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'''UniWiki pages I'm currently contributing to (links are to working drafts):<br />'''
== Mining Doctrine: Mining During Wartime ("Procs on Rocks") ==
Mining vessels are vulnerable to war targets (WTs), and so Unistas sometimes hesitate to mine with their UNI characters during wartime. To be sure, mining barges and exhumers are slow to warp, have less capacitor than other ships, have little room for weapons, and spend most of their time at asteroid belts that WTs can directly warp to. But this doesn't mean that it's unsafe to mine at AMC with your UNI character! Unistas '''can''' mine safely, especially in an Orca-boosted Shared-Can op. The purpose of this page is to propose a fleet doctrine that provides maximum safety to AMC miners when E-UNI is at war.
'''UniWiki pages I've recently completed work on, but would appreciate your input on:<br />'''
[[Intro to Eve W-Space|Syllabus: Intro to EVE W-Space]]<br />
[[Logistics Guide]]<br />
[[EWAR Guide]]<br />
The doctrine boils down to a few simple rules:
'''Unfinished pages I'm no longer working on:<br />'''
[[User:Antei thantonne/Shared-Can Mining in Wormhole Space|Shared-Can Mining in Wormhole Space]]
===Unistas should mine in Procurers.===
==Keeping combat ships in Sierra.==
There are a variety of reasons why we might engage in combat. If one of our mining vessels is pointed or scrammed by a war target, we might act to save it. I recommend AMC members have a few different ships at their disposal:
{| class="wikitable" border=0
====ECM: The Griffin====
! Procurer
! Retriever
! Covetor
! Skiff
! Mackinaw
! Hulk
! Relative Mining Efficiency*
| 86%
| 94%
| 100%
| 93%
| 102%
| 116%
! Effective Hit Points**
| 60,000
| 14,000
| 11,000
| 67,000
| 30,000
| 23,000
! Price (isk)***
| 16,000,000
| 26,500,000
| 30,000,000
| 124,000,000
| 179,000,000
| 217,000,000
''Good introductory reading: [[ECM_Guide#Using_your_ECM_Modules|"Using your ECM Modules"]], in the [[ECM Guide]].''
The Procurer mines about 92% as efficiently as a Retriever, and about 86% as efficiently as a Covetor
Electronic countermeasures (ECM) are the cheapest, most effective method of denying an aggressor a fight. They are also the easiest contribution for under-skilled pilots to make in a war-target encounter. Here's a pretty standard fit:
===Orca and Hauler support should be provided by out-of-corp characters.===
fitName=AMC Griffin|
high1name='Malkuth' Rocket Launcher I|
high2name='Malkuth' Rocket Launcher I|
mid1name=Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I|
mid2name='Umbra' White Noise ECM|
mid3name='Umbra' White Noise ECM|
mid4name='Umbra' White Noise ECM|
mid5name='Umbra' White Noise ECM|
low1name=Emergency Damage Control I|
low2name='Hypnos' Signal Distortion Amplifier I|
charge1name=Mjolnir Rocket x80|
rig1name=Small Particle Dispersion Projector I|
rig2name=Small Particle Dispersion Projector I|
rig3name=Small Particle Dispersion Augmentor I|
version=KRYO 1.0|
notes=High-slot weapons are for countering drones only; the Griffin is too weak to take on any human attacker. This fit has rocket launchers, but you could also fit light missile launchers instead, or autocannon, or no weapons at all, depending on your powergrid skills.<li>If you are targeted by an opponent, warp away to an off-grid safe spot, and then back again. With luck, your opponent will be too busy to re-acquire lock on you when you return.</li><li>With no skill bonuses, your ECM modules will have optimal+falloff ranges of 43+32 km, and the Griffin's lock range is 65 km. Your skilled ranges will probably be better than this.</li><li>This ship is intended to be disposable; the total cost of this fit is under 1 million ISK. If you lose it in combat, just go get another one!</li><li>As a result, you should *not* upgrade any of the modules to costlier Tech 2 versions, or choose to fly a pricier ECM alternative (such as the Kitsune or Blackbird). Any ECM ship we bring will become a priority target for our opponents, and flying the Griffin keeps our losses low.</li>}}
===Unistas should have combat ships—including tackle, EWAR, and/or damage-dealers—in system.===
Griffins are available in the AMC hangars or by contract from Antei. Antei will also include 4 of each "flavored" ECM modules. The [[Griffin|UniWiki Griffin page]] advises a "rainbow" fit of ECM modules, so that pilots can be prepared for any type of target. However, we will know the identity of our aggressors' ships from D-Scan or from being attacked, and so you should *not* use a rainbow fit. Instead, once you dock your mining vessel and switch to the Griffin, either fit all 4 ECM modules to match our opponent's ship type, or, if we have multiple aggressors, split your ECM module types 2/2 to be able to target two opponents at once. And as the number of targets increases, and you aim fewer modules at each, remember that you can increase your modules' effectiveness by [[Overheating]] them.
