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''NOTE: Draft FAQ''
Congratulations, you have submitted an application to EVE University and have been asked to join the queue for an interview. This page explains the queue and answers some of the questions you may have.
==What is the queue?==
==Joining the Interview Queue==
Most often, the queue people around E-Uni are referring to is the Application queue. Waiting in this queue is what gets an applicant an interview with a Personnel Officer, Senior Personnel Officer, or other staff member.
If you are applying to EVE University for the first time or are applying to return to EVE University more than 30 days after you left the corp, you will need to wait until you receive a mail from one of our Intake Officers before joining the queue for an interview. If you are a returning member returning within 30 days, the tool will place you into the Interview Queue immediately. Please see [[Returning to EVE University]] for full details on how to apply to return to EVE University.  
Once you submit an application, you are able to queue up.
Firstly, open up the [http://portal.eveuniversity.org/queue Queue page] in your browser and join the queue.  
==How does it work?==
Once you have joined the queue you will see a screen indicating that you are currently in the queue for an interview. You should keep this browser window open if you are available for interview. If you leave the game or step away from your keyboard close the browser window to indicate you are not currently available for an interview.
When you complete your application, the time-stamp is saved. This time-stamp never changes, even when you log out, unless you log out of the queue for two weeks. As many as a hundred people apply to E-Uni each day, though, so you might see yourself moving backward quite a bit -- this is simply because people that had earlier timestamps than you are logging in.
While you are in the interview queue, open up the E-Uni chat channel in game, which is our public channel. To join this channel, go to a chat channel in game and select the 'Open channel window' in the top left hand corner (the button looks like a speech bubble).  
==What happens when I don't login to the queue for two weeks?==
You lose your place in the queue, and will have to start fresh.
In the new window, type 'E-Uni' and click 'Join'.
==Does being in the queue all the time help?==
Not at all. We typically only look at the queue order, not how long you've actually been waiting in it. If you log off Eve for the night immediately after applying, come back a day later, you will still be exactly where you would have been if you had spent all night being in the queue.
Once you are in the Interview Queue please keep an eye on the E-Uni chat channel. Our Intake Officers work through the queue to call people for interview in the order they applied. Please bear in mind it can sometimes take a few days to receive your interview, as we have a lot of applications, so please be patient while you are waiting.
==Is there anything that can hurt my place in the queue?==
When you need to leave the game, or you are stepping away from your keyboard, just close the browser page with the queue in it. This will remove you from the Interview Queue so you are not called while you are not available. You will not lose your place in the queue.
There sure is! If you're in the queue but you are not actively watching the E-Uni public chat channel, you might miss hearing your name being called. If this happens, some folks may skip over you for some time in the future. Close the browser or leave the queue when you won't be watching every two minutes or so!
When you are next in line for an interview one of our Intake Officers will call you for an interview in this chat channel using some kind of ASCII, like in the images below:
==How will I know when it's my turn for an interview?==
A Personnel Officer will call your name in the E-Uni channel. Your name will show up in yellow.
Once you have been called for an interview, right click the Intake Officer's name, and select “Start conversation”. Once you are in a conversation with the Personnel Officer you may close the queue window of your browser, as this is no longer required. You may, however, stay in the E-Uni channel if you like, although this is not mandatory.
==What is the SPO queue?==
==How does the queue work?==
Some applications require evaluation by a Senior Personnel Officer. People that are told to do so should enter this queue. Your place in the queue will show where you are in relation to all people in all queues.
When you apply to EVE University you are issued with a timestamp, which remains the same until you join EVE University. Applicants are displayed in the order which they applied to EVE University, with the appropriate label (depending on whether you are waiting for an Intake Officer or a Senior Intake Officer).
==Is there an SPO online?  Is anybody doing SPO interviews?==
