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Makes even their best attempt laughable.
Minmatar Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
The Hyena is the Minmatar Electronic Attack Frigate, a Tech 2 variant of the Vigil. It retains the Vigil's target painting bonuses, with a slight boost to the effectiveness bonus. It also gets a large bonus to the range of stasis webifiers, and a reduction in the size of its signature radius, making it harder to hit with turrets and harder to hurt with missiles.
The Hyena is used in various PvP contexts, and is valued for its ability to help to pin targets down, to "screen" for a gang by slowing down incoming tackle, and to hold targets up at gatecamps.
The Hyena deserves solid fitting skills and support skills. Propulsion Jamming level IV is required for Tech 2 webs, which are the minimum meta level of webs that the ship should fit. Good shield skills will help mount a basic shield buffer which can take advantage of the ship's attractively balanced Tech 2 shield damage resistance profile. Electronic Attack Ships should be trained to level IV before undocking the ship, and the per-level web range bonus attached to it is so substantial that any habitual Hyena pilot should consider training it to V.
With only 4 mid slots and (usually) a need for propulsion and a basic shield tank, fitting the Hyena forces tough choices between webs or target painting. As a target painting platform, the Hyena has a minor advantage over the Vigil due to its slightly higher painter bonus, but the difference is small, and the Hyena is considerably more expensive. The ship is more commonly flown for its webs. Weapons are nice to have and might be able to mount a token resistance to drones, but they are not central to the ship's purpose.
With reasonable character skills, Tech 2 webs on a Hyena overheat to 33 km. Faction webs can considerably extend this range. Two webs can pin a target to more or less its base hull speed even with the target's MWD running, leaving the target with a MWD-bloomed signature and slow speed; this can make it very easy for allies to apply DPS. In a gatecamp, the Hyena can slow down targets which are trying to burn out of a bubble or back to the gate. Local or remote sensor boosting can be helpful in this context.
As in its bigger siblings the Huginn and Rapier, in the Hyena it's important for pilots to remember that webs on their own do not stop a target warping away—indeed, by causing faster align times, they speed up the target's escape. Coordination with tackling ships able to apply points or scrams is necessary; a Hyena working with a Keres or Garmur can be a very powerful combination of small long-ranged tackle.
The Hyena's powerful range control might, at first sight, raise the possibility of solo PvP applications, but the ship's DPS potential is anaemic. The Vigil Fleet Issue is a better choice for this purpose.
You can write additional notes for Hyena here.
Patch History
A long, long time ago... |
Rubicon 1.0 Released on Tuesday, November 19th 2013