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Template:Current Citadels are an Upcoming Feature on 27 April of 2016. They are currently active on EVE's test server, Singularity.


Astrahus: 8000m³ - anchorable with a BR for example, corp roles needed
Fortizar: 80.000m³ - anchorable with a cargo-fitted Orca, corp roles needed
Keepstar: 800.000m³ - pretty sure you can only anchor this one with a freighter


- They all take 24 hours to anchor and are invulnerable while doing so. My guess is that this is subject to change. Disclaimer: Anchoring seems to be a bit bugged. Anyone experiencing problems can join "Citadels" on SiSi and ask a CCP dev for help. They apparently set the timer to a few minutes (not confirmed)
- You can move the anchoring position on the x and z axis. To move the position on the Y-axis, move the anchoring ship.
- You can choose orientation of Citadel, i.e. the undock direction. It's easiest to do this using the Tactical Camera.
- They do not appear on directional-scan while anchoring and not on the overview, unless you're on grid.
- Combat probes don't work.
- Minimum distance off anchoring ship is 50 to 60km.
- Minimum distance between two citadels seems to be 1000km.
- Minimum distance from a moon is 500km in any direction.
- Moons and their warp-in seem to be two seperate entities concerning the minimum anchoring distance. [url=]Awesome paint job[/url]
- No placing Citadels between planets and their warp-in. Disclaimer: This seems to be a bug.


- You can see the outside of the station while docked!
- Ship, item, fuel and ammo holds are infinitely large. Fighter hangar is 100.000m³. It's possible to overload the fighter hangar i.e. you can switch between squadrons although the hangar and launch tubes are completely full.
- The tethering ring are the little lights arranged in a circle around the Citadel. A faint blue line and a symbol above the HUD indicate whether you are tethered or not. Screenshots
- Keepstar bugged. If I warp to 0, I land 5000km off. Bookmarking the Keepstar and warping to BM works.
- D-scan possible while tethered possible, not while docked.
- All Citadels now show up on d-scan. On the overview only when on grid.
They do appear in space though. Not warpable at the moment. Screenshot
- Citadels only appear on the overview when on grid.
- You can not deploy probes while tethered.
- Citadels have standard ship safeties.
- Using weapons and other modules seems to work just like on normal ships. Fighter control is the same as for capitals (after the capital changes). Screenshots
- Empty ships in the docking ring are not tethered.
- Tethered ships are d-scan-able.
- At the moment no brackets and overview while in outside-view mode: this could be intended or a bug.
- Targeting and acquiring a weapons timer breaks the tether.
- Being tethered repairs your ship quickly: e.g. Titan at 20% armour in probably less than a minute.
- Boosts are passed while the boosting ship is tethered.
- Ships are bump-able while tethered, possibly unintended.


- Don't warp your Orca to 0 while anchoring. It will get stuck. Capsules and BRs are fine.

Citadels set up so far:


- Tried setting up Astrahus at sun warp-in. Didn't work. Moved it until the Citadel placement model turned blue. Now 0.74AU off the sun. Accidentally landed at a moon.
- Anchored Fortizar 1000km off the first Astrahus.
- Anchored Keepstar 1000km off both.
- Anchored Astrahus at an unaligned safe-spot. Aligned what I think is the undock with sun.
- Anchored Astrahus 500km below moon warp-in. Had to deploy 200km off my ship and not the expected 50-60km.
- Anchored Astrahus at Data Site. Must be 500km off.


Groups and the Structure Browser: both are found in the Business menu of the neocom [1]

You start with a group called "my corp", and you cannot edit this group. To start make a new Group with the button [2] [3]

The group will start with you in the admin role, and you can add more Character/corp/alliances by dragging them from people and places menu or any other place like chat or a linked name [4]

The roles in the group are in order Admin > Manager > Member > Blocked. [5]
A character can be given any of the roles, while Corporation and Alliances can only be given the member and blocked roles.

You can add the "public" to a group but it can only be given the member role. Admins can add remove any of the rolls including other admins, while managers can only add/remove people from the member and blocked roles
Blocked are on the black list even if they are a member of one of the corp with access

Groups can be shared in chat by dragging them. These group are then Use by structure profiles in the Structure Browser [7]

To start creating and editing profiles go to the 'My Structures' tab (requires the Config Starbase corp roll to see the tab) [8]

Click on the New profile Button [9]

Before assigning any structures to this new profile I will add group to each roll on the profile setting tab [10] the difernt rolls groups can get are in order Docking, Defense, Clone Bay, Corporation Office, Market and Reprocessing. [11]

Defense is taking control of a citadel and is the only way to get it to shoot.

You can add a group to a role by Clicking on the + sign. [12]

Click save after adding the groups

To assign a structure a profile Click on the Any Profile Option and drag them to the one you want [13] [14]

changing cost station serves per group

Its as easy as changing this value in the profile settings (isk for Clone bay and Corporation offices)(% for market tax and Refining tax) other galactic taxes may apply [15]


Fitting a Citadel

Fitting a citadel is much like fitting a ship: if you have the roles required to take control of a citadel, you can just open up the fitting window and drop module in just like a ship. [16]

To 'online' the service you must have fuel in the fuel bay which only seems accessible while controlling the citadel. [17] This is the same with the fighter bay (which works like the carrier version, if not more buggy) and the ammo hold (if you want the Missile/bomb launcher to reload automatically the ammo must be place in there [18] [19]

Citadel fits can be saved and shared like ship fits, but currently fitting from a saved fit is bugged [20] [21] Additionally, the service slots seem to currently be bugged on the EFT format - probably new slot troubles.