There is also a fast track queue, which is now used exclusively for members returning within 30 days or those who have already been accepted in an interview but had to do something before joining, like dropping roles in their corp or relocating. We do not disclose the reasons for sending people to one queue over another, but please do not be concerned by the queue you have been asked to join.
You will only know that when you are called.  None of the POs that are online know if or when any SPOs will be online or doing interviews.
If you have to leave the queue, close the browser window with the queue in and you will be removed from the list. Your timestamp is saved, so you will be in the same place when you rejoin the queue.
==Some people seem to be getting called first, even though I'm #1. What's going on?==
==Queue position==
There are a couple of cases where someone else might get priority, even if you're #1 in the queue. One of those cases is wartime re-entries; because we encourage members to leave during wartime if they need to do things that would otherwise break the WSOP, we prioritize their return to E-Uni when the war is over.
When you have joined the queue for an interview you will see a screen which tells you your position in the interview queue. This is your position relative to everyone else who is currently logged in and waiting for an interview. If a person with an earlier timestamp logs in they will automatically be place above you in the queue (since they have been waiting longer than you) so your queue position number will increase. At busy times you will notice your relative queue position goes up and down often as other players log in and receive interviews. This is the queue working as intended and is not a problem. Be assured that we will get to you eventually.
Depending on the mix of folks in the queue, and the mix of the PO's that are around, some Senior Personnel Officers will jump ahead and handle the SPO cases behind you, since there are far fewer SPO's than PO's.  
Note that while Intake Officers normally interview people in order of timestamp there will be occasions when they interview people out of order (for example, if number one in the queue is not responding to an interview call). Therefore do not assume that you can avoid paying attention in the channel until you are number one, as this may lead to to you missing your interview call.
These are just a couple of examples. Rest assured, if you're in the queue and see your position in it, we do as well. We're trying our best to get people moved through fairly and quickly.
==The Interview==
==Why is no one being called for interviews? Seems like it's been awhile!==
During the interview, the Intake Officer will ask any questions necessary to make a decision on your application. If you have any other accounts, the Intake Officer will require the API details, so ensure you have it to hand to speed up the process.
PO's are players, too, so we try to play the game ourselves -- just because a PO is online doesn't mean that they're actively interviewing. Just as there are periods where half a dozen (or more!) PO's are interviewing at once, there are also bound to be stretches where no one is.
If you don't understand any of the questions, or the Intake Officer is moving too quickly, please ask them to slow down or explain the question again.
It's also possible that we're busy moderating the E-Uni chat or keeping an eye on it. You can help reduce this possibility by helping each other out and following the chat guidelines.
If you are accepted into EVE University, the Intake Officer will bring you into the corporation during the interview, and will help you set up all of your access to the forum and chat channels so you can make the best of being a member. If you need some more time before joining EVE University to get everything in order please tell the Intake Officer this.
If your application to EVE University is rejected, the Intake Officer will send you a mail with some alternative options and instructions on how to appeal if you wish to do so. We do not disclose the reason for the decision to reject an applicant.
In rare cases, the Intake Officer will need some more time to make a decision. In those cases they will explain the reason for this, and they will contact you directly after a decision has been made.
==What should I do if I miss my interview call?==
Our Intake Officers will call you for interview in the E-Uni channel three times. If you don't respond, you will be moved out of the queue for a certain period of time. If this happens, your queue page will indicate what time you were called and how long you have left before you can rejoin the queue. When the time limit expires, you will automatically be placed back in the queue if you have your browser window open, you do not have to do anything further.
Please note that if this happens several times, your application may be rejected.

