Scheduling a class

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Eve University welcomes members who wish to contribute to the student community by holding events and teaching classes.


While most classes are taught by UNI Teachers, any member of Eve University with Student status or higher are able to schedule classes.

If you are not a Teacher and you want to conduct a class, please inform the Training Manager beforehand, for some counsel and assistance.

See the Guide to teaching classes for further information about planning your class. You will be expected to follow these guidelines, especially:

  • Prepare a syllabus of class notes in advance
  • Anticipate and prepare for questions
  • Arrive early, start your class on time, and be respectful of your students' time


To get the best turnout for your class:

  • Check the in-game calendar for available dates/times.
  • Post an advert as a new topic in the Schduled Classes section on the forums, using the standard format.
  • In the in-game calendar, post a Corporate event with the [CLASS] tag. Please do NOT post your event as an Alliance event unless you are senior management. It is also best to not mark event as important, as the event will be marked as "classified" in the calendar feed and students will be unable to see anything about it.
  • Run your class!
  • After you have run your class, post an after-class report on the class using this form.

If you need to cancel a class please do not delete your posts from the forum or the in-game calendar. Instead, please change the tags on both to [CANCELLED]. If you need to postpone a class, please mark the original class as [CANCELLED] and create new posts for the new time on the forum and in-game calendar.