Tips For War

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This page includes tips on how to better survive during wartime in EVE. It is recommended reading for all students.

Tips to Survive

Survival is often a matter of common sense, patience, and remembering to put into practice some tried and true basics.

The following are a number of points that if followed will help you minimize your risks during wartime.

For a more in-depth write up on what to expect during war please read Wartime Operations in EVE University. This page is a very good read, especially for the newer members, and it helps give a broad understanding of the Uni during wartime.

The Main "Rule" of EVE: Don't Fly What You Can't Afford To Lose

Read the title of this. Read it again. Remember it. This means don't fly your entire wealth in a single ship. It will get blown up. Don't fit large amounts of expensive mods on a cheap hull. Always balance isk/benefit.

Smart Pilots take Precautions when Flying...

...PVE Ships

These are ships that are fit for PVE purpose, such as missions and/or incursions. The nature of these activities mean the ships are typically fit in a way that is suboptimal for PVP.

...Mining Ships

This includes the specialized mining ships, such as:


This is any ship which is designed to move large amounts of cargo around[4], such as:

If you need to move items safely during wartime, you should use an 'out-of-corp' Alt Hauler or issue a public courier contract.

Smart Pilots will fit...

...your ship for PvP

This depends greatly on the ship and what you plan to do, but usually means no Mining lasers, cargo expanders or exploration (Codebreaker, Analyser, etc) modules, along with a Buffer tank where appropriate. For relevant fittings, see the forum.[9]

...your guns and launchers efficiently

This means using faction ammo where you can[10]. Remember you don't need to fill your cargo, no matter what the ammo - you need only take one or two reloads on most fleets.

...your ship for its role

This should go without saying, but it means the modules on your ship should not typically cost massively more than the value of the hull. Tackle frigates are fit cheaply and disposably[11], and module cost scales with the cost of the hull[12].

You should always...

...check the Local channel for War-Targets

Check it before you undock, and keep checking it whenever you are in space. Read up on how to identify war targets in local. Hostiles may appear at any moment.[13]

...check liveintel.ILN regularly

You should join the chat channel liveintel.ILN and check it for wartarget reports regularly. You can find instructions for use of the intel channel & map by opening the corporation panel in-game, going to the Alliances tab and checking the bulletins.

...use D-Scan regularly when undocked

Your ship's onboard scanner, or D-Scan, is a valuable tool for you to use. Read up on it on our Directional Scanner Guide.

...set up various bookmarks for where you operate

Create your own bookmarks for safes, undocking and insta-docking, gate observation and tacticals, etc., for systems you operate in and travel through.

...know how to save your pod

Knowing How to save your Pod will give you confidence in operating in space during wartime. It's also an essential PvP skillset.

...understand and know how to take advantage of timers

Knowing how to take advantage of Timers will help you get out of tricky situations and give you the time you need to make the best decision to avoid unnecessary losses.

...avoid Trade Hubs when travelling

You should avoid Trade hubs when travelling[14], and go around them when you can. Remember, you can use Trade skills for station trading remotely without having to be docked in the station.

Dumb pilots who want to die quickly will

...use the Autopilot to fly your ship

Apart from using it to plot a course and highlight gates, it must never be used to actually fly your ship. All manoeuvres[15] must be done manually.[16]

...go AFK in space

Never leave your ship unattended for long periods when in space[17]. Always dock up if you have to leave. If you are a scout or picket and need to take a short break, warp to a safe-spot and cloak up until you get back.

Fleets should... on Mumble with the FC able to talk

Fleets must use the University Mumble server for voice communications, and the Fleet Commander must be able to talk.[18]

...have members that are not impaired

This means in PvP, you should not have additional accounts engaging in other things than the current combat operation. That means, no PvE, Mining, Chatting, Mailing, granting Titles etc. while you are on a combat operation. Using out of corp alts for fleet related tasks is fine.[19]

Activities you can try

During wartime you can...

There are a number of things which you can do during wars apart from hunting War Targets. These are some of them. around EVE

Travelling is defined as moving with no cargo (opposed to hauling) and should be done in a 'Fast Frigate'[20], Shuttle or Starter Frigate[21]. You should avoid hauling cargo on your Uni character, especially into and out of trade hubs, into and out of the campuses, and along common trade routes. It is strongly encouraged that you create an OOC (out-of-corp) Alt Hauler. Many a new player's "fortune" of stuff has found itself destroyed or floating in space to be scooped up and sold by the enemy.

