Production Department

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Production Department

The goal of the EVE University Production Department was to provide an inhouse industrial service to support content delivery.

Historical Context

The EVE University Production Department historically provided industrial services to support the University's logistical needs, including doctrine ship production, strategic operations support, and fuel production.

The department previously managed programs such as:

Fleet Support Program: Supplying doctrine ships at EVE University's known space community hubs.

Strategic Operations Support: Providing logistical support for strat-ops planned by the FC Team or EVE University Communities.

Flight Deck Production: Manufacturing fits for use in the Communities Flight Decks and other programs maintained by the Quartermaster's Department.

UNI Fuel Production: Producing fuel for Ivy League-owned structures, distributed by the Quartermaster's Department.

Closure and Transition

As announced in the December 2024 State of the Alliance address by CEO Laura Karpinski, the Production Department was formally disbanded as part of a strategic restructure. The new Supply Chain Department was established within the Logistics Directorate to place greater emphasis on purchasing from Jita, reflecting the relocation of EVE University's headquarters to Korsiki (7 jumps from Jita) in early 2025. This restructuring aimed to improve efficiency by expanding the University's Buyback team to include dedicated Procurement services rather than relying on internal production efforts.

For reference, the December 2024 State of the Alliance address can be viewed here: [1].