The Curator
Amarr COSMOS agent
"Unearthing the Ancients"
Prerequisites: "Key of the Arcana" (found in 1st stage), Archaeology II, Relic Analyzer
3 archaeology/L4 combat missions in same pocket as agent, can be done immediately if items were farmed before
- loot one Takmahl Centrifugal Primer from Takmahl Digital Mezzotint
- loot one Holy Statue from Takmahl Striking Curiosity
- loot one Ritual Text from can (does not seem to drop from battleships)
The final mission gives 2% Amarr Empire standings (Social V) and a "Key to the Labyrinth". The 2nd stage of the Musem requires you to kill 2 battleships, 10 cruisers and 2 frigates that spawn every few minutes while also hacking the respawning cans distributed over the area. Since there is only a limited chance to find the desired items per can, it might take some time to get them all. A battleship for killing the spawns plus a well tanked fast hacking ship (Stratios, T2 or T3 cruiser) works well. There is a high chance to encounter other players here.