Reason: Review for changes needed due to December 2021, Version 19.11 changes.
"Industrial Reconfiguration" pre-requisite, has already been modified to "Capital Industrial Reconfiguration" Attributes updated. Summary needs to be looked at.
What you started with a single rock can end with an empire of our own.
The Rorqual is notably capable of using a capital industrial core to substantially increase its industrial capabilities, while empowering its defenses during deployment in a static configuration. A key element of the industrial capacity unlocked by activating an industrial core is the ability to use compressor modules, with the Rorqual able to use the powerful and logistically impressive capital compressors. Additionally, the Rorqual is able to fit a capital tractor beam unit, capable of pulling in cargo containers from far greater distances and at far greater speeds than smaller beams can. It also possesses a sizeable drone bay, jump drive capability and the capacity to fit a clone vat bay. This combination of elements makes the Rorqual the ideal nexus to build deep space mining operations around. Due to its specialization towards industrial operations, its ship maintenance bay is able to accommodate only industrial ships, mining barges and their tech 2 variants. SHIP BONUSES
Capital Industrial Ships bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
Before the Citadel Expansion the Rorqual was mostly a toy for Mining Forman Links Bursts and ore compression in the field. Nowadays (As of April 2018) it's a serious weapon for the industrial backbone of major nullsec alliances and also sees use as a PvP ship as well, using its high drone damage and capital tank to good effect.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Rorqual for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.
Avoid using the Rorqual for mining command bursts - command bursts give the pilot a weapons timer, which inhibits his ability to refit off his Mobile Depot.
Rorquals are a group of whales of the family Balaenopteridae though the name is commonly used for fin whale or Balaenoptera physalus species.
• Rorquals cannot enter High Security Space.