Logistics Directorate

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The Logistics Directorate is one of seven main divisions (or Directorates) within EVE University. See EVE University Management for details of the other Directorates.
E-UNI Emblem.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.

The Logistics Directorate is one of several divisions that make up EVE University, but it is also the division with which most students will have the least personal contact. One department with a manager comprises the division: the Reimbursement Department.


Director of Logistics

AzmoValar.jpg Azmodeus Valar - Send a forum PM

The Director of Logistics is responsible for coordinating logistical support for EVE University, including providing EVE University supply services to benefit and support members.

Main article: Logistics Directorate

Production Manager

Arieathellare.jpg Ariea Thellare - Send a forum PM

The Production Manager oversees the materials and processes for in-house and student manufacturing.

Main article: Production Department

Assistant Managers: None

Reimbursement Manager

DavidMatsuda.jpg David Matsuda - Send a forum PM

The Reimbursement Manager administers the Ship Replacement Program and The Implants Program.

Main article: Reimbursement Department

Assistant Managers:

Krevlorn Severasse.jpg
Pink Kondur.jpg
Krevlorn Severasse Pink Kondur

Reimbursement Officers

  • Anna Iwaira (General/NSC)
  • Ares Dodekatheon (HSC)
  • Damien Maken (General)
  • Dominic Altol (NSC)
  • Esca Sinak (General)
  • Gyrgon (General)
  • Toma Heleneto (General)
  • Wroxton Vee (WHC)
  • Zoltan Irvam (General)


Ship Replacement Program

EVE University offers a simple Ship Replacement Program that offers replacement hulls for T1 frigate, destroyer, and cruiser losses, as well as partial reimbursements for several advanced ship types.

The +3 Implants Program

The Implants Program provides young members the ability to purchase basic +3 implants at a reduced price.