapsed= yes}}
{{NPCTableHead|Initial defenders(auto-aggro)}}
{{NPCTableHead|Initial defenders(auto-aggro)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|3-4|Centii Butcher/...}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|3-4|Centii Butcher/...}}
{{NPCTableRow|Commander Frigate|0-1|True Sansha Plague|cargo=faction modules|trigger=escalation trigger, triggers wave 2}}
{{NPCTableRow|Destroyer|10|Centior Devourer/...}}
{{NPCTableRow|Destroyer|10|Centior Devourer/...}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|13-17|Centum Beast/...|ewar=TD}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|13-17|Centum Beast/...|ewar= TD}}
{{NPCTableRow|Sentry|4|Centus Light Missile Battery}}
{{NPCTableRow|Sentry|4|Centus Light Missile Battery}}
{{MessageBox|In local:
{{NPCTableHead|Wave #2}}
|Enemy craft have undocked from one of the Centus bunkers!
{{NPCTableHead|Timed spawn}}
{{NPCTableRow|Destroyer|1|Centior Horror }}
{{NPCTableRow|Destroyer|1|Centior Horror }}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|9|Centum Beast/...|ewar=TD}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|9|Centum Beast/Juggernaut...|ewar= TD}}
Line 81: Line 100:
{{NPCTableHead|Wave #3 (triggered by attacking the Mind Control Tower)}}
{{NPCTableHead|Overseer wave (triggered by attacking the Mind Control Tower)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2|Supervisor Minion|}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2|Supervisor's Minion (Centum Ravager/Ravisher)|}}
{{NPCTableRow|Overseer Cruiser|1|Supervisor Militant|trigger = escalation trigger}}
{{NPCTableRow|Elite Cruiser|1|Centum Militant Supervisor|trigger= escalation trigger, may trigger commander wave}}
{{NPCTableHead|90-100 km away, towards the top left}}
{{NPCTableRow|Commander Frigate|0-1|True Sansha Plague|cargo=faction modules|trigger=escalation trigger}}
{{NPCTableHead|Structures}}Structures on site
{{NPCTableHead|Structures}}Structures on site
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|10|Centus Bunker|drop = may contain loot}}
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|10|Centus Bunker|drop= may contain loot}}
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|6|Shield Generator}}
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|6|Shield Generator}}
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|6|Auxiliary Power Array}}
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|6|Auxiliary Power Array}}
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|5|Reactor Array}}
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|5|Reactor Array}}
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|3|Storage Facility}}
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|3|Storage Facility}}
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|1|ansha Minion Quarters}}
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|1|Sansha Minion Quarters}}
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|1|Sansha Mind Control Tower|trigger = triggers overseer wave}}
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|1|Sansha Mind Control Tower|trigger= attacking triggers overseer wave}}
Line 102: Line 125:
|Nation on the Rise
|Nation on the Rise
|A couple of the ships you destroyed bear different marks than the rest and after closer inspection you find that their navigation logs point to a place nearby as their home base.
|A couple of the ships you destroyed bear different marks than the rest and after closer inspection you find that their navigation logs point to a place nearby as their home base.
|collapsed= yes}}
[[Category:Unrated Complexes]]
[[Category:Unrated Complexes]]

Revision as of 09:44, 13 March 2024

Site Details
Sansha Watch
Type Unrated Complex
Found in High
Max ship size Battlecruisers
Faction Sansha's Nation
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Sig. strength 5% in High

An Unrated Complex that can be scanned down with scanner probes. It is commonly found in highsec systems occupied by the Sansha's Nation pirate faction.

The site consists of a volume of space with an acceleration gate and contains various structures and their defending pirates. Using the gate allows access to other areas within the site. When attacked, the defenders may send multiple waves of reinforcements. Each group's appearance is triggered by the destruction of members of the previous group. The names and amount of ships listed may vary slightly, but will always be of Cruiser class or smaller. There are two variations of the site.

This site's acceleration gate allows only Battlecruiser class ships or lower and their Tech 2 equivalents to enter the site. Flying too close (4 km) to the second gate will trigger a large spawn. Shoot the Sansha Mind Control Tower to get the Centum Militant Supervisor to spawn. He's got the good stuff.

The first pocket can be skipped if you have a Sansha Silver Tag in your cargo hold. This will be consumed when the acceleration gate is activated.


