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Christmas Eagle Logo.png This page provides information on the history of DUST University.
DUST 514, a game for Playstation 3, was shut down by CCP Games on May 30, 2016.

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Dropsuit Upgrade Skills

In this branch of the Skill Tree you will find all the skills that will increase the abilities of your suits and add new ones. The effects that these skills have will effect any suit that you purchase and use, regardless of the Racial variant or specialisation of Dropsuit you are using.

This makes the skills in this branch very important and a good base to build your career in Dust 514.

The first of the skills is Dropsuit Upgrades itself. It costs 48,000 ISK and it has a 1x Training Cost Multiplier. This skill does not give any bonus to your suit in of itself but allows you unlock the following skills at a different level.

Dropsuit Core Upgrades

Unlocked at Level I of Dropsuit Upgrades.

Cost 66,000 ISK

2x Training Cost Multiplier

Bonus: +1% to dropsuit PG and CPU per level

An important Fitting Skill as at Level V it will produce an extra 5% of the base output of CPU and PG from your Dropsuit


Level I Dropsuit Electronics & Dropsuit Engineering
Level II Active Scanner Operation, Drop Uplink Deployment, Nanocircuitry & Repair Tool Operation
Level IV Systems Hacking

Dropsuit Armour Upgrades

Unlocked at Level II of Dropsuits Upgrades

Cost 66,000 ISK

2x Training Cost Multiplier

Bonus: +5% to dropsuit armor per level

An important Fitting Skill as at Level V it increases the base armour of your Dropsuit by 25%, with no hit to your speed.


Level I Armour Plating & Armour Repair Systems

Dropsuit Shield Upgrades

Unlocked at Level II of Dropsuits Upgrades

Cost 66,000 ISK

2x Training Cost Multiplier

Bonus: +5% to dropsuit shield per level

An important Fitting Skill as it increases the base shields of your Dropsuit by 25% at Level V


Level I Shield Extension, Shield Recharging & Shield Regulation

Dropsuit Biotic Upgrades

Unlocked at Level IV of Dropsuits Upgrades

Cost 66,000 ISK

2x Training Cost Multiplier

Bonus: +1% to sprint speed, maximum stamina and stamina recovery per level

A Support Skill. Not really needed at the start of your Mercenary career but once you start to skill up into specialized roles, such as scout, can increase your speed and stamina reserves


Level I Cardiac Regulation
Level III Hand to Hand Combat
Level V Kinetic Catalyzation

Dropsuit Electronics

Cost 567,000 ISK

5x Training Cost Multiplier

Bonus: +5% to dropsuit CPU per level

An important Fitting Skill because it increases the base CPU output of your Dropsuit by 25% at Level V


Level I Precision Enhancement, Profile Dampening, Range Amplification

Dropsuit Engineering

Cost 567,000 ISK

5x Training Cost Multiplier

An important Fitting Skill at it increases the base output of your Dropsuit by 25% at Level V

Bonus: +5% to dropsuit PG per level

Active Scanner Operation

Cost 149,000 ISK

3x Training Cost Multiplier

Unlocks Active Scanner Equipment. Standard Level I, Advanced Level III & Prototype Level V

Drop Uplink Deployment

Cost 149,000 ISK

3x Training Cost Multiplier

Unlocks Drop Uplinks Equipment. Standard Level I, Advanced Level III & Prototype Level V


Cost 149,000 ISK

3x Training Cost Multiplier

Unlocks Nanohive Equipment. Standard Level I, Advanced Level III & Prototype Level V

Unlisted bonus: 5% reduction in CPU usage of Nanite Injectors and Nanohives.

Repair Tool Operation

Cost 149,000 ISK

3x Training Cost Multiplier

Unlocks Repair Tools Equipment. Standard Level I, Advanced Level III & Prototype Level V

Systems Hacking

Cost 567,000 ISK

5x Training Cost Modifier

Unlocks Codebreaker Suit Modules. Standard Level I, Advanced Level III & Prototype Level V

Bonus: +5% bonus to hacking speed per level

Armour Plating

Cost 149,000 ISK

3x Training Cost Multiplier

Unlocks Armour Plate Modules. Standard Level I, Advanced Level III & Prototype Level V

A Support Skill. At Level V unlocks the Prototype Armour plates but also adds 10% to the Hit Points of the Armour module itself (it doesn't add any to the base Armour points of your suit)

Bonus: +2% to armor plates module efficacy per level

Armour Repair Systems

Cost 149,000 ISK

3x Training Cost Multiplier

Unlocks Armour Repair Modules. Standard Level I, Advanced Level III & Prototype Level V

A Support Skill. At Level V increases the amount of HP repair from the repair model by 25% per second.

Bonus: +5% to armor repairer module efficacy per level

Shield Extension

Cost 149,000 ISK

3x Training Cost Multiplier

Unlocks Shield Extenders. Standard Level I, Advanced Level III & Prototype Level V

A Support Skill. Like the Armour Plates this skill increases the HP of your Shield Extender module by 10% at Level V. (Does not effect the base Shield Hit Points of your Suit)

Bonus: +2% to shield extender module efficacy per level

Shield Recharging

Cost 149,000 ISK

3x Training Cost Multiplier

Unlocks Shield Rechargers. Standard Level I, Advanced Level III & Prototype Level V

Bonus: +3% to shield recharger module efficacy per level

Shield Regulation

Cost 149,000 ISK

3x Training Cost Multiplier

Unlocks Shield Regulators. Standard Level I, Advanced Level III & Prototype Level V

Bonus: +2% to shield regulator module efficacy per level

Cardiac Regulation

Cost 149,000 ISK

3x Training Cost Multiplier

Unlocks Cardiac Regulators. Standard Level I, Advanced Level III & Prototype Level V

Bonus: +2% to cardiac regulators module efficacy per level

Hand to Hand Combat

Cost 149,000 ISK

3x Training Cost Multiplier

Unlocks Myofibril Stimulants. Standard Level I, Advanced Level III & Prototype Level V

Bonus: +10% to myofibril stimulant module efficacy per level

Kinetic Catalyzation

Cost 149,000 ISK

3x Training Cost Multiplier

Unlocks Kinetic Catalysers. Standard Level I, Advanced Level III & Prototype Level V

Bonus: +1% to kinetic catalyzer module efficacy per level

Precision Enhancement

Cost 149,000 ISK

3x Training Cost Multiplier

Unlocks Precision Enhancers. Standard Level I, Advanced Level III & Prototype Level V

Bonus: 2% bonus to dropsuit scan precision per level

Profile Dampening

Cost 149,000 ISK

3x Training Cost Multiplier

Unlocks Profile Dampeners. Standard Level I, Advanced Level III & Prototype Level V

Bonus: 2% reduction to dropsuit scan profile per level

Range Amplification

Cost 149,000 ISK

3x Training Cost Multiplier

Unlocks Range Amplifiers. Standard Level I, Advanced Level III & Prototype Level V

Bonus: +10% to dropsuit scan range per level