Caldari COSMOS

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Caldari COSMOS is a collection of PvE content located in Okkelen constellation in The Forge region and in 09-4XW constellation in Tenal region. This includes COSMOS mission agents, COSMOS combat sites and unique rats on belts.

High security Caldari COSMOS

The high security COSMOS is located in Okkelen (The Forge).


Failing the mission or letting it to expire will prevent you from ever doing that mission or any mission that is in the same chain. Do not even talk to the agent unless you are going to run the mission, as soon as you talk to the agent you get a mission offer that expires in seven days.

The COSMOS demand the player to have high enough faction standing to gain the missions. Corp standing can not be used instead of faction standing. Additionally COSMOS missions require higher standing than normal missions. 2.00 for L2, 4.00 for L3 and 6.00 for L4 (normally 1.00 for L2, 3.00 for L3 and 5,00 for L4).

Agent Standing req Faction Location Previous in chain
Aisha Gojivi 4.00 Caldari State Friggi - Bandit Hideout
Akemon Tolan 7.50 Amarr Empire Otomainen - Contested Guristas Outrider Post
Akira Helkelen 4.00 Caldari State Otomainen - Rush Town Ruins
Anou Dechien 2.00 Angel Cartel Vahunomi - Abandoned Astro Farm
Arvo Watanen 4.00 Caldari State Otitoh - Devil's Dig Site
Chichiro Rati 6.00 Caldari State Ihakana - Shady Acres
Christer Fuglesang 4.00 InterBus Autaris VIII - Moon 5 - CONCORD Bureau
Daitsu Ikonen 2.00 Caldari State Sakkikainen - Settler's Waystation
Emma Tharkin 9.20 Caldari State Otitoh - Friggi (gate)
Eteri Tazaki 4.00 Caldari State Otitoh - Devil's Dig Site
Fumiku Viljanen 2.00 Caldari State Otomainen - Foul Creek Ranch
Goru Nikainen 4.00 Caldari State Otomainen - Foul Creek Ranch Ryoke Aura
Hansu Turu none Caldari State Ishisomo - NOH Recruitment Center
Helmi Nakamuta 2.00 Caldari State Friggi - Sentinel Rise
Hitami Magye 4.00 Caldari State Otomainen - Rush Town Ruins Kochi Utrainen and Akira Helkelen
Hotaru Ahti 6.00 Caldari State Otomainen - Red Rock Outpost
Ikimara Hochi 4.00 Caldari State Sakkikainen - Settler's Waystation
Istei Poyri 2.00 Caldari State Airmia - Station Foundation Site
Jali Tanaka 2.00 Caldari State Vahunomi – Cactus Mill Lookout
Kaiko Maina 8.50 Caldari State Otitoh - Friggi (gate)
Kaiya Tuuri 2.00 Caldari State Sakkikainen - Frontier Stockade
Kochi Utrainen 4.00 Caldari State Otomainen - Foul Creek Ranch
Krakan Rost 4.00 Angel Cartel Vahunomi - Abandoned Astro Farm
Kusan Niemenen none Caldari State Airmia - Station Foundation Site
Maro Yama 4.00 Caldari State Friggi - Clear Water Spring
Matani Jitainen none Caldari State Sakkikainen - Frontier Stockade
Midoki Urigamu 4.00 Caldari State Sakkikainen - Settler's Waystation
Mika Etsuya 2.00 Caldari State Vahunomi – Cactus Mill Lookout
Mintu Oshima 4.00 Caldari State Otitoh - The Diamond Ace Den Hitami Magye
Mirmon Gorgoz 2.00 Minmatar Republic Friggi - Clear Water Spring
Oniya Arkimo 2.00 Caldari State Airmia - Grand Crag Watch
Raidon Setala 2.00 Caldari State Sakkikainen - Settler's Waystation
Ratan Saturi 6.00 Caldari State Sakkikainen - Settler's Waystation
Retin Ariato 2.00 Caldari State Ishisomo - Rusty Ridge Mine
Ryoke Aura 4.00 Caldari State Otitoh - The Diamond Ace Den Akira Helkelen
Ryuki Sakkaro none Caldari State Ishisomo - NOH Recruitment Center
Siringwe Opainen 4.00 Guristas Pirates Friggi - Bandit Hideout
Skurk Tekkurs 2.00 Angel Cartel Vahunomi - Abandoned Astro Farm
Sokei Kirku 2.00 Caldari State Airmia - Station Foundation Site
Tamoko Raytio 4.00 Caldari State Otomainen - Red Rock Outpost
Taru Kubona none Caldari State Otitoh - Devil's Dig Site
Tekirye Awazhen 4.00 Caldari State Ishisomo - NOH Recruitment Center
Tida Aikato none Caldari State Vahunomi - Cactus Mill Lookout
Varma Fujimo 6.00 Caldari State Otitoh - Devil's Dig Site
Yka Katori 4.00 Guristas Pirates Friggi - Bandit Hideout
Yochuko Eskaila 6.00 Caldari State Ihakana - Shady Acres
Yoko Pihrava none Caldari State Friggi - Sentinel Rise
Yru Hatamei 4.00 Caldari State Ishisomo - Rusty Ridge Mine
Zabonn Michi 6.00 Caldari State Otomainen - Rush Town Ruins
Zoun Makui 9.90 Caldari State Otitoh - Friggi (gate)

COSMOS sites

The COSMOS constellation contains several static complexes.