...set-up and spar at the E-UNI POS (currently exists)

If we currently have a POS, it is advisable to do activities such as setting up overviews, practicing scanning and sparring[22] should be done at the POS, as it will engage any hostile targets on grid with you[23].

If we do not currently have a POS, it is advisable to do this activities in a deep safe spot in an out of the way system. fleets in LoSec and NullSec

Just because there are no war targets around doesn't mean there is nobody to fight. Take a fleet out to losec or nullsec, and see what you find[24]. Remember to follow the normal E-UNI Rules of Engagement. Wormhole Operations

You may run combat sites in wormholes during wartime[25]. A cloaked scout (either covert ops or picket) should stay at the exit to known-space[26].

If you are using a salvage Destroyer, Battlecruiser or Noctis ', it is safer if they are kept cloaked at a safe spot until time to salvage and then be guarded while salvaging. Incursions

Incursions are allowed, but any fleets should have a few Ivy League members, and anyone outside of the alliance who is providing remote repair, shield transfer or similar should be made aware immediately when joining the fleet.[27]. Unless the community openly supports having fleet members who are at war and you clear it with each fleet you run with, joining a 'public' Incursion fleet[28] is prohibited in wartime, as it risks our status with the other Incursion communities. Failure to follow this will likely see you Departed[29]. missions, ideally in a small group

As these tend to involve high-value ships, so you should ensure you are some distance away from HQ in either a quiet (or very busy) system. You may run missions solo, but is strongly advised that you mission in a fleet of at least three students. exploration sites, ideally in a small group

You can look to run exploration sites (relic, data, and combat) in the various security sectors of space away from the higher and more probable areas the war targets like to operate in. Exploration ships are extremely vulnerable so if you're caught by a war target expect to lose it. Try and run these sites in at least groups of three. You'd be reshipping for combat sites so in a small group you could have one actual explorer scanning down the sites and the others start the site while the explorer either reships to join in, or carries on with scanning.

...mine, ideally in a group

This is best done with four or more members, with at least one of them in a scout keeping an eye on incoming gates, and/or combat ship as support. Ideally, all mining should be done in an exploration pocket located in a quiet system or wormhole as far away from HQ and known operating areas of any war-targets as possible. Ensure that all fleet members keep a lookout in local for any hostiles, and nobody goes AFK without docking first. Don't forget to use an out of corp hauler to pick up any minerals. Solo mining is strongly discouraged and should only be undertaken if you can manage to mitigate the risks involved and you should definitely avoid popular systems where you would be easy prey and dangers are difficult to spot.

...station trade

Remember that moving cargo (items not for your current ship) is a bad idea while using an E-UNI character, and the Daytrading, Marketing and Procurement skills allow you to trade remotely. 'Shopping trips' (i.e. hauling items you bought) are still a bad idea, and will probably get you killed if you use an industrial.

...use an out of alliance character

You can use an out-of-alliance character or alt for Missions, Mining and Hauling alone. Many missions may be accepted on your E-UNI character but performed with an alt.

...leave E-UNI for a time

If you want to, you may leave the Uni during wartime without any penalties. You will retain access to the vast majority of forum content, channels, classes, the Wiki and even Mumble, and will be fast-tracked through recruitment when returning if re-applying within 30 days of leaving. Please note that the Uni may be under wartime conditions almost constantly.

Possible Guidelines on What to Fly

You may fly anything you want with the exception of supercarriers and titans. These tables are just as a possible example on how to limit your isk/risk to closely match your skill. It is merely a suggestion. It is extremely temping to buy the biggest and shiniest thing you can, thinking it will give you an advantage. In EVE, the skill of the person behind the keyboard can matter a lot more than the skillpoints they have in game and the items they use. Buying your way to success backfires on many pilots and can be disheartening to lose your new ship. It is recommended to fly/die in cheaper ships and build your personal skill up before moving to more expensive ships.


Reading the tables assumes that you understand these terms. If you don't, try here.

A more detailed listing of ships, modules, and rigs is here and here.

