Cloak trick

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The MWD/Prototype Cloak Trick:

There is a lot of misinformation on the forums and in-game about the "cloak/MWD trick." Here is the straight deal from the Dooobles.

Why? (Porque?!)

Because you want to be able to remain uncloaked for less than .5 seconds so a lucky interceptor doesn't lock you before you can cloak. By "lucky interceptor" I mean the OCD intie pilots who sit on gates with point and sensor boosters hot waiting for something to jump through so they can click it.

What? (Do wuhat?)

This is a trick that will cloak you while you align to something after jumping through a gate and then let you almost instantly warp the second you break cloak.

How does it work?

  • Hit align to your point of interest
  • Immediately after hit the cloak
  • Immediately after you hit cloak hit your MWD (this does work, you can activate your mwd for a second after you activate the cloak. Yes it works. Just so it's clear... this works.)
  • When your MWD cycle is about 90% complete you drop cloak and spam warp to your point of interest.

Because the MWD boosts your (cloaked) speed by 500% for one cycle while you are cloaked you will end up at right around warp speed when you deactivate the cloak right before the MWD cycle is complete. Since you hit align before the cloak you will be aligned and at warp speed when the cloak drops. This equals near insta-warp. Verily, if you practice this you can be uncloaked for literally less than a second total on a gate. Practice in high-sec and you will find this is actually pretty easy and effective.

Bonus pro-tip side note:

You can use the same mwd trick to accelerate a big ship (say an orca or rorqual) to warp speed without the cloak involved. Align, pulse the MWD ONCE (and once only, just click it twice in a row) and warp in 10 seconds instead of 30. You could do the cloak thing, but you'll have to see the specifics on how to time dropping the cloak and it may require more time uncloaked at the end of the MWD cycle to get to just the right speed. The cloak trick requires a tad more practice but makes annoying acceleration waits *slightly* less annoying and a little safer.

Convo Dooobles in-game with your questions but this is pretty straightforward.