===Out-of-corp miners should have a logistics cruiser in system.===
====Heavy tackle====
===Unista combat vessels (preferably tackle) should be loaded in the Orca's Ship Maintenance Bay.===
''Good introductory reading: The UniWiki [[Tackling 101 Guide]].''
Many Unistas start their training as tackle pilots by flying small, fast frigates ("fast tackle") that can catch unwilling opponents. Our opponents, by contrast, will be entirely willing; if they are already aggressing a miner, we don't really need to catch them. As a result, in most encounters, we will need "heavy tackle", ships that are intended to tank a lot of damage while they keep an opponent from escaping. Four Tech 1 "[http://www.evealtruist.com/2013/02/know-your-enemy-combat-cruisers.html Combat Cruisers]" are built for heavy tackle duty: the [[Maller]], [[Vexor]], [[Moa]], and [[Rupture]]. Once AMC members can fly a cruiser, it's a good idea to have one of these in Sierra. How you fit your heavy tackle cruiser, and what weapons you use, depends entirely on your character skills. There is no doctrine fit that you need to follow. Nevertheless, there are a few modules that are fairly essential for an AMC heavy tackler:
*A '''Warp Scrambler''' (and not a Warp Disruptor). You will want to hold our opponents in place, and shutting off their MicroWarpDrive will be important to that goal. Fast tacklers will sometimes use Warp Disruptors because they are quick enough to keep up with an MWD-fitted opponent. You are not.
*A '''Stasis Webifier'''. Similar idea. Our opponents will likely be faster than we are, but if two heavy tacklers can land two webs (one each) on the opposing ship, we will likely have them tackled for good.
*A '''Capacitor Booster''', with both small and large charges available in the cargo hold. This is an unusual inclusion in tackle fits, but capacitor warfare is common, and our opponents may try to break your tackle and tank by applying neuts. A Cap Booster counters this strategy. Use small charges to give your ship continuous capacitor support (which eliminates the need for Cap Recharger modules), but switch to large charges if you find you are being neuted out.
Because the goal of heavy tackle is not to lose your ship, you should feel free to use Meta 3/4 or Tech 2 modules wherever you can. For example, here's one of Antei's Mallers:
| ship=Maller
| shipTypeID=624
| fitName=Antei's Laser Maller
| fitID=AnteisLaserMaller
| low3name=Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
| low3typeID=11269
| low1name=Damage Control II
| low1typeID=2048
| low2name=Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
| low2typeID=11269
| low4name=1600mm Reinforced Nanofiber Plates I
| low4typeID=11329
| low5name=Heat Sink II
| low5typeID=2364
| low6name=Heat Sink II
| low6typeID=2364
| mid1name=Medium F-RX Prototype Capacitor Boost
| mid1typeID=4829
| mid2name=X5 Prototype Engine Enervator
| mid2typeID=4025
| mid3name=J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I
| mid3typeID=5439
| high1name=Focused Medium Pulse Laser II
| high1typeID=3512
| high2name=Focused Medium Pulse Laser II
| high2typeID=3512
| high3name=Focused Medium Pulse Laser II
| high3typeID=3512
| high4name=Focused Medium Pulse Laser II
| high4typeID=3512
| high5name=Focused Medium Pulse Laser II
| high5typeID=3512
| charge1name=Cap Booster 50
| charge1typeID=264
| charge2name=Cap Booster 800
| charge2typeID=11289
| charge3name=Imperial Navy Multifrequency M
| charge3typeID=23089
| charge4name=Scorch M
| charge4typeID=12818
| rig1name=Medium Processor Overclocking Unit I
| rig1typeID=4395
| rig2name=Medium Anti-Kinetic Pump I
| rig2typeID=31023
| rig3name=Medium Anti-Explosive Pump I
| rig3typeID=31011
| drone1name=Hornet EC-300 x3
| drone1typeID=23707
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| difficulty=1
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=KRON 1.0
| showTOC=N
| showNOTES=Y
