User:Lord Finnbar/Wormhole Community Etiquette

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E-UNI Emblem.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.


Being in Fleet

If you are in J-space, always be in fleet and in Mumble. If for some exceptional reason, you cannot be in Fleet or Mumble, let people who are in Fleet or Mumble know you are there (looking at you, PI alts in Epithals!).

  1. Do not go AFK for any extended period of time while in fleet (short breaks, notify the fleet). If you get ninja-bossed while AFK, fleet will not be advertised. Leave fleet if you need to be AFK for an extended period of time. Additionally, if you are docked but AFK, you show as present in our structures which may lead potential content to think we are able to engage with more numbers than we are actually able to field.
  2. Do not set fleet advert to automatically update fleet advert on boss change. This can automatically swap boss to an AFK person in fleet and will cause the fleet to become unusable.
  3. If you are the fleet boss and need to leave/go AFK, pass it to someone who is going to be online. Do not log off before handing off Fleet boss, as it will be given to a member of the Fleet who may not be paying attention at the time. Passing boss also gives a session change timer—surprise session change timers can get people killed. If no one is able to take boss it is best to disband the fleet.

Coming into Innu

Before undocking in Innu or activating a wormhole leading into Innu always be in fleet and Mumble. It is good practice prior to undocking or coming into Innu to first ask if there is ongoing content first. You don’t want to jump into Innu from Eggs in your DST only to find it is bubbled with hostiles on the other side or undock from Forty Two only to scare off a day tripper that was being hunted. Contribute to content, don’t kill it!

Announcing Activations

ALWAYS call out activations for Eggs, Bacon, and any other hole to/from Innu. Wormholes make a sound and have a visual effect. We use this to determine when we need to prepare for a fight, so let us know it is you instead. It is also best practice to call out activations further down the chain, especially if you know there are members there.

  1. If you are activating it: Call out “Friendly Bacon”, “Friendly Eggs”, “Friendly 1 Z1”, etc. in Mumble. Depending upon the circumstances, you may write it in Fleet, commonly abbreviated as “fa e”, “fa b”, “fa 1 z1”, etc. If you did not activate it: “Activation Eggs”, “Did someone activate Eggs?”, etc.

Scanning and Updating Pathfinder

Intelligence is life and death in J-space and part of this includes ensuring signatures are properly scanned, bookmarked, and updated in Pathfinder along with other important information.

  1. Make sure you are keeping Pathfinder updated and cleaned up. This means properly updating new signatures, updating information on structures and POSs, deleting old sigs that aren’t there, deleting chains that have collapsed, and detaching connections that happen because you’re jumping systems too quickly. If everybody does a little bit, it’s not much work!
  2. We pay our scanners for every sig they bookmark and put in Pathfinder within three jumps of Innu. In a decent week, this can be nearly 1M ISK/signature!
  3. One of the first things you should do when undocking is ensuring all signatures in Innu have been updated. It is also good practice to do this while passing through the chain. See this forum post on how best to accomplish this.
  4. As a general rule everything in Eggs, Innu, Bacon, and any immediate connection to Innu should be bookmarked. Additionally, when more than 1 jump from Innu always bookmark all wormholes in the chain by warping to the wormhole and bookmarking it (do NOT bookmark a wormhole from your probe window) and anything of interest as noted in the What to Bookmark guide linked below. If ever in doubt if you should bookmark something, bookmark it!
  5. Make sure you have read and understand our various guides on What to Bookmark, Bookmark Naming Scheme, and Scouting Guide
  6. If you are scanning down a hole by yourself, you are not required to mark Null Relic/Data sites if you are going to run them yourself immediately (in that case, do not count them towards your scanning on the loot sheet). If you come into a hole a WHC member has recently scanned down and there are Null Relic Data sites, ask them if they plan to run them before running them yourself (we want them to appropriately prioritize getting the scanning/ Pathfinder right.)

PvE Content

We are a community-oriented campus. If you are doing an activity which might be a group activity, it is encouraged to first invite other WHC members to join.

  1. When planning to run combat sites, depending on number of sites, or high class gas (Instrumental and Vital sites) it is best to ping in the WHC-Pings channel in Discord using the “@everyone” command to include other campus members in the content. Solo-bearing 15 combat sites in Bacon or solo-huffing high class gas sites is frowned upon unless every effort is made to engage others and there is not enough interest for a shared OP.
  2. It is considered to be bad manners to conduct PVE in holes occupied by corps that are Blue to the Ivy League without asking for their permission first.
  3. Bearing Combat Sites
    1. Planning to run combat sites? Make every effort (ask in fleet / comms and ping in Discord) to form a doctrine fleet so that other members, especially lower SP members, can share in the fun and blue loot. Alternatively, find a way for them to be involved and x’ed up in the loot sheet, like salvaging/hauling after you.
    1. Do not run all the good sites in Bacon and then leave the hole unrolled unless someone or some content is down-chain that people are still engaging with. When you have used up all the good content, roll the hole so that there is content for others.
    1. Are you planning to huff Vital or Instrumental gas sites? Go in as a group so that you can maximize the amount that is huffed. Some people will bring boosts or even come online for Vital / Instrumental pings.
    1. Prior to departing for a harvester or huffing fleet ensure that all sigs in Innu, target system, and systems in-between are scanned to avoid unexpected surprises from an unscanned hole. Additionally, it is recommended that picket(s) are left on holes leading to the target system as a first line of defense in spotting incoming ships. As always, keep an eye on D-scan!
    2. Once a shared OP is done (harvester, gas huffing, PvP, etc.) and the loot has been x'ed up on the lootsheet, that loot needs to be dropped into one of the "x'ed up loot dump" containers. This allows the next OP to drop / consolidate loot and x it up which they can't do if the various Loot 1, 2, 3, and 4 containers are full of loot from hours / days ago.

PvP Content

WHC has a large PvP focus (we love our pew-pews) and PvP content, when found, takes precedence over PvE content. While there are various programs in Eve University (such as the FC Team) and WHC documents (such as the welcome document) that cover tactics and doctrines, this etiquette portion will cover etiquette regarding FC commands, use of doctrines, and keeping our space clean.

  1. FC Commands
  2. When a member steps-up and is FC-ing an engagement the commands from that individual for combat related activities should be adhered to. They have the final say on what doctrine is being used, where to go, who to shoot, and all that fun stuff. If you have feedback or constructive criticism of a call the FC makes that is best left for discussion during the post-engagement debrief or commented on the AAR (as applicable). Suggestions during fleet time can be noted in fleet chat for the FC to read and to keep comms clear.

  1. Doctrines exist for a reason. They allow for engagement in specific situations with fits that provide synergy with each other for performance while also keeping skill requirements in mind. As such, when a doctrine is called for in an engagement that doctrine should be adhered to unless expressly given the go-ahead by the FC to bring something else. For example, "FC can I bring my huggin/rapier/curse/pilgrim is likely to be met with a "yes" from inexperienced FCs, whereas "FC would bringing webs / TDs help us in this engagement?" allows a newer FC to consider whether that role is useful without having to be the FC-that-said-no. In essence, don’t just bring a Tengu to a Small Ships fight for funzies.

  1. Combat Comms – While in combat members may become excited or discouraged and offer up many ideas - and it is vital that these ideas be put into fleet chat, where they may be safely used or ignored. If voice communications are saturated with ideas, it causes a variety of problems.
  2. Keep space clean. Leaving wrecks, corpses, and drones in space is a dead giveaway that our system is active and dangerous. Do not give intel away for free like that.

Rules and Feedback

We are aware that Eve University brings together people of many backgrounds and skill levels and we all must work together to make Eve University the best possible. Community Coordinator and Community Directors welcome questions on processes and fits (it’s how we learn!) as well as constructive criticism on rules. Concerns and issues can be raised to campus leadership and will be considered accordingly. Additionally, Community Coordinators and Community Directors will provide instruction or correction regarding campus rules and etiquette which should be adhered to. Excessive arguing or ranting / cursing in comms or Discord is to be avoided as there is always a better way to discuss topics and share your opinion.

Guidelines for Discord pings

PVP Pings -What you are fighting or expecting -What time you are expecting it (not needed for instant PVP) -Where you are fighting (system name, what gate/wormhole, ...) -What you need to come (Logi, DD, ECM, .....)

PVE Pings -Where the PVE will take place -What PVE you want to do (gas huffing, NPC shooting, mining, .....) -What time you want to do this -What you are looking for to log in with the ping

The PVE pings should only be posted once every 30 minutes. If they are happening in like a couple of hours it's 1 ping at your current time and an optional ping on the formup/10 minutes before. No reason to keep pinging every 5 minutes if you are missing a couple of people.

PVP pings should be sent out only once. You can ping again in the following situations: -You where expecting PVP and now you have a ship count of what they are bringing -The fight is getting escalated with more ships and you are looking for backup -The best way to avoid multiple pings is to ask a certain person in fleet or comms to make a ping or to let someone x up for making the ping so not 5 people are pinging at the same time for the same thing.

Guidelines for PvE in WHC

Life in wormholes is all about working together for mutual benefit. WHC needs inclusive and cooperative PvE as an easy source of income for its members. Communicating any PvE opportunity to the community via #whc-pings is recommended.

Site Running WHC has a few site-running doctrines for different opportunities that can be found down the wormhole chains.

