Cosmic Anomalies

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Pages with similar information already exist about cosmic anomalies on the uniwiki, please see:


Exploration combat sites for new players

Scanning & Probing


Wormholes 101

Smurfprime's Probing Guide

Cosmic Anomalies and Cosmic Signatures(Exploration Sites) are both part of Exploration in EVE. The difference being that Cosmic Anomalies require no special skills trained to find or complete them and they do not appear in Deadspace zones.

Cosmic Anomalies contain NPC rats or Drones. These site are not a difficult as their cosmic signature counterparts but can have rich rewards as well. They have different difficult ratings, getting increasingly harder the lower the security status of a system.

Cosmic Anomalies can be found by probing (Scanning) them or by using your onboard scanner (Scanning#On-board_System_Scanner).

Anomalies are ranked in difficulty by 10 levels, these are:

(Faction) Burrow / Drone Collection (lowest)

(Faction) Hideaway / Drone Cluster

(Faction) Refuge / Drone Gathering

(Faction) Den / Drone Gathering

(Faction) Yard / Drone Surveillance

(Faction) Rally Point / Drone Menagerie

(Faction) Port / Drone Herd

(Faction) Hub / Drone Squad

(Faction) Haven / Drone Portal

(Faction) Sanctum / Drone Horde (hardest)

The rank of the Anomaly you could find depends on the security status of the system you are searching in. Within HighSec (Security Status 1.0 to 0.5) the lower third will be found, LowSec (Security Status of 0.4 to 0.1) contains the mid third of them and the higher third will be found within NullSec.