Name DED rating Type System ID
Bai Tarziiki Signature Otitoh
Bandit Hideout Beacon Sakkikainen
Contested Caldari Lai Dai Refinery Beacon Airmia
Contested Caldari Mining Facilities Beacon Friggi
Contested Guristas Outrider Post Beacon Otomainen
Contested Kazka Headquarters Beacon Sakkikainen
Devil‘s Dig Site Beacon Otitoh
Gatti Zhara Signature Otomainen
Ihakana VI – State and Region Bank Investment Bank (Zvarin Karsha), (?) Signature Ihakana
Kazka Bandit Post Signature Otomainen
Kazka Blockade Signature Otomainen
Magye Pirates Signature Otomainen
Otitoh VI – Moon 2 Signature Otitoh
Roaving Brigands Signature Otomainen
Rush Town Ruins Beacon Otomainen
Urigamu‘s Warehouse Beacon Otitoh

Shopping list

This is a list of items that can be acquired before starting the mission that requires that item. Many of these can also be found in contracts. Note that this list is incomplete.

Item (Amount) Source Required for Notes
Ancient Weapon (3) Contested Caldari Lai Dai Refinery Ancient Weaponry (3 of 4) (1)
Interested in Work? (1 of 5) (1)
Wiyrkomi Freelancing - Unsuccessful Excavation (4 of 4) (1)
Assistant‘s Keychain Contested Kazka Headquarters The Break In Expert - Keychain (3 of 3) Kazka Brothel, pocket 1 - Kazka Control Tower
Bag of Counterfeit Credits (500) Contested Kazka Headquarters Protecting the Vault - Bad Money (2 of 4)
Bai‘s Corpse Bai Tarziiki Wrongfully Accused - Last Hindrance (4 of 4)
Bandit Spur (105) Various rats Artifact Excavations – Final Blow (4 of 5) (25)
Station In Crisis - Caldari Troublemakers (1 of 3) (60)
The Bank Heist - Good To Go (1 of 5) (20)
Broken Bug Device Contested Kazka Headquarters Bank Security – Bug Error (2 of 3)
Caldari Navy Convoy Disposition File Contested Caldari Mining Facilities Interception - Data Miner (1 of 2)
Caldari Shuttle Market A Mad Scientists Dream – Transportation (3 of 5)
Cheri Mirei‘s DNA Otitoh VI – Moon 3 Community Service – Cheri Mirei (4 of 4)
Construction Tools (60) Urigamu‘s Warehouse Pit Stop Slash Saloon - The Construction Tools (3 of 4)
Drifter Spur (60) Various rats Community Service – Pirates at Large (1 of 4) (30)
Protecting the Vault - Stirring the Nest (1 of 4) (30)
Drill Parts (4) Rush Town Ruins A Mad Scientists Dream – The Drill (4 of 5)
Encoded Lai Dai Reports (6) Contested Caldari Lai Dai Refinery Look, I Need Your Help (1 of 3) (1)
Time For Payback (3 of 3) (5)
Frozen Food (500) Market Artifact Excavations – Food for the Needy (1 of 5)
Garp Soolim‘s ID Tag Contested Caldari Mining Facilities
Gatti‘s DNA Otomainen XIII – Asteroid Belt 1 Hotaru's Dilemma - Trespasser (1 of 4)
Goru‘s Shuttle Otitoh VII- Moon 19 Gambler's Debt - The Stolen Shuttle (1 of 3)
Gunslinger Spur (25) Various rats Station In Crisis - Hooligan Gang Leaders (3 of 3)
Guristas Diamond Tag (30) Improving Relations 9,90 standing
Guristas Gold Tag (30) Improving Relations (Emma Tharkin) 9,20 standing
Guristas Outlaw Dogtag (10) Contested Caldari Lai Dai Refinery Pirates Brought to Justice (4 of 5) (5)
Training Ground Destruction (4 of 4) (5)
Guristas Shuttle Contested Guristas Outrider Post Escape From The Lion's Den - The Getaway (3 of 3) Same location as the agent
Guristas Silver Tag (30) Improving Relations (Kaiko Main) 8,50 standing
Isogen (2674) Lookin' For Work? (1 of 2)
Jakon‘s Head Otitoh VII – Moon 19 Escape From The Lion's Den - Mission Impossible (1 of 3)
Jedon Hekkiren‘s Belongings (10) Contested Guristas Outrider Post Banker's Stash - Stolen Goods (1 of 3)
Jorek Lephny Rush Town Ruins Mercantile Settlers - Jorek Lephny (2 of 5)
Kepheur‘s Keycard Contested Kazka Headquarters Hidden Treasure - Retrieve The Keycard (3 of 4)
Loki‘s DNA Contested Guristas Outrider Post Cattle Thieves - Revenge Is Sweet (3 of 3)
Makele‘s Tag Otitoh VI – Moon 2 Artifact Excavations – Bandits Beware (3 of 5)
