
From EVE University Wiki
Revision as of 08:59, 2 September 2015 by Telinchei (talk | contribs) (→‎Month-wise activity log: line breaks by bulletpoints)
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Hello there. I'm just a guy, you know?

Kidding. I'm an Intaki Industrialist and part-time combat explorer and PvPer. In short, I do a lot of things related to guns - I make them, I shoot them, and I find upgrades for them in shiny boxes. I have a few years of on-and-off experience with MediaWiki. Please contact User:Lelira_cirim if you want to demand the reason for why I work on this wiki. Mainly speaking, I make clarifications and fix coding or other technical issues where appropriate, but I try not to code new things unless absolutely necessary. I focus on ease of reading, as well as correct emphasis and scope: I hope the pages I edit are clear, concise, comprehensive, and a few other "c"s I forgot.

As of September 2015 I am currently most involved with Incursions and edit those pages, consulting with User:Cassiel seraphim, but I intend to teach scouting classes and other theory in EUTZ, as well as also join NSC (and maybe, WHC -- it depends on cashflow and all) in the near future. This will inevitably increase the volume of my edits, as well as the size of my effect on the pages I edit.

Anyway, now that this page is now not red, my job is done. Feel free to contact me if you have anything you want to say!

2015 links and miscellany

Class tracking: for self and posterity

datetitle more title instructor comment and links if relevant
TBCaaaa TBC name stuff - like, dislike, improve

Month-wise activity log

  • 2015, early June: Joined E-uni (12th). Became Freshman, participated in fleets and scouting. Sophomore by early August.
  • 2015, August: temporarily dropped corp for HQ incursion running. Will be rejoining mid-September under Fast Track and join NSC/WHC. But a Minnie Incursion alt will have to be sorted out at some stage!
  • 2015, September: Will be rejoining with intent of teaching.