   Harvester (C3)
   Harvester is our main PvE doctrine that relies on 2-3 Attack Battlecruisers, Solo Logi and a Swatter ship as the minimum comp. Dual logi is taken for difficult sites/situations. The idea of the doctrine is that its cheap but effective. The doctrine has a bit of a bite in case you're jumped but keep in mind its cheap so you can recover from being ganked. You want to avoid blinging it for this reason.
   RR Drekevacs (C3)
   We have Drekevac fits in Corporation fittings that work for when you need to run a few sites but don't have enough to form a harvester group.
   RR Leshaks (C3)
   We have Leshak fits in Corporation fittings that work for when you need to run a large number of sites but don't have enough to even use RR Drekevacs. These are tasty targets for a hunter in wormholes so if you don't ensure minimum safety, expect to lose them quick.
   Wolf Rayet Doctrine (C3)
   Wolf Rayet effect in a wormhole system gives bonuses to small ship weapons and armor tank. These are ideal conditions for the Kikimora doctrine. Low skill options are available in the Confessor and Imperial Navy Slicer.
   ISKers (C5)
   Being based in a low class wormhole system means we don't often get access to high value sites found in C5 wormholes. When we do, we can take out the ISKers doctrine with Leshaks and Nestors at its core. Because the doctrine is meant for tougher sites there aren't any low skillpoint options. A lot of time may be spent in prep to run sites safely if the system is well connected.

How to Form for C3 When calling for form-up for running C3 sites, call for numbers first. Depending on how many are available you can form up:

   If you don't have minimum for Harvester, take out Dreks/Leshaks or other Kitchen Sink as you see fit
   If you have minimum for Harvester form up that doctrine
   If you have slightly more numbers (7+) then you can run 1 Harvester fleet while a few branch out to run in Dreks/Leshaks or other Kitchen Sink
   If you have a lot more (10+) then just split into 2 Harvester fleets
  • The loot is x-ed up as a single shared op even if multiple groups are created to clear the system.

When/How to Communicate Site Running Opportunity If there are just a few sites, mention on comms, throw a post (no “ping”) in #whc-pings saying you will be running the sites at X time (in Y mins). If a system has enough combat sites to run an extended PvE session (for example 10+ sites in Bacon) a ping should be sent out in #whc-pings. An ideal ping would include the location, how many sites, the doctrine and time of undock (use EVE time). The double asterisk(*) is markdown for bold in Discord by default.


Code: Select all

@everyone **PvE** Forming Harvester for 10 Sites in Bacon

    • Undocking at 1300** (in 5 mins)

Null Data/Relic Sites

   Scout(s) who were involved in scanning the sites and bookmarking them have first dibs.
   If the scout(s) passes on them, its fair game for any member of the fleet (Ask the scout before you run)
   If multiple members are interested, they can come to an agreement on how to share the opportunity
   This does not usually warrant a ping unless you find a Silent Battleground or a wormhole with 10+ sites that you cannot clear safely on your own
   It is may be efficient to take multiple people with you and split loot for Ghost Sites to ensure easy clear of all cans

Gas Sites

   Always ping for Instrumental Core Reservoir or Vital Core Reservoir
   Do not ping for any other type of Gas site. You may communicate in #whc-pings without tagging everyone.
   If you clear a gas site in any system, you can inform the fleet of the opportunity to huff. If you did the hard work of clearing the site, you are entitled to the blue loot that drops.
   Before Gas ops are started loot style should be declared: Bring Your Own Huffer or Shared Can. Any disputes should be brought up with WHC Officers.

Things to Keep in Mind:

   PvE ships are not covered under the Ship Replacement Program
   PvE in wormholes is risky business. Scan all possible wormhole connections to make sure there's no activity nearby before you start. Leaving unscanned sigs is an easy way to lose ships/pods in a PvE fleet.
   Expect to lose your ship to a ganks/poor target calling/latency etc. Avoid unnecessary bling in the ship or in the pod.
   About loss of harvester ships: we've done this so many times before, its most likely not an issue with the doctrine fit but how you flew it. Feel free to share any suggestions though.
   Social PvE is fun because of the people you take along with you. Feel free to chat on comms. Respect the call for Combat Comms.
   All Shared Ops should be x-ed up through the WHC Lootsheet.

About Solo Site Running:

   Hogging PvE sites for solo runs without communicating the opportunity is considered detrimental for the campus.
   There is nothing wrong with solo site running if the opportunity has been communicated properly and no one responded.
   WHC caters to all timezones. 'It was too late to ping' is not an excuse.
   Repeat offenders may find themselves subject to punitive action

Interacting with Blues (Characters/Corporations with +5 Standing to E-UNI/IVY)

   Avoid running sites in systems with a Blue Structure. There may be some wiggle room if the CEO grants you explicit permission to run sites.
   Keep in mind +5 states are based on a Mutual Agreement but the agreements may get forgotten over time. There may be cases where you come across someone who appears blue to IVY but may not necessarily have E-UNI/IVY set blue.
   If a +5 pilot starts running sites in Innuendo:
       Start a private conversation to the pilot
       Inform them that this is E-UNI WHC home system and the sites are reserved as content generators
       Politely ask them not to run the sites
       Explain that we are politely asking as they are set to +5 standings by our Diplomacy team
       Be graceful in your response, do not provoke a reaction. If they ask to complete a site they started, let them
       If the pilot does not comply or responds negatively, copy your chat and share with the Diplomacy team and let them be

Revisions [*] 2022-01-20: Clarified that any running of combat sites in Bacon should be properly announced (Torg Navatin). Cf. ... 7863066624