The Paths That Are Hidden

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Caldari epic arc - Penumbra
Chapter 1 - Proof of Intent
Previous mission: Their Loss, Our Profit
Next mission:Two Steps Into Hell OR Playing It Safer OR An Honorable Betrayal

Type Branch
Objective Choose next mission
Extra Choice here decides possible rewards at end of the arc

This mission has 3 different branch options. The final reward of this Epic Arc is based on your decision here. Choosing either "Two Two Steps Into Hell" or "Playing It Safer" will side you with Nugoeihuvi and you will later be able to chooce either Nugoeihuvi reward or Caldari state reward. "An Honorable Betrayal" on the other hand will side you with Hyasyoda allowing you to choose either Hyasyoda reward or Caldari State reward later.

Even though the Hyasyoda path contains more missions it may be faster than Nugoeihuvi path. The Hyasyoda path contains six "talk to agent"-missions (three of which can be completed without moving at all), one courier mission and one "hack a single container"-mission. Nugoeihuvi path on the other hand contains one "talk to agent"-mission, one courier mission and one combat mission.

Note: Making the selection completes the mission.

Two Steps Into Hell
Deliver S.I. Formula Sheet to the Nugoeihuvi Cargo Facility in KFR-ZE (Syndicate) in Null Security (27 jumps though null route). The final reward will either be from Nugoeihuvi (20x Nugoeihuvi Synth Blue Pill Booster + Caldari State standing) or from Caldari State (ISK + Caldari State standing) depending on your choice later.

Playing It Safer
Deliver S.I. Formula Sheet to the Nugoeihuvi Cargo Facility in Faurulle (Solitude) in Low Security (30 jumps though low route). The final reward will either be from Nugoeihuvi (20x Nugoeihuvi Synth Blue Pill Booster + Caldari State standing) or from Caldari State(ISK + Caldari State standing) depending on your choice later.

An Honorable Betrayal
Report to Arikio Kuretsu in Wuos (Wuos V - Moon 1 - Hyasyoda Corporation Mining Outpost) in High Security. (Make sure to bring S.I Formula Sheet). The final reward will either be from Hyasyoda (1x Hyasyoda Mobile Laboratory + Caldari State standing) or from Caldari State (isk + Caldari State Standing). Even though Hyasyoda path seems much longer it isn't much longer than Nugoeihuvi path as most of the extra missions are very fast "talk to agent" missions. After talking to Arikio Kuretsu you will come back to choose between the other two options.

The branching nature of this chapter.