Creating an Alt Hauler
This page will present an overview on how to most efficiently create an alternate character (usually on a second account) for hauling most efficiently. This can be considered a current, text version of the Alt Hauling 101 audio class.
Our goal is to be able to haul the most amount of stuff (measured in m^3) in the least amount of time from a new character's perspective. In doing this task, EVEMon is your friend, and this guide basically shows you some career paths that you can then customize.
The route you take depends on the race of the character, as all characters now (1/1/2010) start with minimal skills but those include racial frigate skills. The best route to take is to create an Amarr character to fly the Amarr Bestower, which can haul over 13,000 m^3 with a minimally trained set of skills!
Creating a Bestower Pilot
Create an Amarr Character
The first step, of course, is to create your new character. Lets begin there. After logging in, you will be presented with the character select window. This has three squares of your character; the most recently played one will be on top in a big portrait window, and the others will be below in smaller squares. These may be blank squares that are barely visible, but they will say "Empty" below.
Raddick Tseng for suggesting this, and giving some interesting statistics.