Warpin message:
Previous explorers have commented that one of the gates requires a passkey. Alternatively, it can be bypassed by convincing the commander to unlock it. The overseer guards the Mind Control Tower vigorously.

First Room

Sentries are split into two groups to the left and right, relative to the next acceleration gate. They are out of range of the warp-in point and can be ignored without any damage if one simply burns straight to the next gate.


Frigate 2-4 x Frigate Centii Facility Patroller Renamed Centii Plague/Enslaver Attacking front group triggers reinforcement wave, attacking back group triggers gate proximity wave Tracking Disruptor
Sentry 12 x Sentry Centus Point Defense Battery
Cruiser 3-4 x Cruiser Centum Beast/Juggernaut Tracking Disruptor
Reinforcement wave message:
The Patroller calls on reinforcements from a nearby pocket as he is attacked!
Gate proximity wave message:
Someone has entered the vicinity of the acceleration gate, and has awakened the Slave Commander!

Prepare for a fight, unless you have the means to bypass the gate's security system.

Message from Slave Commander:
Centus Slave Commander: Fool, you've overstepped your welcome here. Minions, defend your master!

The reinforcement wave is timed and will spawn even if the left group of frigates is not attacked.

Reinforcement Wave (Triggered by attacking Facility Patroller left group, or after ~30 seconds)

Frigate 2 x Frigate Centii Enslaver/Manslayer
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Centum Beast/Juggernaut Tracking Disruptor
Gate Proximity Wave (Triggered by attacking Facility Patroller right group or approaching the gate)

Frigate 4-5 x Frigate Centii Plague/Enslaver
Cruiser 4 x Cruiser Centum Beast Tracking Disruptor
Battlecruiser 1 x Battlecruiser Centus Slave Commander unlocks gate Tracking Disruptor


Structures on site

Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate Unlocks after Slave commander is dead Approach to trigger proximity wave
Structure 19 x Wall
Structure 12 x Storage Facility
Structure 12 x Landing Pad
Structure 5 x Junction
Structure 5 x Stationary Mammoth
Structure 4 x Frozen Corpse
Structure 2 x Ruins
Structure 2 x Ship Maintanance Facility
Structure 1 x Habitation Module
Asteroid 68 x Veldspar
Asteroid 15 x Scordite

Second Room

Most of the spawn is split into several groups about 30-60 km away. 2 destroyers and a cruiser sit at 0 on the warp-in point. All ships autoaggro within a few seconds.

The True Sansha frigate is separate from the rest of the ships, about 100 km away. He will approach you with microwarpdrive.

Message in Local channel:
Signals coming from the Mind Control Tower resemble those used by Sansha commanders when they control their troops. The signals are emitting at a furious pace, indicating the residents of the Tower are becoming increasingly desperate.

Initial defenders(auto-aggro)

Frigate 3-4 x Frigate Centii Butcher/...
Destroyer 10 x Destroyer Centior Devourer/...
Cruiser 13-17 x Cruiser Centum Beast/... Tracking Disruptor
Sentry 4 x Sentry Centus Light Missile Battery
In local:
Enemy craft have undocked from one of the Centus bunkers!
Timed spawn

Destroyer 1 x Destroyer Centior Horror
Cruiser 9 x Cruiser Centum Beast/Juggernaut... Tracking Disruptor
Overseer triggered:
Someone has attacked the Mind Control Tower. The Overseer along with his cohorts have undocked to defend it!

Overseer wave (triggered by attacking the Mind Control Tower)

Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Supervisor's Minion (Centum Ravager/Ravisher)
Elite Cruiser 1 x Elite Cruiser Centum Militant Supervisor escalation trigger, may trigger commander wave

90-100 km away, towards the top left

Commander Frigate 0-1 x Commander Frigate True Sansha Plague escalation trigger faction modules


Structures on site

Structure 10 x Centus Bunker may contain loot
Structure 6 x Shield Generator
Structure 6 x Auxiliary Power Array
Structure 5 x Reactor Array
Structure 3 x Storage Facility
Structure 1 x Sansha Minion Quarters
Structure 1 x Sansha Mind Control Tower attacking triggers overseer wave
Asteroid 80 x Veldspar


Destroying the True Sansha's faction spawn or the Centum Militant Overseer may trigger an expedition Nation on the Rise, with this message:

Nation on the Rise
A couple of the ships you destroyed bear different marks than the rest and after closer inspection you find that their navigation logs point to a place nearby as their home base.