Carry On

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Gallente epic arc - Syndication
Chapter 3 - Inertia
Previous mission: Octomet Plantation OR Oldest Profession OR Little Fingers
Next mission: Studio 1

Type Encounter
Objective Find the Carry On Hub and approach it.
Faction Independent
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Warp disruption Veteran 'Carry On Guard' Frigate
EWAR Neuts, Damps
Ship suggestion Battleship (Fast frigate for bliz)
Rewards 10,000,000 + time bonus
Mission briefing
Ok, ok. Don't tell Mourmarie, but I've been holding out on her. She's wrung me out of most of the info I have, especially some of the juicier leads from my former smuggling days. But this place is the mother lode, a veritable smorgasbord for the human traffickers in this corner of New Eden. You can't tell anyone about this place, though: A rat is only good if nobody knows she exists, if you catch my meaning.

The Carry On is a smuggler's haven, a collection of speakeasies and underground associations devoted to human trafficking. It was a home away from home for me back in the day. I don't think I can show my face there anymore, though. Too many enemies, too many friends. But you can.

Your best course of action is to find the Carry On hub, located at the heart of the complex. You'll probably meet some of the guards there, or even some smugglers looking to protect their own. If they hit you, strike back. Smugglers are cowards at heart. Approach the hub and see what you can find there. Attack it if you must. This pains me to think about it, but it's our only choice.

Carry On Token
If you found the Carry On token, you may find it useful at their illicit location. Even smugglers charge admission.

This mission consists of four rooms. The incoming damage in last room is very high and blizing is heavily recommended. If you have the "Carry On Token" for skipping straight to last room a fast frigate should be able to complete the mission in record time.

Bliz: Warp to site with "Carry On Token" passkey in cargohold and activate "The Hub" gate (has "Toll Booth" next to it). After entering "The Hub", ignore all ships and quickly approach the "Carry On Hub" structure to complete the mission. A fast frigate should work if you have the token.


The warpin area has two acceleration gates. The one with a toll by it leads to the last room "The Hub" and requires an "Carry On Token" to go through. The key is consumed on use. The second gate leads to the second room "The Alley". The alley path has two rooms that you must fight your way through.

If you have the key you should take the acceleration gate with toll near it. The "Carry On Token" passkey will be consumed on use. Create a bookmark in "The Hub" (Pocket 3) after using the gate and if needing to warp out, can just warp back to bookmark instead of slugging it out through "The Alley" (Pockets 1 and 2). The last room is not deadspace.


Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate (near toll booth) Leads to the last room. Requires "Carry On Token" to pass through. The key is consumed.
Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate Unlocked. Leads to second room.

1st pocket - The Alley (1)

Watch out for the elite battleships (Veteran Carry On Guard) as they deal very high damage.

Spawn table

Elite Cruiser 3 x Elite Cruiser Veteran Carry On Guard Energy Neutralizer Remote Sensor Dampener
Battleship 8 x Battleship Amateur/Veteran Carry On Guard
Sentry 6 x Sentry Syndicate Cruise Missile Battery


Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate (36 km) Leads to "The Alley (2)"

2nd pocket - The Alley (2)

Note: Various destroyable structures scattered within this pocket might drop commodities.

Spawn table

Cruiser 8 x Cruiser Carry On Guard
Battleship 6 x Battleship Carry On Guard
Sentry 2 x Sentry Syndicate Cruise Missile Battery
Sentry 2 x Sentry Syndicate Heavy Missile Battery


Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate (22 km) Leads to "The Hub"

3rd pocket - The Hub

The last room is not deadspace. You should create a bookmark in it in case you need to run away. The mission object is located in here, simply approach the Carry On Crow's Nest as fast as you can. You may need to overheat your engine and/or tank. Once you reach the structure all hostile ships will despawn and mission is completed. You should take out the elite frigates as soon as possible as they might web and point you.

The industrial ships will stay even after combat ships despawn. The smaller industrials drop nothing but the freighters drop large number of various commodities such as oxygen, civilians, scientist and exotic dancesrs. No loot drops from various destroyable structures scattered within this pocket.

If you decide to fight the rats focus fire on the Veteran Carry On Guards as those elite battleships dealvery high damage. The Amateur Carry On Guard are mostly harmless and the two veteran guard deals more damage than the six the amateurs deal together.

Spawn table

Elite Frigate 8 x Elite Frigate Veteran Carry On Guard Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Elite Cruiser 8 x Elite Cruiser Veteran Carry On Guard
Battleship 6 x Battleship Amateur Carry On Guard
Elite Battleship 2 x Elite Battleship Veteran Carry On Guard
Hauler 2 x Industrial Carry On Industrial/Courier
Freighter 3 x Freighter Carry On Freighter Commodities