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What is tax

In New Eden there are compulsory contributions payable to either NPCs or other players. These are either added on to the cost of goods or transactions, or automatically deducted from players' income. Its impossible to avoid paying taxes all together, but there are some ways players can reduce the amount of tax they pay.

Types of tax

There are various types of taxes. A summary of some of them in below.

Corporation tax

CorporationIcon.png A player corporation can set a corporation tax on its members. This is paid automatically from the member's earning to the corporation's master wallet. Player corporations can choose to set their own tax rate, but for NPC corporations the tax rate is always 11%.

Corporation tax is paid on all bounty and mission reward payouts over 100,000 ISK.

It is not paid on ISK in a member's wallet, sale orders or transactions, or on the time bonus for missions.

For information on setting corporation tax rates, see Forming a Corporation.

Sales tax

Market.png Sales tax is paid on market transactions. It becomes due once an item has been sold, and is paid by the seller. It is automatically deducted from the sale price before the ISK goes into the seller's wallet. It will be recorded in the player's wallet as "Transaction Tax". Sales tax is paid in addition to any brokers fees.

The base sales tax rate is currently 2% (as of the Citadel expansion in May 2016), but this can be reduced to 1% with skill training.

It is important for traders and haulers to bear sales tax in mind, because it will be taken automatically and therefore reduce their profits. If a trader is dealing with low-margin items they will need to take sales tax into account to avoid trading at a loss.

The Accounting skill allows players to reduce the amount of sales tax they pay:

Icon skillbook2.png Accounting

Proficiency at squaring away the odds and ends of business transactions, keeping the check books tight. Each level of skill reduces sales tax by 10%.
Implants.png Attributes: Charisma.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 3x
Isk.png Price: 5M ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: Alpha pilot can not train this skill.
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Trade IV
Icon skillbook2.png IV required for: Icon skillbook2.png [[Skills:Margin Trading]]
Notes.png Notes: At level 5, this skill will reduce the sales tax to 1%

For more information on sales tax, see Trading.

Equipment Tax


Maintenance Tax

In faction warfare:


Tax Rates High-sec Player-Owned Customs Offices have a 10% NPC tax rate, in addition to the tax rate set by the POCO owner, which can vary according to your standings towards the owning corp. Corporations who own Customs Offices can charge as much as they please. The NPC portion of the tax rate can be reduced by the Customs Code Expertise skill. The tax rate shown in the description of a specific high-sec Customs Office is equal to: 10% + % Player Tax - 1% per level of Customs Code Expertise NPC-owned Customs Offices outside of high-sec (if any remain, which is unlikely) charge 17%. That rate cannot be reduced (The skill Customs Code Expertise does not affect this). For Player-Owned Customs Offices outside of high-sec, there is no NPC tax component, so the whole tax rate is exactly what the owning corp sets it at. Again, Customs Code Expertise does not affect these rates. Once you know your cumulative tax rates, the formula for the final cost is: Export fee = Base cost * tax rate (*1.5 if launched via Command Center) Import fee = Base cost * tax rate * 0.5 (From:

(Trade) Customs Code Expertise - Reduces the NPC tax rate of Player Owned Customs Offices (POCOs) in high sec. It does NOT, however, have any effect on tax rates with NPC customs offices neither inside or outside of high sec. (From:



It’s as easy as changing this value in the profile settings (isk for Clone bay and Corporation offices)(% for market tax and Refining tax) other galactic taxes may apply [14] (From:

Alpha Clones

They pay an additional 2% tax on any industry job (e.g. manufacturing or research) (From: