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Site Details
Type Expedition
Rating Unrated
Found in P1-P3 High, P4 Low
Max ship size Unrestricted
Faction Sansha's Nation
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Sig. strength Escalates from Sansha Hideout

Drop is an Expedition obtained through completion of the Sansha Hideout combat site.

First Location


You land at an acceleration gate.

Killing True Sansha's Minion can trigger a further escalation.

First Pocket

No enemy ships except for named ship Gamat Hakoot and two frigate escorts which immediately warp off.

Group (immediately warps away)

Frigate 3-4 x Frigate Centii Butcher/Manslayer/Enslaver
Commander Frigate 0-1 x Commander Frigate True Sansha's Minion Destroying may trigger escalation may contain True Sansha faction modules or an implant
Destroyer 3-4 x Destroyer Centior Cannibal/Misshape

Frigate 2 x Frigate Centii Ravener/Scavenger
Overseer Frigate 1 x Overseer Frigate Gamat Hakoot

Hint: If their is no faction frigate, just activate the acceleration gate and you might trigger the escalation by the time you land in the second room.

"It seems like the weird sound once in a while coming from your left dashboard is not from the navigation computer after all, at least it seems to have calculated the whereabouts of these Sansha frigates pretty accurately. Not accurately enough though, as they warp out as soon as you enter space. Luckily your instruments manage to come up with a best approximation for their next destination."

Room 2:

On warp in enemy ships warp out.

Second Location

Room 1:

2× Centii Butcher
1× Centii Manslayer
3× Centior Monster
1× Centior Horror
1× True Sansha's Scavenger - faction Sansha's Nation frigate. (May drop faction modules and ammo)(Escalation Trigger)

Killing True Sansha's Scavenger can trigger a further escalation.

"Again you warp in too far and the Sansha ships slip away into space. Luckily they leave a predictable path."

Room 2:

On warp in enemy ships warp out.

Third Location

Room 1:

2× Centior Devourer
2× Centior Abomination 
1× Centii Loyal Plague 
1× Centii Loyal Manslayer
1× Centii Loyal Enslaver 
1× True Sansha's Ravener - faction Sansha's Nation frigate. (May drop faction modules and ammo)(Escalation Trigger)

Killing True Sansha's Ravener can trigger a further escalation.

"While fighting the two ships you managed to catch up with, the third one got away. Your instruments give no clue as to where it was headed, but just before it vanished, you picked up a distress signal from it, containing this location... "

Room 2:

1× Centii Ravener 
1× Centii Scavenger

Fourth Location

Initial Spawn

5× Centior Abomination  
1× Centior Monster
3× Centii Butcher
1× Centii Manslayer

Second Spawn

2× Centii Savage
1× Centii Slavehunter 

Third Spawn

1× Gamat Hakoot - Overseer frigate.(drops Centii C-Type modules)

"Obviously the distress signal made it through to the intended recipients, this was quite a reception. In any case, there are a bit less drug runners in space after this encounter..."