Manchura‘s Logs Contested Guristas Outrider Post Lost Love - Manchura The Pirate (1 of 3)
Marauder Spur (5) Various rats The Test of Competence – The Roaming Brigands (2 of 2)
Miner (3) Contested Caldari Lai Dai Refinery Troubles With Outlaws (2 of 5)
Miner II (5) Market Mercantile Settlers - Laser Shortage (4 of 5)
Myrkai‘s Data Chip Contested Guristas Outrider Post Escape From The Lion's Den - Key To Survival (2 of 3) Next to the agent
Nugoeihuvi Dogtag (10) Contested Caldari Lai Dai Refinery Will You Help? (1 of 2) (5)
Nugoeihuvi Transaction Logs Contested Caldari Mining Facilities Nefarious Business – Songbird (2 of 4)
Omber (400) The Lai Dai Research Project - A Little More For My Friends (2 of 3)
Outlaw Spur (40) Various rats Mercantile Settlers - Outlaws (5 of 5)
Oxygen (137) Market or Planetary Industry Nugoeihuvi Freelancer – Workers Need Air… (3 of 4)
Pakkori‘s Hat Contested Caldari Lai Dai Refinery The Bank Heist - Inside Track (5 of 5)
Pansya‘s Head Contested Caldari Mining Facilities The Regiment – Unforgiving (4 of 4) Contested Plagioclase field,
Parts of Printing Machine (5) Contested Caldari Lai Dai Refinery Protecting the Vault - Dry Credit Death (4 of 4)
Pata Wakiro‘s DNA Kazka Blockade Hotaru's Dilemma - Break The Blockade (3 of 4)
Powdered Cubensis (200) Contested Caldari Mining Facilities The Medicine Man – A Pinch of Spice (1 of 3) (100)
Propel Dynamics Dogtag (5) Contested Caldari Lai Dai Refinery Nugoeihuvi Freelancer – Bad News (4 of 4)
Prototype Cloaking Device Market Wrongfully Accused - The Cloaking Device (3 of 4)
Quao Kale Contested Kazka Headquarters The Caldari Migrants - Quao (4 of 5)
Ratei‘s Insignia Rush Town Ruins A Mad Scientists Dream – Last Hindrance (5 of 5)
Raytio Family Supplies (30) Otomainen VIII – Asteroid Belt 1 Wagon Christ - Lost Supplies (2 of 3)
Ryoke Laika Contested Guristas Outrider Post Foul Play - Finding Ryoke (3 of 3) Pocket 1 - Contested Veldspar Field
Scanner Data II Belt rats The Caldari Migrants - Reconnaissance Point 2 (2 of 5)
Scanner Data III Belt rats The Caldari Migrants – Reconnaissance Point 3 (3 of 5)
Secret Garage Coordinates Belt rats Designated Driver - The Garage (1 of 4)
Shady Acres Deed Contested Caldari Mining Facilities The Regiment – Stolen Deed (1 of 4) Contested Plagioclase Field, Black Mask bandits
Sheriff Togany Otitoh VII – Moon 5 Wrongfully Accused - Who Shot the Sheriff (2 of 4)
Spare Parts (4) Contested Caldari Lai Dai Refinery Edge of Reason
Talocan Sketch Book (4) Contested Kazka Headquarters Deadly Diploma
User Manual (4) Contested Caldari Lai Dai Refinery
Veldspar (1,000) The Lai Dai Research Project - Ore Shipment (1 of 3) 3 jump hgh-sec transport mission (free Veldspar) or bring your own.
Wiyrkomi Rifles (3) Contested Caldari Lai Dai Refinery Wiyrkomi Freelancing – Missing Weapon Stash (1 of 4)
Zvarin Karsha Zvarin Karsha Foul Play - Ryoke's Friend (2 of 3)

Null security Caldari COSMOS

The Caldari COSMOS has additional agents located in null security space in 09-4XW constellation in Tenal region.


Agent Standing req Faction Location
Erakki Kihuo 6.00 Caldari State ZH3-BS - Pioneer's Sanctuary
Heiraitah Siakkano none Caldari State ZXA-V6
Kakala Ikkawa 6.00 Caldari State ZH3-BS - Pioneer's Sanctuary
Kara Morato none Caldari State 1QH-0K
Lauka Ikunol 6.00 Caldari State ZH3-BS - Pioneer's Sanctuary
Nuomo Kaavunin 6.00 Caldari State ZH3-BS - Pioneer's Sanctuary
Oduma Pakane 6.00 Caldari State ZH3-BS - Pioneer's Sanctuary
Tehjus Otsini none Caldari State I1-BE8

COSMOS sites

Name DED rating Type System ID
Pioneer's Sanctuary ZH3-BS

See also

  • EVE Special Agent Toolkit. This spreadsheet lists almost all special agents including COSMOS agents. Also gives short info on what kind of mission they give: EVE Forums (archive)
  • Caldari COSMOS (pdf) by Jowen Datloran