Uproot (3 of 5)

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Gallente COSMOS mission
Agent: Ystvia Lamuette
Agent location: Ebony Tower (Barmalie)
Standings required: 1.00 Gallente Federation
Parts: (Prologue), (1 of 5), (2 of 5), (3 of 5), (4 of 5), (5 of 5)

Type Encounter
Objective Destroy ships in an area
Faction FON/Mercenaries
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Ship size limit Battleship
Ship suggestion Cruiser
Rewards 147,000 + time bonus

Mission briefing
The photographer who recorded your strike has given his footage to the post-production people. We should see something from them soon.

We've decided there's no choice but to take the Ekire matter into our own hands. According to our intelligence, he has something like four hundred men under his command, conducting his terrorist operations. Some of them are our own FON activists, others are mercenaries - Navy rejects, working for the highest bidder.

The Deltole system is a key tactical location; many of Ekire's mercs are stationed at an outpost there, and we have solid reports that they're preparing to stage some sort of attack on the Wiyrkomi factory there. This must not be allowed to happen.

We need you to conduct a pre-emptive strike on the outpost, eliminating any personnel you find in the vicinity. As you're not flying under our flag, there should be nothing linking you to the FON, and indeed there can't be - we would never survive the political backlash. Please know that we don't undertake the killing of people lightly. It's our hope that this is the greatly lesser of two evils.

Report back to me when the deed is done. I'll be here.

The agent sends you to a cleanup operation. Not all ships need to be destroyed but the trigger for mission completion is unknown.

Note: The Mercenary Commanders deal noticeably higher damage than the other rats. Recommend destroying them first to lower the damage output.


Frigate 5 x Frigate FON Frigate
Frigate 4 x Frigate Mercenary Fighter
Cruiser 3 x Cruiser FON Cruiser
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Mercenary Commander