Practical Solutions

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Caldari epic arc - Penumbra
Chapter 2 - Blackness Rising
Previous mission: Whisper of a Conspiracy
Next mission: Forewarning

Type Courier
Objective Retrieve Vira Mikano (3.0 m3)
Ship suggestion Very fast frigate, interceptor
Rewards 2,500,000 + 229,000 (Bonus if completed in 1H 4M)
Mission briefing
I've managed to get a message over to Katsen. He's already begun to make some arrangements but I have to say Hirmuolio Pine, this is going to be a particularly dicey assignment, for all of us.

Katsen is convinced he knows the man for this job. In fact, he claims that if anyone can decipher this data node, it will be this man. His name is Vira Mikano, and he's a senior decryption analyst with Ishukone Watch.

Yeah that's right, I said Ishukone Watch.

Katsen's plan is to have some of his people “redirect” Mr. Mikano from his office in Oipo to your personal hangar on the station. From there, you will put him aboard your ship and safely escort him back here to Astoh.

Let me stress something before you leap in, Hirmuolio Pine. Mikano is a family man, and a well-respected Caldari too. Hell, I once had drinks with him. If the lives of many more Caldari weren't at stake here, I wouldn't consider abducting him for even a moment, but desperate situations call for practical solutions. We need him to help us, and there is no chance in hell he'd do that without a little pressure, but he must not come to any harm whatsoever.

Only accept this assignment if you're absolutely ready for it. I'll relay your acceptance to Katsen the moment you give me the nod. After that, there's no turning back.

Masks of Authority
The glossy tropes of the public relations holoreels and the beige glamour of stylized war worship stand in stark contrast to the reality of these agencies, but most people have only a muddy awareness of the dichotomy.

A man can be rudely treated by a brusque and superior Ishukone Watch officer and silently curse him for hours, but as soon as he gets home that evening he is just as likely to prop his feet up and enjoy a rousing serial where the Ishukone Watch's superior technology and cunning allows it to root out Gurista spies and double-cross them into revealing their hideout. So pervasive is the propaganda that it is highly doubtful this man ever draws a parallel between the real thing and the image; the connection he draws, instead, is between the image and the mother corporation it represents.

Pick up Vira Mikano from an Ishkone Watch station and bring him back to Sinas so he can decrypt the Encrypted Data Node. There is no combat in the mission.