Valuable Cargo

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Sisters of EVE epic arc - The Blood-Stained Stars
Chapter 5 - Shifting Foundations
Previous mission: Hunting the Lieutenants
Next mission: Marked for Death

Type Travel
Objective Report to Keita Eslin
Rewards 200,000 ISK + ~80,000 ISK (bonus)
Mission briefing
Keita says she found something in the evidence you brought over from your tours around State and Federation space. She thinks it might help her people direct the interrogation of Kirus, so we need you to take him back to her. We have a strong overlap of aims here, Capsuleer. You want to find this capsuleer, and we want to hamper smuggling operations in our space. So long as your work takes you down this path, we will be happy to offer our assistance. We will speak again perhaps, once Keita has gleaned some information from Kirus. If we don’t, then let me say that it’s been a pleasure having you as a friend and ally of the Minmatar people. I hope the good work doesn’t stop with the end of your investigation.

Good work and good luck. I hope you find the answers you seek. I'm sure Keita will help.

Report to Keita Eslin, located in 0.5 Hek IV - Krusual Tribe Bureau

Again, another two quick jumps away.