The Hapless Thief (1 of 2)

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Caldari COSMOS mission
Agent: Kikko Roisen
Agent location: Small mining colony (Autama)
Standings required: none
Parts: (1 of 2), (2 of 2)

Type Courier
Objective Deliver 1x Hidden Data Sheets (1.0 m3)
Faction Guristas
Best damage to deal Kin/Th
Damage to resist Kin/Th
Rewards Important Surveillance Data

Mission briefing
If you're not here to kill me, then do you mind sparing my life? Kill the Guristas guards here if you want, take the loot, just don't kill me.

Well, erm, they told me I'd be safe if I gave them access codes to some corporation hangars at the Echelon Entertainment station here in Autama. Hey wait, you aren't recording this are you? ...

Ok ok, you can have the damn data chip. I was going to sell it to her anyway, but since it's my life I'm bargaining for then just take it! I've had it with trying to escape that wretch, even the Guristas can't save me. Now please leave me alone.

The agent will beg you to not kill them. Give him one hidden data sheet and he will give you Important Surveillance Data needed in Aviekko Ta's mission.

The data sheet can be found in the Kikko's stash next to the agent in final room of Small mining colony.