Gold Magnate
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Masks of gold and silver to protect people from being struck dead by their angelic beauty.
The news that four more Gold Magnates were being produced for the new Amarr Succession Championship taking place in YC117 and YC118 has recently brought this storied ship back into the spotlight, and has electrified the hopes and dreams of wealthy collectors and elite capsuleers across the cluster. SHIP BONUSES
Amarr Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
The Gold Magnate is a special edition frigate, given out as the first place prize for the Amarr Championship, held in late 2003 (YC105) and early 2016 (YC118). Between these two tournaments, only five Gold Magnates have been distributed, and as of January 2020, just two are known to still exist. The Gold Magnate's base armor, velocity, and capacitor far exceed that of any other frigate in the game, and a damage bonus effectively giving it the damage of 6.75 turrets means that when fit it can easily belt over 300 DPS. With a resist and energy turret optimal range bonus on top, the Gold Magnate has phenomenal strength to match its rarity.
The first Gold Magnate was rewarded in November 2003 to the winner of the first Amarr Championship, Ecliptical, who fought for House Kor-Azor.[1] In April 2004, Tyrrax Thorrk took the ship into combat in a recorded skirmish that also involved two Silver Magnates.[2] Eventually, the ship was destroyed by the infamous mOo pirates.
With the only Gold Magnate long gone, in 2013 CCP attempted to distribute two additional Gold Magnates, in addition to three Guardian-Vexors, through the third party lottery service SOMER Blink. Following community backlash, including posts from Tyrrax Thorrk and well-known and trusted community member Chribba,[3] CCP removed those awards, and in their place would either provide a free trip to the next Fanfest, or "a unique variant of the new cruiser with enhanced stats and a different skin".[4] Said unique variant would become the Stratios Emergency Responder.
The Gold Magnate was reintroduced to the game with the completion of the Amarr Championship in 2016.[5] Four Gold Magnates were awarded to the winning Tash-Murkon team, composed of captain Kelon Darklight, Wasa QC, Lucian IV, and Maxine Antilles.[6] As of 24 January 2020, only two Gold Magnates are known to remain. Maxine Antilles, who was willing to sell his Gold Magnate and had rejected an offer of 1.5 trillion ISK in April 2016,[7] later destroyed it in June 2017 as a sendoff to quitting EVE, writing that "It's only pixel after all, nothing real".[8][9] Another Gold Magnate from the same alliance that Wasa QC (and none of the other original holders) was in at the time was lost to a trap by well known Blops and AT ship hunter Fredrick Vonhole in March 2019[10]. On 23 January 2020, Kelon Darklight offered his Gold Magnate up for auction for 1 trillion ISK, and stated that proceeds would go to the contemporaneous PLEX for GOOD campaign benefiting the fight against Australian bushfires.[11] Famous Science Youtuber and EVE player Scott Manley then bid 1 million PLEX. [12]
You can write additional notes for Gold Magnate here.
Patch History
[show]A long, long time ago... |
- ^ Amarr Championship Awards set to take place at Amarr Prime - Attendees Must Patch Clients.
- ^ Minor Skirmish on the Khanid Border
- ^ Tarnishing the Legacy: Does EVE Online's History Matter to CCP Games? - GameSkinny
- ^ A review of player giveaways with CCP and third party sites - EVE Online Forums
- ^ Announcing the Amarr Championships
- ^ Catiz Tash-Murkon to be Crowned Empress of Amarr as Champion Kelon Darklight and team Triumph in Final Trials
- ^
- ^ Maxine_Antillares comments on Gold Magnate smartbombed - /r/Eve
- ^
- ^ WTS Gold Magnate - Marketplace/Auctions - EVE Online Forums
- ^ Tweet: Scott Manly