Archive:Logistic Guide

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  • This page has a workbench section containing bulk information contributed by other members. Feel free to assist in simplifying / edditing appropriate information and transfering it back to here. The focus for this page is currently on readibility and target audience (Eve Uni Students). Technical specifics are secondary at this point.


Logistic cruisers are designed to remotely repair friendly ships. They can be used both in PvE and PvP fleets. They require a fair amount of training and thus are usually out of reach for most young combat pilots. This guide provides general tactics for Logistic pilots.

There are four logistic cruisers two repair shields and two repair armor. The four logistic cruisers are further subdivided into the categories of co-op logistics or solo logistics.

Co-op Logistics

Guardian and Basilisk:
Co-op logistic ships have six high slots, recieve a bonus to cap transfer modules and are best fitted with large remote armor repair or large shield transfer modules. They are not cap stable alone and have to utilize cap transfer modules with another logi ship to be cap stable. They are best utilized in large fleet engagements repairing battle cruisers and battleship sized friendlies.

Solo Logistics

Scimitar and Oneiros:
Solo logistics ship have a more balanced midslot layout, less powergrid, but significantly higher capacitor potential. They receive a bonuses to tracking links, potentially increasing effective DPS on fleet targets. They are best utilized in small skirmish fleets fitted with medium repair modules for use on frigate and cruiser sized ships where the smaller sig radius helps compensate for lower repping power.

T1 Logistics

Osprey and Exequror
While not as usefull as their T2 counterparts, these ships make excellent training vessels for newer pilots. The Osprey is a shield repperExequror is for armor. Both are best utilized with small remote armor repairs or micro shield transfer arrays (respectively) and fielded to compliment cheap T1 frigates and cruisers. These ships also see a lot of service in the emergency repair of Player Owned Structures and stations due to their cheap costs and low skill requirements, enabling a corp or alliance to have every member available to quickly restore a damaged structure.

Why Fly Logistics?

So your curious about flying a logistics ship! Great! Logistic ships can potentially turn the tide of any battle, allow a smaller fleet to decimate a larger one, save player owned structures, and generally gain the respect and instant love of everyone in your fleet. Flying a logistics ship will give you a perspective of fleet combat usually only noticed by a fleet commander (in respect to the health and status of his own fleet). You will also begin to develop a keen ability to multi task, juggling reps between multiple targets, flying your ship to stay alive and keeping track of the status of the battle you're engaged in.

Things to keep in mind about logistics play:

  • Logistics are not for kill mail junkies. If you're a dedicated logistics pilot truly doing their job you can go a month or more without ever getting onto a kill mail, but you and your fleet mates know you're an important part of their success as a team.

  • You need to be prepaired to loose your ship every time you undock. Logistics boats are constantly primaried in every engagement they are spotted in, and are often exploded. If your corporation has a ship replacement program, check to see how often and under what circumstances their reimbursment policy takes effect and stick to it. If not, have your income in order to be able to replace your ships at 150 million isk a pop.

  • Logistics Ships are skill Intensive:

    The training time to get into and properly fly a logistics ship can easily take four to six months for a new player. Many of the skills do not translate well to direct combat, potentially hurting your income potential from missioning / ratting. Logistics skills in no way translate to industry skills. Because of this most pilots don't start cross training into logistics untill they have their heavy assult, battle cruiser, or battleship skills in order for income purposes.

  • Try it out before you decide to train for it:

    There are two T1 cruisers available to test the waters for logistics ships. If you want to give it a go early in your career, or test the waters before putting in for the intensive skill plan, grab one and use them in the mass t1 frigate or cruiser fleets. You won't keep too many ships alive, but you could make a big difference in the usually short life of the fast tacklers.

    Try them out! The T1 rep hero ships are the Osprey and Exequror.

Logistics Quick Start - Go Go Go!

So, you've read all the warning and are still wanting to try it eh? Go and grab one of these two boats:

[Fitting osprey - Cap boosters, non co-op] Template:Fittings

Find a low end fleet, preferably one of the t1 frigate roams as you will have the potential for success there.
Don't worry about your overview settings at this point, just make sure you have your overview setup for PVP and your broadcast window open.

  • Tell your FC in fleet chat that your in a T1 logistics ship. Follow their instructions (if any).
  • Stay with the fleet and fly your ship in formation as you would any other ship. Your not THAT special. (orbit gates, orbit primaries, align, etc.)
  • Add your fleet commander, any other logistics ships, and a few of your friends to your watch list. You can lock them up to apply reps from this window if they take damage.
  • Keep your broadcast window open. Rep anyone who broadcasts "Need Armor" or "Need Shields." In low end fleets logis are few and far between. Any reps will make a difference.
  • Find someone to orbit - Sometimes the best thing to do is to Orbit the primary target like everyone else, just do it at about 13-15km.
  • Use your repair drones! You have to tell them to "attack" your friendly target to get them to rep.
  • Set Combat Drones to assist another pilot. They will follow shooting commands from them and it will be one less thing to worry about.
  • Laugh Really Hard when you get blown up. Its going to happen. ^.^