Upwell structures

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Citadels are upwell structures meant to be used as operation bases. They receive bonuses to combat rig effectiveness, market service fuel usage and cloning bay fuel usage.

The three citadels are Astrahus (medium), Fortizar (large) and Keepstar (extra large). They have exactly same structure bonuses so the difference is only how much things they can have fitted, how long vulnurabilities they have and how much of a status symbol they are.

There is also special Upwell Palatine Keepstar extra-large citadel. This citadel has ridiculously high material requirements and only one can be deployed at any given time. So far nobody has built one.

Astrahus (medium)
Fortizar (large)
Keepstar (extra-large)
Structure Combat rig effectiveness Citadel service module fuel usage Extra Vlnurability hours
Astrahus 25%% 25% Only sub cap can dock 3
Astrahus 25%% 25% Capital ships can dock. 6
Astrahus 25%% 25% Supercapital ships can dock.
Can use doomsday weapons.


Refineries are structures of choice for refining materials, reactions and moon mining. These are the only structures that can do reactions or moon mining and also receive innate bonuses to refining yelds and both reprocessing and refining service module fuel consumtion.

The two refineries are Athanor (medium) and Tatara (large). The athanor docking is limited to only subcapitals while Tatara also allows rorquals to dock.

Structure Refinery yeld Refining/reaction service fuel usage Reaction job duration Extra Vlnurability hours
Athanor 2% 20% 20
Tatara 4% 25% 25% 20?

Moon mining

Main article: Moon Mining

Moon mining can take place only at refineries anchored within 250 km of a mining beacon and fitted with a Standup Moon Drill I service module, which appears on the outside of the structure as a giant laser turret aimed at the mood. A single cycle takes 1 to 8 weeks depending on setup. The steps are as follows:

  1. Anchor the structure within 250 km of moon mining beacon. The beacon can be warped to from the right click menu in space. Only one refinery can be placed within range of the beacon.
  2. Set the length of the desired mining cycle. The amount of ore brought up with each cycle is directly proportional to the cycle time, so choose whatever works best for your schedule
  3. Fire the laser at the moon. This will break off a chunk of the moon and allow it to be pulled away from the surface.
  4. The mining turret's tractor beam will gradually pull the chunk away from the surface. It will continue to move into position until the time you specified in step 1.
  5. Fire the laser again, this time at the moon chunk. It will explode into a lot of little chunks, or asteroids.
  6. Send forth your minions miners to mine the asteroid belt. Have them bring it back to the refinery to turn it into precious moon goo.
  7. While your miners are busy killing rocks, you can get started setting up the next cycle.

Savvy players may note that this results in much more risky gameplay than previous moon mining mechanics. The predictable timing of mining cycles combined with the high value of moon ores makes moon mining belts a prime target for pirates. Refinery operators should prepare a response against any attacks, as well as dealing with ninja miners attempting to steal moon ore.

Engineering complexes

Engineering complexes are the structures of choice for research and manufacturing. Research and manufacturing services installed in engineering complexes consume less fuel. In addition the engineering complexes have innate bonuses to manufacturing material usage, manufacturing and science job duartions and manufacturing and science job installation fees.

The three engineering complexes are Raitaru (medium), Azbel (large) and Sotiyo (extra-large). All three limit their docking to battleships and below so once a built capital ship comes out it can not go back in.

Raitaru (medium)
Azbel (large)
Sotiyo (extra-large)
Structure Material requirement Job duration Job fefe Engineering service fuel usage Extra Vlnurability hours
Raitaru 1% 15% 3% 25% 9
Azbel 1% 20% 4% 25% Can build capitals 18
Raitaru 1% 30% 5% 25% Can build supercapitals. 36



Structure warfare