| shipDNA=624:2048;1:11269;1:11329;1:2364;1:4829;1:264;1:4025;1:5439;1:3512;1:23089;1:4395;1:31023;1:31011;1:23707;1::
| notes=Some modules are Tech 1/meta 4 for fitting purposes; I can't fit this entirely Tech 2 with my skills. Likewise, I would replace the Overclocking rig with something else if I could, but I can't.<li>If the Maller is fit with pulse lasers, as it is here, it needs to be fit with Tech 2 lasers and have Tech 2 Scorch crystals available; this allows the lasers to project to 30 km range. Otherwise, if fitting with Tech 1 lasers, you'll need to fit it with beam lasers so that you can hit targets at the edge of your opponent's long-point range.</li>
Out of the four Combat Cruisers, I actually think the Maller is worst suited for heavy tackle, because it has only three mid slots. Given our requirements, that leaves no space for a propulsion module, and so my heavy tackle ship is painfully slow. But I fly Amarr, so that's what I get.
If you aren't able to fly a combat cruiser, you can also fit one of the heavier [http://www.evealtruist.com/2012/09/know-your-enemy-t1-combat-frigates.html Combat Frigates] for heavy tackle duty. The [[Incursus]] and [[Punisher]] work best, especially when fit with a Small Ancillary Armor Repairer.
====Fast tackle====
''Good introductory reading: Azual Skoll's [http://www.evealtruist.com/2012/08/newbie-tackling-guide.html Newbie Tackling Guide].''
Even though we will need heavy tackle all of the time, fast tackle will also fill a number of utility roles: taking out opponents' drones, tackling snipers (if we choose to), and countering enemy support ships. Once again, how you choose to fit your fast tackler depends entirely on your pilot skills, and no doctrine fit is given here. Most importantly, miners are advised to keep their fast tackle fits cheap; the life of a fast tackler is often short.
====Other useful ships====
There are a few other roles that we'll need flown very infrequently, but that miners might want to try out. These include:
* '''Damage dealer'''. Along with the four heavy combat cruisers described earlier, each race also has a Tech 1 light [http://www.evealtruist.com/2013/04/know-your-enemy-attack-cruisers.html Attack Cruiser]: the [[Omen]], [[Caracal]], [[Thorax]] and [[Stabber]]. These cruisers are bonused for damage rather than tank, and so are useful to add that extra bit of damage necessary to finish off an opponent. We will always need heavy tacklers first, but once we have a few combat cruisers in the fight, I can imagine additional pilots bringing damage dealers ("DD").
* '''Anti-frigate support'''. If our opponents are flying fast, kiting frigates, they may be able to evade the turrets on our heavy tacklers. Light missiles are a great counter to frigate swarms. The [[Caracal]] or [[Bellicose]] are probably the most common counter to frigates, fitted with Rapid Light Missile Launchers; if you choose to bring one of these, make sure to fit a Target Painter, or your kiting opponent will just speed-tank your missiles.
* '''Combat scanner''' (either in a Tech 1 exploration frigate, or a Tech 2 Covert Ops frigate). If an aggressor is monitoring us from a safe spot, it might be useful to scan him or her down using Combat Scanning Probes, using a scanning frigate.
* '''Other EWAR:''' Sensor dampening in the [[Maulus]], or tracking disruption in the [[Crucifier]]. In general, these will be less effective than ECM. Our opponent(s) will have already locked onto a miner, so damps won't save an aggressed miner. And our opponents will easily be able to close range on a slow mining vessel, such that tracking disruption will have little effect. Nevertheless, I really love damps and TD, and I can think of situations where these vessels could be effective.
In any case, an FC would call for these ships only if there were already at least one Griffin and two, maybe three heavy tackle on-grid with our opponent(s).