Latest revision as of 18:01, 20 May 2022

E-UNI Emblem.png This page's intent is to provide information on the the history of EVE University. The information on this page is no longer current.

Congratulations, you have submitted an application to EVE University and have been asked to join the queue for an interview. This page explains the queue and answers some of the questions you may have.

Joining the Interview Queue

If you are applying to EVE University for the first time or are applying to return to EVE University more than 30 days after you left the corp, you will need to wait until you receive a mail from one of our Intake Officers before joining the queue for an interview. If you are a returning member returning within 30 days, the tool will place you into the Interview Queue immediately. Please see Returning to EVE University for full details on how to apply to return to EVE University.

Firstly, open up the Queue page in your browser and join the queue.

Once you have joined the queue you will see a screen indicating that you are currently in the queue for an interview. You should keep this browser window open if you are available for interview. If you leave the game or step away from your keyboard close the browser window to indicate you are not currently available for an interview.

While you are in the interview queue, open up the E-Uni chat channel in game, which is our public channel. To join this channel, go to a chat channel in game and select the 'Open channel window' in the top left hand corner (the button looks like a speech bubble).


In the new window, type 'E-Uni' and click 'Join'.


Once you are in the Interview Queue please keep an eye on the E-Uni chat channel. Our Intake Officers work through the queue to call people for interview in the order they applied. Please bear in mind it can sometimes take a few days to receive your interview, as we have a lot of applications, so please be patient while you are waiting.

When you need to leave the game, or you are stepping away from your keyboard, just close the browser page with the queue in it. This will remove you from the Interview Queue so you are not called while you are not available. You will not lose your place in the queue.

When you are next in line for an interview one of our Intake Officers will call you for an interview in this chat channel using some kind of ASCII, like in the images below:


Once you have been called for an interview, right click the Intake Officer's name, and select “Start conversation”. Once you are in a conversation with the Personnel Officer you may close the queue window of your browser, as this is no longer required. You may, however, stay in the E-Uni channel if you like, although this is not mandatory.

How does the queue work?

When you apply to EVE University you are issued with a timestamp, which remains the same until you join EVE University. Applicants are displayed in the order which they applied to EVE University, with the appropriate label (depending on whether you are waiting for an Intake Officer or a Senior Intake Officer).

There is also a fast track queue, which is now used exclusively for members returning within 30 days or those who have already been accepted in an interview but had to do something before joining, like dropping roles in their corp or relocating. We do not disclose the reasons for sending people to one queue over another, but please do not be concerned by the queue you have been asked to join.

If you have to leave the queue, close the browser window with the queue in and you will be removed from the list. Your timestamp is saved, so you will be in the same place when you rejoin the queue.

Queue position

When you have joined the queue for an interview you will see a screen which tells you your position in the interview queue. This is your position relative to everyone else who is currently logged in and waiting for an interview. If a person with an earlier timestamp logs in they will automatically be place above you in the queue (since they have been waiting longer than you) so your queue position number will increase. At busy times you will notice your relative queue position goes up and down often as other players log in and receive interviews. This is the queue working as intended and is not a problem. Be assured that we will get to you eventually.

Note that while Intake Officers normally interview people in order of timestamp there will be occasions when they interview people out of order (for example, if number one in the queue is not responding to an interview call). Therefore do not assume that you can avoid paying attention in the channel until you are number one, as this may lead to to you missing your interview call.

The Interview

During the interview, the Intake Officer will ask any questions necessary to make a decision on your application. If you have any other accounts, the Intake Officer will require the API details, so ensure you have it to hand to speed up the process.

If you don't understand any of the questions, or the Intake Officer is moving too quickly, please ask them to slow down or explain the question again.

If you are accepted into EVE University, the Intake Officer will bring you into the corporation during the interview, and will help you set up all of your access to the forum and chat channels so you can make the best of being a member. If you need some more time before joining EVE University to get everything in order please tell the Intake Officer this.

If your application to EVE University is rejected, the Intake Officer will send you a mail with some alternative options and instructions on how to appeal if you wish to do so. We do not disclose the reason for the decision to reject an applicant.

In rare cases, the Intake Officer will need some more time to make a decision. In those cases they will explain the reason for this, and they will contact you directly after a decision has been made.

What should I do if I miss my interview call?

Our Intake Officers will call you for interview in the E-Uni channel three times. If you don't respond, you will be moved out of the queue for a certain period of time. If this happens, your queue page will indicate what time you were called and how long you have left before you can rejoin the queue. When the time limit expires, you will automatically be placed back in the queue if you have your browser window open, you do not have to do anything further.

Please note that if this happens several times, your application may be rejected.