Waste neither energy nor effort on unworthy labor.
Amarr Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
The Dragoon is an Amarr destroyer with bonuses towards drones and energy neutralizer range. Like its cousins, the Sentinel and Curse, the Dragoon is designed to cap out the enemy, rendering them helpless while its drones do the hard work of dealing damage.
Although drones offer fully-selectable damage, the Dragoon is not typically used for PvE combat, because its hull bonus to energy neutralizers is useless against NPCs. However, the Dragoon's 5 high slots, makes it a good potential PVE ship with salvage capability while keeping its full complement of launchers or turrets.
The Dragoon can field a full flight of drones, which makes Drones V an immediately desirable skill for piloting it; Amarr pilots will want to have Drones trained to V as they move up to cruiser hulls in any case, so it's worth getting this core skill out of the way. Drone support skills make a big difference to the Dragoon's potential DPS, and for serious PvP work T2 light drones are strongly desirable.
Like other Amarr ships, the Dragoon lives by its capacitor, and capacitor skills—notably Capacitor Management and Capacitor Systems Operation—really help it, as does the skill which reduces the capacitor burden of energy neutralizers, Capacitor Emission Systems. It's good to have these trained to at least IV.
Range-bonused energy neutralizers from the Dragoon can present a serious threat to frigates. Note that the amount of energy drained is not bonused, and that the Dragoon's capacitor must sustain the burden of running energy neutralizers. Several things can help with this. One is remembering that once a capacitor is drained past its point of peak recharge (c. 25% to 33% capacitor left), its recharge rate collapses, and so a single neut can keep a target at nearly zero capacitor once several neuts have "broken" its capacitor recharge.
Another is using nosferatu modules to recharge energy from any larger enemy ships nearby. Since a nosferatu transfers capacitor to your capacitor if you have less raw capacitor than your target, not if your percentage of capacitor is lower, the Dragoon can run its own capacitor off the energy of an opposing cruiser or battleship for some time. A third help can be giving up one of the Dragoon's sparse mid slots for a capacitor booster. Advanced pilots can also consider the Mindflood combat drug: none of this drug's potential side-effects inconvenience the Dragoon. If its own capacitor can be sustained, the Dragoon can "cap out" other destroyers and cruisers.
With T2 drones and decent support skills, the Dragoon's drones can make short work of most frigates too slow to outrun them, and can add DPS to a gang's efforts against larger targets.
In PVE, the Dragoon's relatively low tank limits its ability to take on particularly large targets or large combat sites, but a capsuleer can with relative ease take on level 3 combat sites by taking advantage of the drones and extending their control range letting you kite out of range of missile batteries and other defence platforms. The extra 2 high slots lets you use these for quicker salvage instead of capacitor warfare.
The word dragoon was initially used to refer to some early firearms, by analogy to fire-breathing dragons. Through transference from weapon to user (a kind of metonymy), it became associated with mounted infantry who used horses for mobility but dismounted to fire, and then later came to be used to mean some types of cavalry soldier.
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