====Ships I recommend against====
* '''Tech 1 Logistics.''' Each race has a Tech 1 logistics cruiser, and logistics serves as a great force multiplier in fleets. It's easy to imagine how a logistics ship could save a fleetmate (e.g., an aggressed miner) from destruction. However, solo logistics pilots are extremely vulnerable to cap warfare, and logistics cruisers have less tank, and have more expensive fittings, relative to other cruisers. If you are considering flying logistics, I recommend heavy tackle instead.
* '''Faction or pirate ships.''' As a group, we in the AMC are relatively inexperienced pilots, and we will lose ships in combat engagements. when we have them. We ''should'' lose ships—it's the only way we'll get experience with PvP. I hope we can minimize those losses by flying relatively inexpensive hulls.
===Low-sec ops may or may not be as profitable as high-sec mining.===
We will be targeting low-sec ores and anomalies that are worth a lot more than high-sec mining can offer. However, we will be interrupted by low-sec pirates, and we will not be using Exhumers (and thus forgoing a lot of potential yield relative to Mining Barges). As a result, you may not make as much ISK as you would mining in high sec, depending on your skills.
===Miners should control only one character, and be prepared to do opponent research on the fly.===
Pilots in low- and null-sec and in wormhole space need to learn a lot more about other pilots flying in their system than high-sec miners typically do. For example, when we see an unfamiliar character in Local, we nearly always:
*Right-click on their name, "Show info", and check their security status, employment history (which gives their character's age) and bio;
*Search for their name on a public killboard like [http://zkillboard.com zKillboard] or [http://eve-kill.net EVE-Kill], to see whether they have a history of aggression against PvE pilots, to try to determine what kinds of ships they fly, and to see whether they are associated with any other pilots in system; and
*Use D-Scan to try and determine what they're flying now.
Even though your Overview is set to tag pilots with negative security status, it is '''not''' safe to assume that pilots with positive security status won't aggress you. Low-sec pirates often repair their security status regularly for exactly this reason—to give you the false impression that they are friendly.
''A good introductory assignment: Search a public killboard for the low-sec system that the FC has assigned for the op. What sort of ships have been killed there recently, and by whom? How were the ships fitted? The killboard won't give fits for the victors' ships—but can you find the victors' fits among their past losses?''
== Antei's Step-by-Step Low-Sec Exploration Guide (Out of date) ==
''Recently, wormhole exploration has become much more profitable than low-sec exploration. As a result, this section no longer really applies.''
I really enjoy low-sec exploration. It's engaging, challenging, and not very skill-intensive. It also works well during my usual late-USTZ playtime, when the fewest players are online and low-sec systems are at their emptiest. Although you can use a variety of different ships to do low-sec explo, my favorite is the [[Heron]].
I've cleared so many low-sec systems of data and relic sites that I've developed a sort of method for running them. Here's that method, step-by-step:
# Take the gate into your low-sec system of choice.
# In the PodSaver tab, right click on any planet, and "Warp to 70 km". I recommend
# AS YOU BEGIN ACCELERATING TO WARP, launch your probes at the gate.
# As soon as you land at Planet Whatever, begin cloak.
# D-Scan in the PvP tab, if there are others in system. Do some background work on those characters.
# Switch to Solar System Map and do your anomaly scanning. As you find sites, right click on each and save it as a bookmark. "Ignore" WH's, Gas Sites, & Combat Sites as you find them to remove them from your Anomaly listing.
# Once you've identified/scanned every site, start running them (Data sites first). Data sites can take up as much as 200 m3 of cargo space--make sure you have room. Relics don't take up as much space.
# When you arrive at a site, if you are farther than 10 km from the closest can, Approach it and pulse your MWD once. Once you get within ~9 km, Stop your Ship.
# You can start codebreaking when you are within 5 km, but you must be within 2.5 km to open the can. You might end up Stopping your Ship *while* you are hacking!
# Go to the next one. If there is anyone else in system, I try to keep my Overview set to the PvP tab, and check DScan periodically.

Latest revision as of 15:47, 20 June 2016

UniWiki pages I'm currently contributing to (links are to working drafts):

UniWiki pages I've recently completed work on, but would appreciate your input on:
Syllabus: Intro to EVE W-Space
Logistics Guide
EWAR Guide

Unfinished pages I'm no longer working on:
Shared-Can Mining in Wormhole Space