Ship Table

Type of Ship No Title Freshman Sophomore Graduate Notes
T1 (Including Capitals) Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png
T2 Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png
T3 Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Tick.png
Faction Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Tick.png Faction ships are produced by the 4 main empire navies.
Pirate Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Pirate ships are those with dual-race skill bonuses, which are those produced by the NPC pirate corporations and Sisters of Eve.
Unique Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png
Supercapitals Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png These can be used with Director authorization

Module Table

Type of Module No Title Freshman Sophomore Graduate
T1 or T2 Modules (Meta 0-5) Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png
Faction Modules (Meta 6-8) Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Tick.png
Deadspace and Officer Modules (Meta 9+) Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png

Rigs Table

Type of Rig No Title Freshman Sophomore Graduate
T1 (Meta 0) Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png
T2 (Meta 5) Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png

References and Notes

For new players, its not immediately obvious why the rules are as they are. Below are answers to some of the more common questions.

  1. ^ This should go without saying, but they have little to no offensive capability if the target is not an asteroid.
  2. ^ While they can fit a half-decent PvE tank, they are simply not suited to any PvP.
  3. ^ Big, slow, expensive and no means of defence? Not a PvP ship!
  4. ^ In short, if there's something worth moving, its worth money to someone, and is better not put in harms way at all.
  5. ^ While they can have a decent buffer tank to avoid some suicide ganks, they are slow and do not survive long in PvP.
  6. ^ These can warp cloaked, are fast and maneuverable, which is nice, but they are expensive and still don't last long, which is not nice.
  7. ^ These tend to have a half-decent tank, and built-in warp stabilisers, but are very slow, expensive and an easy target.
  8. ^ This should go without saying, but while freighters have a decent amount of HP, they huge, slow, can be outrun by a capsule and are incredibly expensive if/when they are lost, even without any cargo.
  9. ^ Hopefully this should be fairly self evident after playing a little EVE, but PvP fits tend to focus on 'buffer' tanks and are significantly different to PvE fits which focus on repairing over time.
  10. ^ The extra damage is usually worth the money, but if you cant afford it, thats ok.
  11. ^ Use Meta 0, 1 or 2 modules where you can as they are very cheap.
  12. ^ The bigger the ship, the less likely it is to die quickly in a fight, therefore it is worth fitting it well.
  13. ^ The Local channel is the best tool any player has as to what is going on, and during war it should be made as tall as possible so you can see as many people as possible without scrolling.
  14. ^ These are prime hunting grounds for most wartargets, and will often have hostiles or their alts present.
  15. ^ This includes setting the next system as a waypoint, and enabling autopilot while in warp, as it leaves a crucial few seconds before jumping.
  16. ^ The Autopilot is dangerous even in peacetime as it drops you around 15km from the gate, meaning that you need to either align and enter warp to escape or burn those 15km to the stargate to jump through. Not to mention that Autopilot promotes being AFK.
  17. ^ Being AFK, for an extended time, even cloaked at a safe-spot or sitting at the POS, simply isn't worth the risk.
  18. ^ The few seconds needed to type out or otherwise pass a command are often the difference between a success and the loss of the whole fleet.
  19. ^ You really don't want to be known as the fleet commander who fell asleep in the middle of a warp.
  20. ^ These are small, fast and can typically get through a camped gate if you encounter any hostiles. On top of this, they are also cheap, and will not typically make a significant ISK dent on the killboard.
  21. ^ Travelling in a Capsule, while possible, is generally a bad idea as they are so fragile. If flying a shuttle at least, you can survive at least one volley.
  22. ^ This does not have to be inside the shield, but for safety reasons you should stay within 50km of the tower where possible.
  23. ^ It will tend to take a few seconds for the POS to lock and kill a wartarget, so you should still be careful
  24. ^ This is a good way to practice, and there is usually someone to shoot and practice with, and you may run into wartargets.
  25. ^ Wormhole combat sites require fits very close to normal PvP, and are a good way to practice fleet command.
  26. ^ This is simply to watch for any one entering the system, to give you advance warning.
  27. ^ Anyone assisting will flag themselves to the hostiles, which will allow them to be killed by them.
  28. ^ This means a fleet run by any open Incursion-running community, such as the "BTL Pub" or "The Ditanian Fleet" channels.
  29. ^ The membership has worked hard to build trust with these groups, so if you risk this, you will be treated as a hostile target.